Author Topic: Infants Welcome  (Read 71046 times)

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Re: Infants Welcome
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2017, 05:15:59 AM »
i do realize that babyshark actually does think that the very concept of islam is dangerous and feels that being silenced on that issue is pc censorship.  i believe if she wants to have those discussions, we offer a place for that type of argument: the flame forum, where claw has had many long debates justifying racism.  i believe a safe, moderated space for babyshark to post about other topics is a good thing, but i dont believe islamophobic arguments belong there.

If someone really does believe one group of people is inferior based soely on their race, gender, religion, disability, age/etc that isn't acceptable in modern society. This is an internet forum at the end of the day where everyone is basically anonymous  so I guess it's not that big a deal.
However I really don't think someone should be made a mod on the forums if they openly declare their intolerance of a group and constantly attack said group.
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Re: Infants Welcome
« Reply #31 on: November 29, 2017, 09:35:50 AM »
If someone really does believe one group of people is inferior based soely on their race, gender, religion, disability, age/etc that isn't acceptable in modern society. This is an internet forum at the end of the day where everyone is basically anonymous  so I guess it's not that big a deal.
However I really don't think someone should be made a mod on the forums if they openly declare their intolerance of a group and constantly attack said group.

I do not believe any group is inferior base. Neither does Jesus. The message of the love of Jesus is for ALL people, men, women, young, old, blind, seeing, crippled, lame, homeless, Jews, Muslims, Hindus...Jesus loves all people.

You, on the other hand, have repeatedly dehumanized me based on my being a female, thinking it is somehow appropriate to attack my female body parts (illegal sexual harassment and discrimination) because you don't agree with my views, as seen here:

Babyshark has lived her entire life as a flat chested women. I'm sure realizing she will never be as beautiful as the other women of the world has made her turn extremest in her religion and ideology.

Stop being a hypocrite and pretending that you don't see women as objects and below you, when you talk about them as less than human, as though a woman's purpose in the universe is solely to provide sexual gratification to you.

In the same post, you also belittle and insult my religion, so don't pretend that you don't discriminate against my religion, either. For some reason, anti-Christian hate and criticism is allowed, and you want your religion to have magical and special protection from even being openly and respectfully discussed, ie. by ex-Muslims who have experiences to share and by reading the actual Quran.

Here you manage to be both sexist and racist in one post:

I know claw is racist cause he has never touched a black women before and probably never will.
He would rather stick with white women whom may I add all wear padded bras that make it look like they have a rack. But once the bra come off their flat as a pancake.

So don't stand on a pedestal and pretend you stand against racism or sexism or religious discrimination when your speech shows otherwise.

You want to abolish freedom of speech.

I do not.

I have never tried to silence other viewpoints, only abusive and slanderous speech that is not constructive or useful to anyone.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 11:06:31 AM by BabyShark »

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Re: Infants Welcome
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2017, 01:38:43 PM »
Ripe appears to be completely unhinged and the fact he has a child is disturbing.
Being from Finland he probably hardly ever comes in contact with Muslims or black people yet he acts like they're a detriment to whatever his idea of "Western way of life" is. It shows how strong xenophobia together with vicious propaganda in the media can create an unthinking racist baboon. It creates already unhinged people to go and stab politicians simply because they hold favourable policies towards immigrants.
Reactionaries like Ripe are a toxic byproduct of a capitalist society which feasts off racism.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 01:56:48 PM by marx was right »

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Re: Infants Welcome
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2018, 10:51:29 AM »
Wow didnt even knew the existence of this part of the forum...

I would like to stand in defense of Ripe.
Not to what Ripe said or what Ripe feels about immigrants. But to the reason why Ripe feels like that!

Most European (especially North) countries are pretty isolated. The term foreigner is a scary term!
Immigration to them seems inappropriate and scary.

In the USA you have lived in harmony with many different races, nationalities and that makes you tolerant.
But when something strange for your society appears aren't you reacting exactly like Ripe?

Example: ISIS (well you will tell me it is not the same, they kill people, they use slavery etc... and yes you are right but it is exactly the same)

Immigrants in Finland is like ISIS in the USA.

Ripe is just afraid of what he doesn't know. It is normal... We should not ban him. We should teach him that immigrants are people like me, you and him...

At least that is what I personally believe.