Yes. Lol at the voting options
. And yes, post the analysis to expose all the hacking hackers using hacks to hack!
Hehe yeah I think I'm funny too

Expose all the hackers? OMG At this stage you can barely even call them "hackers".... these days they're just "Players" (see I'm freakin hillarious). I don't have a suspicious mind, I have an analytical mind.
Perhaps this is a good moment to point out....
I have made a build macro. For one map only. I made my mad bot. It plays chop mad. Then I made a name "BotTest" and asked people to challenge it. I left and let people have wins when they didn't just suddenly quit.
I got it to have every peon standing exactly where it has to be before its needed and do everything perfectly. I mean it didn't "hack" the rules - just played perfectly to build. It could build 9 roosters simultaneously then make 1 peon repair each roost before you could blink. It could automatically rack drags the instant the last drag was built. So what happened??
The 'good' players still beat it

Man some people are so 'good' lol. So I made my V1.01 bot. Actually there was this one Player who was really helpful with that, can't remember his name, think it started with a 'K' or something... that guy was really 'good' at chop mad. My bot could out-rush him by IDK maybe 7 or 8 seconds but with travel time it wasn't enough and he would have more gold and win with more drags.
So the next bot 2-halled and created peons (at mad speed) and sent them mining from game start while orchestrating another 20 or so to chop/build/repair/upgrade/destroy at the same time. It slowed the rush by about 7 seconds but meant that it had the extra gold and suddenly the bot had reached 'good' level.... and by that I mean
absolutely no freakin way and then some 'good' level.
This is all just sublime, and after the fact, because that was about 5 or 6 years after I first proved to myself that all the top players were using build macros... at least on customs like bgh etc. and things are much more sophistocated these days. Need I go on? I have SSs and even warvid of some pretty advanced hacks, everybody knows, so what? I pretend I don't notice that some things build faster than others (and by notice I mean KNOW).
I still go ahead playing chop and building/chopping 100% by hand because its how I like to relax.>> That's until Grand Master Micropenis Script-Kiddie decides to be an arrogant douche and suggest I would use something as downright
NOOBISH as a "double-click". That's just fucking insulting, and he knows it. For the record: never used it - never even downloaded it. So OK ass-face, you want to hack accuse? Let's get real about this:
I can totally dissect every single stat of every building from the moment it's placed, and every unit from the moment it is created. I can watch the internal state of every peon as it leaves a mine, returns to a hall, transitions to inside the hall and drops its gold then leaves the hall and heads back to the mine. I can watch the targets of every grunt change from one unit to the next. I can see the planned pathing of every unit 20 steps ahead of where It decides what to do (yes it is 20 steps). I can track the training progress of every unit in real time as it is being trained ...... and I can dump all of this to a file 10 times a second .... IDK probably 50 times a second, but what's the point?
Why? So that big mouth Grand Master Hakkity Haxzor can double talk and change the subject? Who is really going to analyze all those stats? Who actually can? Probably the only person who would pay attention to this kind of information is Grand Master Scrotum-Hack himself who would use the info to improve his lame-ass little hacks. Most people will just see pages of shit talk on a forum and shrug their shoulders (oh and ofc tupac would read every nerdy number too

). Should I spend hours analyzing and detecting one type of hack? Why? So some people make up new smurf names for a while and develop other hacks? So I can waste my life writing another program so the non-nerds can see the next hack? What if people are actually embarassed enough to quit? Then what?
I don't want to expose anyone. The game is nearly dead as it is. If it wasn't for this bunch of hacking assholes there wouldn't be anyone left to play with. Half of you are my friends, the other half are complete tossers but at least you play WC2. If I don't know all your AKAs it's because you mean that little to me that I've never bothered looking them up.
This thread is not about accusing or exposing anyone. OMG szwag hacks! pfff anybody who doesn't already know that hasn't bothered reading this far. Yes he pissed me off. As "Grand Master" hacker he should have better manners and not act like trailer-trash, but the thing that really started this thread happened about a week earlier. It was this:
There was a new player playing gow. Not a total noob, he understood the game. I think he was an old player who had come back to check out the server. He starts complaining that the guy rushing him is hacking. I tell him to STFU because he's just a noob and doesn't understand how good players build... the usual.... but his reply surprised me. It wasn't just crying he simply said that it was impossible to have that many grunts (think it was 8?) that early in the game. I still told him to shut up... but actually I noticed it did seem strange, so I checked it out and sure enough, his opponent was just flooding him with impossible grunts. Why? Because the guy was a nobody so his opponent thought it was ok to not "click twice like a gentleman". The point is the new guy played another couple of games and I never saw him again. Could have been another player who came back to the fold, but instead he was just yet another person who checked it out then said, "what a bunch of hackers" and went and played something else. He won't be back, and so our game dies. We are killing it.
Actually in off-the-record candid conversations with people, there seems to be a bit of support for the notion that
hacking shouldn't be allowed in tournaments. I think the opposite: all you 'good' people go hack the crap out of each other in the tourneys. LEAVE THE NOOBS ALONE. Have some common sense and work it out you bunch of dopamine junkies. You are killing your own supply.
But it seems like most people just want to keep using the hacks. Actually I'm kind of relieved. I don't really need a heap of extra work to do, but if this community could actually come together and decide they wanted to fix the game I would fix the security.