1. You telling me I can't spawn multiple servers. Rofl idiot google virtualization.
2. Yes believe it or not that's considered a tripwire as well. A simple script watches for permissions changes in db or flat file. So stfu again newb.
Pls do go spawn servers

)))) Yea, flat file

Picka is the cyber criminal you all sent after me when I was a child to DDOS. So since you allow picka to hide here, support him, etc.
Haha, Noone "sent me" after you. I never cared about you. Probably lack of my attention is itching your panties, but i did not ddos you then, nor did i ever care about you. You were, and you are, just a harmless lonely basement dweller that likes to google things. You'll again start humming and puffing now, tiring that small brain of yours trying to shield yourself from the truth, but that's the truth. Whether you believe it or not, i do not care.
It is interesting how you think someone is "shielding" me. Like i need any shield from anyone, let alone .ru. How exactly did you explain it to yourself im being shielded? I can let you know everything they know.