We all know how full of holes such an old game is, hell there are hacks for starcraft 2 and pretty much all modern games out there.
Of course a game like war2 is not safe from hacks and wont ever be. Especially since so much of the game happens on the client side...
Think about it for a second even games like League of legends that are almost entirely server side have been hacked and still require a reporting system for dealing with cheating...
One just have to be very very stupid to waste time making/using them on an old game like war2, or even use them to play mind games with other players...
How mentally ill would you have to be to do something like that, what do you think hmm?

We can always try to minimize or make it harder but lets be real here, there will always be a way and it will always be easier to find than to stop...
Let's put it that way: it would be more reasonable to sell you the moon than telling you we have a perfect solution to stop hacking in war2.
It would be like telling you there is a remedy for stupidity...
Anyone selling you these lies is playing you... That is the truth...
I hope you will see through it and understand at least one party here is respecting you enough with the truth not to sneak under different names in your games to play mind games with you...
On the other hand here is how to deal with hacking in general on war2:
We know most if not all of the players that play on the server at a decent level we are a pretty small community after all. During one night of gaming you will run into probably a hand full of that playerbase at most.
In short: Play with the guys you like and trust avoid the people you do not like and do not trust.

When you play a game with someone you can record the match and have a look for yourself afterward.
Now rest assured, there are not that many mentally ill dumb asses in our community and the stakes are not that high in normal games that players would want to cheat.
So try and not be too paranoid, not everyone is a hacker most of the times people either get lucky or just have better map awareness and instincts than you, at least that is what I am telling myself most of the time. Though of course it never hurts to have a look at the replay from your opponent perspective after the game in some edgy cases right

Anyways long story short don't let it get to you, its not really going away so lets try a learn how to cope with it

As for smurfing I know a way I could reveal the main aka of players in your lobby and show if players are using vpns/proxies through the lobby manager app. But I did not do it because it kinda removes anonyma to some extent and smurfing is a part of war2 folklore...
Though honestly I myself would not be too sad to see it go to some extent, It just is not my decision to make unless it is a clear unanimous consent. This is a difficult edgy topic