ffs. made a post and deleted it accidently.
defend their title against the #2
rules? BO? / KOTH? / demotion to #? / ... so much unsaid
qualifying games
working the same way as any games is counted for today? so bad watcher can spoil it?
Also wondering why always spam this section when there is a more appropriate one. Maybe it would be worth starting to use it for its intended purpose?
me and i think most of the others check out only this Server.War2.ru section. no1 uses rly other sections. me myself maybe post 1 post a year in the replay or tourney section. 99.89% time i just quickly look Server.War2.ru section. so no reason to post important topics elsewhere. other sections r kinda waste.
about ladder. maybe add DISC COUNT AS LOSS option? shouldnt b 2 hard to make technically. it would be fair. there is brassies n italianos for example who disc often. it is frustrating to search the game results and post it in the forums and admins fix the ladder stats if they bare do it. anyway im kinda used to find the game reports kinda quick due experiment

tip for ppl
http://ladder.war2.ru/reports/there u can see all 1v1s played. just click some of ur latest games which if uve played from ladder.war2.ru site. then update the
http://ladder.war2.ru/reports/ site after hour. check out games played afterwards of the game u clicked earlier. there r ur newest played games. oldest games top, newest games bottom. use home and end buttons in kb to make it quicker :]