Author Topic: Rit alin is a fucking theif  (Read 20435 times)

Offline Rit

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #45 on: July 26, 2021, 03:55:46 PM »
It wasn't even the gym videos that ended up being the issue. The two times that I removed Burnt as admin were due to sabotage to the group. He got so upset with whoever on the server/forum that he had a childish fit and started changing everything in the group to some extremely irrelevant shit. So I removed him as admin. I think that the reaction I had to this sabotage was pretty justified for any admin in their right mind to do. Not long after I removed him as admin, he started messaging me about how I'm a thief and stole his group. I let him know how disappointed I was with the current state of the server, forums, and Facebook pages. I gave him his admin back and told him to do as he pleased to ruin it.
So... recently I noticed that some changes were being made in the Facebook group. Anything related to was being changed to War2USA. Of course, again, it's because Burnt was upset with the admins and had some childish fit. Now, generally I would have been okay with this and just ignored it. So what? He's changing it to a new server. But this isn't just any server. It's a server that Archer started. The one who hacked RU for everyone's passwords and posted them on a website. Not sure if he's still involved with War2USA. But to top it off, tupac runs this server. And we all know that tupac is notorious for trying to crash the RU server with bots. Not only that, but long ago tupac hosted his own server prior to this one and the goal was to steal passwords. In my own stupidity and ignorance, I created an account on this server with the same password I used on RU. It took me a while to recover my account on RU. So now this server is going to be advertised to all of the followers on the group and facebook pages? When these changes were made, there were a few curious people saying "Wow! There's a USA server now? What happened to RU?" So I'm sitting back wondering if I'm going to allow this to happen so that someone with probable malicious intent can have access to many passwords. And this isn't just some RU security issue, it is an issue with their other online accounts as well if they were to use the same password.
Just to be clear Ritalin used to be admin on my Facebook Warcraft 2 page with even more users than burnt Facebook page. He never made any contributions to it. The only thing he did was add other admins that ended up removing me for literally no reason. From my own Facebook page.
Even after that I left him as an editor on my Facebook page which gives him a whole lot of control to do anything with content that he wants to do. It's been probably a couple years now and he has never done anything with it. So there will be no benefit to the community if Ritalin is allowed to steal and maintain a Facebook page that never belonged to him
For the record, I was posting every single day on the War2 Tides of Darkness page, War2Combat page, and the War2Server group with scheduled posts that would post to each. I did this for months. I think I even may have hosted a tournament at some point too. But eventually life happened and I was unable to dedicate any more time to it. On very rare occasions, I still post content.
I'm not really sure why you seem to have this grudge against me. I added mousEtopher as an admin to the War2 Tides of Darkness page because it was the obvious thing to do for any level headed admins at the time. I'm not even sure if I even knew at the time that this was your page. Perhaps she wasn't aware of this either? I'm not sure why she removed you but it obviously looks like she gave it back to you. Whether you had a cry baby reaction to this (which is what happened) or a mature reaction, I'm sure it would have had the same result with you being added back again. For some reason, your initial reaction is to think that someone has malicious intent to take your page and become the most powerful war2 being in the entire universe. That certainly was not the case there nor is it the case here with Burnt.
I think we really need to stop with the this is mine and that is mine mentality. I’m not taking his page and group to make it my own. What I did is try to put it back in the hands of level headed community members who have the right intentions to promote the game. These pages and groups should be for the community and you guys refuse to see it that way due to childish and narcissistic behavior. This entire thread is based on the assumption that I’m the same way. But I’m not.  You’re only concerned about yourselves and it shows. 
I’d like to address more in this post but I simply just don’t have the time for it today.  And I will never have the time to sit around and type up a million responses to each and every reply.

I’m sure burnt has been running around to everyone he possibly can trying to make me out to be this terrible human being that has it out for him.  But it’s simply just not true. 

Anyway, have your poll or whatever to ban me from all the things.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2021, 06:23:26 PM »
my vote is ban

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2021, 06:35:44 PM »
Your justifications are irrelevant in my opinion.

You took something that didn't belong to you. And that's literally the only thing that matters in my mind.

If you like it, but didnt like the owner.. it was time for you to make your own.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2021, 06:38:22 PM »
my vote is ban

with the direction this community is going.. we will all be self banned within 12 months.. it will look like GOG.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #49 on: July 26, 2021, 06:40:28 PM »
Your justifications are irrelevant in my opinion.

It is just your opinion at the end of the day.
Make your poll if you want but I don't think you have much of a case here.
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #50 on: July 26, 2021, 06:47:33 PM »
my vote is ban

with the direction this community is going.. we will all be self banned within 12 months.. it will look like GOG.

.RU the server that Tora killed with his admin abuse.

If I would have made this thread it would have been in the flame war section by now. Further proof he is unfit to be a fair admin of the forums.

Demote Tora

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2021, 06:50:46 PM »
my vote is ban

with the direction this community is going.. we will all be self banned within 12 months.. it will look like GOG.

.RU the server that Tora killed with his admin abuse.

If I would have made this thread it would have been in the flame war section by now. Further proof he is unfit to be a fair admin of the forums.

Demote Tora

You started it when you spam that you owned Swift  or someone log on blid or something like that

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #52 on: July 26, 2021, 06:51:17 PM »
If I would have made this thread it would have been in the flame war section by now. Further proof he is unfit to be a fair admin of the forums.

This is fairly out of character for TK.
Your a known troll that makes endless crap posts about nothing and constantly brags about all your past accomplishments while openly admitting you don't play war2 and have no intention to ever again.
See the difference? Or is your IQ to low to grasp that?
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2021, 06:59:03 PM »
The only thing out of character about what im doing right now is giving a rare shit... I've got countless complaints about you over the last 12 months but i just dont give a shit enough to say/do anything about it. If they go to iL (im assuming they are) and he isnt doing anything ... or if they wont come to the forums and be transparent about what they're upset about.. They're stuck with you.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #54 on: July 26, 2021, 07:05:05 PM »
None of this even matters. Server/game is on its last breath. Ritalin isnt going to do shit for the server just like he never has. The only good thing that can come out of this before it finally dies is give the page back to burnt so he can reflect on what he did 10-20 years from now when none of us even think about eachother any more.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #55 on: July 26, 2021, 07:07:00 PM »
None of this even matters. Server/game is on its last breath. Ritalin isnt going to do shit for the server just like he never has. The only good thing that can come out of this before it finally dies is give the page back to burnt so he can reflect on what he did 10-20 years from now when none of us even think about eachother any more.

Server isn't dying we been hearing this for last 10 years. It was here last year it will be here next year.
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #56 on: July 26, 2021, 07:09:53 PM »
If you cant see what's happening your blind or not paying attention.  Its over.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #57 on: July 26, 2021, 07:10:03 PM »
The only thing out of character about what im doing right now is giving a rare shit... I've got countless complaints about you over the last 12 months but i just dont give a shit enough to say/do anything about it. If they go to iL (im assuming they are) and he isnt doing anything ... or if they wont come to the forums and be transparent about what they're upset about.. They're stuck with you.

Hey man i'll step down right away if that's what the community wants. Make a poll and ask everyone if they would like me to.
Majority does I will step down without question.
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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #58 on: July 26, 2021, 07:12:42 PM »
If they dont care enough to say it publicly, I dont care enough.

As soon as it becomes too difficult to play in a game that doesnt take 15 mins to join, or join a game with someone you can tolerate.. its over.. and we are right at that point.

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Re: Rit alin is a fucking theif
« Reply #59 on: July 26, 2021, 07:14:26 PM »
If they dont care enough to say it publicly, I dont care enough.

As soon as it becomes too difficult to play in a game that doesnt take 15 mins to join, or join a game with someone you can tolerate.. its over.. and we are right at that point.

I do play more games than you do each week. I don't have issues getting games.
Now if I log on at 6am will I get a 4v4? Probably not but I log on now at 7:15pm eastern I can play until I need to knock out and you can to no issues.
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