GOG is
NOT a better experience. Yes it does not lag that much, but you certainly cannot get or even dream of lan latency there, it just is the way it was in 2000. Actually the whole game really is just like it was back then, without all the care and love people gave it here over the years.
That said I think IL finally implemented the server protection I recommended a year ago, right
@iL ? If that is the case and I could make a difference I am really glad. I believe it still may take a few tweaks / time to get it perfectly right though so be patient but once it is, the server wont suffer this kind of crap anymore unless the attackers spends way more from their pockets which is just always satisfying to know

About Trogallart and his stream.
Maybe Trog just still likes and enjoys the good old and flawed game he plays with his people over there. Maybe not all of these nice players that come play with him feel like playing on RU yet or at all. And maybe he values the people he plays with more than the game itself.
What if some of these new guys happen to learn a thing or two about the game, get hooked, and end up wanting to play here too sometimes? What if the nice people they met that came from RU happen to be a perfect introduction to play here later surrounded by friendly faces?
Who said it always had to be about choosing a camp or standing a ground? No matter where people play and how people enjoy it wc2 is wc2, I do not think we need to create yet another divide where we do not need to have one. Just play where you want with the people you want to play with...
What Trog is building is just a group of friends, that respect each others, and that he has fun playing with and looks forward to be around every weekend. That is it...
The fact that GOG is being used at all and that we can annoy Blizzard every time they mess up is just a free added benefit.
But seriously moving players from RU to GOG I cannot see how that would have a good effect at all, except maybe it would just manage to push even more players that still enjoy the game on RU to stop playing altogether which would be just a net loss for everyone.
That said, happy gaming! bye!