Author Topic: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night  (Read 12276 times)

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2024, 03:18:50 PM »
Not sure that was the discussion eq, but the tours that I host are always sponsored by Tora yes, but brackets are random (except a group tournaments where I said I’m asvance would be seeds), I even used to streamed the brackets to avoid people complain. Actually the only person who always complain when he participate is Theboy.

Also I don’t concentrate prize in a first place. Usually you will see top 8, top5…even top 10 I did Just to avoid the same people get all the prizes . You will note that I do 100/80/60 etc…some times equal prize first and second….lol not sure why you are blaming me. U8 plays 5-6 hours day that’s the only reason he can beat me.

Oh yeah, here again im the bad guy because i dint follow a topic that no one have follow anyway, there probably 14 post on this topic and 2 follow it, but sure im the only one out of topic here.

Now you can say whatever you want, but how much tournaments you and tora did have create? And how Much time u8 has been giving free pass to round 2? And how much tournament did u8 win? How much money did u8 win compare to everyone else??

All that while he should not even be able to participate in the first place, you literally have feed an hacker and a troll for the last 5 years, letting know everyone else its okay to hack the MPQ and you will even be paid for it, period, go back to feed him more free wins in your random map ladder.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2024, 03:34:12 PM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2024, 04:28:59 PM »
Goddamn guys this is some YouTube worthy drama if only I had a YT channel would cover this server extensively the lore is too good
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2024, 07:56:09 PM »
Noone gave me channel,combat was deleted by ilytch[as], I build my own

You get banned cause you come and insult me hacker

I never insult you in your channel

You didnt have any single ss/replays where I hacked

You hacked in past

People stoped watching you due your trashtalk, you accused braviet hack, you accused all players who won vs you, you still belive you were/are best, you never was top player, we can see how you are playing 4v4, almost everygame seal and cat

@~ToRa~ i suggest deleted this topic or move it to flame war

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2024, 09:53:57 PM »
Noone gave me channel,combat was deleted by ilytch[as], I build my own

You get banned cause you come and insult me hacker

I never insult you in your channel

You didnt have any single ss/replays where I hacked

You hacked in past

People stoped watching you due your trashtalk, you accused braviet hack, you accused all players who won vs you, you still belive you were/are best, you never was top player, we can see how you are playing 4v4, almost everygame seal and cat

@~ToRa~ i suggest deleted this topic or move it to flame war

He never came to my stream to insult me and make fun of me, your sush a liar lol.

You have been rocking a signature with my name on this forum for the last 5 years calling me the most dumbest person ever lol.

Here the difference bro, everyone know i called you an hacker for years because i always did it openly, i assume what i do, you dont,
you always been an hypocrite and a liar for years. Acting like a cool guy while in fact you make fun of others like everyone else on the server, the difference is you just dont assume anything and you think your perfect. And when someone say something about you, you send your army of troll, maciek, andrezej and teaboy trying to intimidate them.

You have hack the MPQ for years, before everyone can use different colors in the installation you were rocking the blue sky color yourself, before everyone could use hotkeys, you were already editing them, before everyone could use viewers name on your units, you were already using them. You have been fill with priviledge your entire life over everyone else in the community. You where editing the multiplayer MPQ on live stream.

You have been the most popular streamer for the last 5 years and everything you did was showing everyone how there no consequences about editing the mpq yourself in multiplayer usage.

What an exemple for the decency of this server. 

While that sever needed some decency and some exemple you did the entire opposite.

You can say whatever you want, but Ragner clearly show us that hacking is an easy thing in here, he show us that he can open software to see everyone position gold and woods, he show us that everyone can have these software from 90's forum.

Someone years ago even show us that he even can control the client of other peoples while we are in game.

Maybe you even control units of other peoples while they play with the 2 ogers head mode, do you have fun? I would not be surprise at all, seing my units running everywhere for no reason all the time.

Maybe you add some hiding attack and some hidding defense to your catapults?! Or grunts? Just like in rebalance mode! Who know??! No one, but we all know and agree that you edit the MPQ and you think its all good, it's not a problem right?!

I just cant imagine what peoples like you can do right now by having free acces to our MPQ.

You and swift are the reason why iL remove our anti-hack, because both of you have been caught log in on the server with unknow version of the source code mpq.

You want ss, here a ss.

Did you suggest iL to delete or move the anti hack into the flame war like you do with your little slave tora, i mean, while we talk about culture.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2024, 10:12:10 PM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2024, 01:45:07 AM »
2024 someone still dont know how mpq works

Anyone who know how it works will say its impossible

You accused me that i logged to alf account cause I logged off for 2-3 hours and alf started winning  :rofl: :rofl:, even with IP logs you couldnt belive
You are not playing any tours cause you know you cant win vs any top player, you would lost argument that you are not good, instead Play for fun you prefer sit back and not log while there is tour
« Last Edit: December 03, 2024, 01:57:37 AM by Szwagier »

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2024, 01:58:51 AM »
How many time did i beat you 1v2?

Twice from 5 vs 4, i even beat you once from s9 vs 9 in a 1v3, im sure you remember it, dont you?

Everytime you join a game where i am, you end up beat like a doll and you rage log.

Everyone know it, you, teaboy, dj boss, even your viewers.

Between all the pro this server has, your clearly the worst, only reason why you beat them is because you play human and put early pressure on them and they fall into your trap, but i dont, you got good early games vs fraud because you got decent units control with your european ping, you also love to abbuse tower bugs and some other cowards strategies like walling peoples inside their base, but not vs me, you also have a weak mid game and your late games is totally garbage.

Your general raiting is lookin like this.

Tier1+: Early game
Tier2: Mid game
Tier5: Late game

While other pros look like this:

Tier1: Early game
Tier1: Mid game
Tier1: Late game

You beat them because sadly most of them cant even reach the mid and late game because of the early game, but in general, they all better than you.

And by the way the only reason why i dont play tournament is because i dont encourage non serious tournament and i will never do it, these tournament are jokes, for jokes peoples, i will play tournament when it will be in a good way and it will be respectable.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2024, 02:14:46 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2024, 02:16:04 AM »
You are saving vods when you beat me, thats even more funny special when you cant saving vod when its 1v1 where map is empty, where are no diffrent opponents, only in team games

even after 2 years you didnt change, probably in 20 years you will still be same person, toxic person, keep going bro, im sure lot of people like you
« Last Edit: December 03, 2024, 02:22:28 AM by Szwagier »

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2024, 02:18:25 AM »
You are saving vods when you beat me, thats even more funny special when you cant saving vod when its 1v1 where map is empty, where are no diffrent opponents, only in team games

There no vods to save because you dont deserve to play against a legit and respectable player like me, no one should play you 1v1, period.

90% of this server hacks, 1v1 are jokes.

I bet you all happy that remastered is a waste, now you can keep hacking freely here, good job, you guys win again.

Im good with alot of peoples, just not with bad human.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2024, 02:25:05 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2024, 06:33:06 AM »
Hello, Nox! My little Canadian-French-American-naive friend!  :peon:
- "But even there ive never ban you cuz im a man, while your just a little coward."

Of course, I don't wish anyone harm. But one thing worries me. Namely: that Mr. Nox doesn't keep his word. Although, according to him, he is a man.

4-5 years ago, my friend Nox promised to die soon. I don't remember the exact reason: either drugs, or thick black poisonous cigars, or perhaps cancer caused by an extremely unhealthy lifestyle... :salty: :salty:

I am completely confused! I had written a farewell post for you, so that the Warcraft 2 community could give you a proper send-off on your final journey. There are even a couple of poems in your honor.
But I still can't post them, for obvious reasons.

I am not calling for anything. I am only asking: are you really a man, Nox?! :omg:

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2024, 06:37:04 AM »
You want ss, here a ss.
My God, this screenshot is so old!
It's a shame it doesn't prove anything. But it's really an achievement to keep such screenshots for so long! Bravo!

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #25 on: December 03, 2024, 06:52:24 AM »
Maybe you even control units of other peoples while they play with the 2 ogers head mode, do you have fun? I would not be surprise at all, seing my units running everywhere for no reason all the time.
Actually, the two-headed ogre mode itself is cheating! How could you even play it? Aren't you ashamed?

And this is what happens to most cheaters who use cheats and hack the game. Our "communist-Russian-criminal-cybercriminal" Mistral (Edo) does not allow cheaters to fully enjoy their impunity.

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2024, 12:58:54 AM »
I wasn't surprised WAR 2 USA died after all those 2Pac DDOS'es. Thug life! Keep it real! Keep ya head up!

About toxic people — VAN is a nice person these days he likes everyone but we have ALEX TREBEK. So you gotta be brave to see the N words in chats.

(about the streams)

I only remember EQ sitting in his chair like a true gangsta in that snapback telling "FUCK U MA-CHEEK FUCK U BRO" like 3-4 times lol. Maybe it was in 2019 or 2020 or so. Was my best memory of EQ streams.

I always respected EQ for voice commentary & camera something that I need in U8 streams, at least voice! (nobody gives a shit about Polish accent).

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2024, 01:13:22 AM »
AA.NoobNiko is the best streamer droid !
You should have seen his smile after beating StarTale last week

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2024, 02:09:20 PM »

I always respected EQ for voice commentary & camera something that I need in U8 streams, at least voice! (nobody gives a shit about Polish accent).

Thanks man, but camera will never happen again, exactly because of Maciek and Ragner, i was using camera so peoples can have a decent stream like every other games on twitch, but when some peoples start to take pictures of you trying to insult you, they cross the line of no comming back.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: War2 USA server got Shutdown at November 28th late night
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2024, 03:28:05 PM »
In nowadays people might take pics of you if you look like a twink  and use it to their pleasure.
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS