Noone gave me channel,combat was deleted by ilytch[as], I build my own
You get banned cause you come and insult me hacker
I never insult you in your channel
You didnt have any single ss/replays where I hacked
You hacked in past
People stoped watching you due your trashtalk, you accused braviet hack, you accused all players who won vs you, you still belive you were/are best, you never was top player, we can see how you are playing 4v4, almost everygame seal and cat
@~ToRa~ i suggest deleted this topic or move it to flame war
He never came to my stream to insult me and make fun of me, your sush a liar lol.
You have been rocking a signature with my name on this forum for the last 5 years calling me the most dumbest person ever lol.
Here the difference bro, everyone know i called you an hacker for years because i always did it openly, i assume what i do, you dont,
you always been an hypocrite and a liar for years. Acting like a cool guy while in fact you make fun of others like everyone else on the server, the difference is you just dont assume anything and you think your perfect. And when someone say something about you, you send your army of troll, maciek, andrezej and teaboy trying to intimidate them.
You have hack the MPQ for years, before everyone can use different colors in the installation you were rocking the blue sky color yourself, before everyone could use hotkeys, you were already editing them, before everyone could use viewers name on your units, you were already using them. You have been fill with priviledge your entire life over everyone else in the community. You where editing the multiplayer MPQ on live stream.
You have been the most popular streamer for the last 5 years and everything you did was showing everyone how there no consequences about editing the mpq yourself in multiplayer usage.
What an exemple for the decency of this server.
While that sever needed some decency and some exemple you did the entire opposite.
You can say whatever you want, but Ragner clearly show us that hacking is an easy thing in here, he show us that he can open software to see everyone position gold and woods, he show us that everyone can have these software from 90's forum.
Someone years ago even show us that he even can control the client of other peoples while we are in game.
Maybe you even control units of other peoples while they play with the 2 ogers head mode, do you have fun? I would not be surprise at all, seing my units running everywhere for no reason all the time.
Maybe you add some hiding attack and some hidding defense to your catapults?! Or grunts? Just like in rebalance mode! Who know??! No one, but we all know and agree that you edit the MPQ and you think its all good, it's not a problem right?!
I just cant imagine what peoples like you can do right now by having free acces to our MPQ.
You and swift are the reason why iL remove our anti-hack, because both of you have been caught log in on the server with unknow version of the source code mpq.
You want ss, here a ss.

Did you suggest iL to delete or move the anti hack into the flame war like you do with your little slave tora, i mean, while we talk about culture.