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Voting closed: December 19, 2024, 06:52:39 AM

Author Topic: vote to follow blizzard balance by default  (Read 31155 times)

Offline RagneR

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #75 on: December 06, 2024, 08:53:46 AM »
You know, I'm very sorry that the war started. I wouldn't like to live now the way people live during war. Yes, I've become worse as a person. But I've also improved. Life is not one year long, there are many of them. And in some years a person is bad, and in others he is good. I'm glad that you and I had both good and bad, but let's not focus on the negative for the sake of manipulation in a normal dialogue.

I won't blame u8 anymore, because everything is clear to me anyway. I won't ruin his reputation. But Warcraft is one of my favorite places. And the war ruined it all. And I'm sorry.

I tried to make the game better, I activated the admins with my questions, and they woke up. I didn't do anything, I just wrote to them, and I'm glad they responded. My motivation was Equinox

He also talked about u8, and I know the truth, just like he does. Maybe it's not true and I'm wrong. I usually never take premature actions. Because I think about the consequences. But since I have no evidence, and do not want to have it on hand, these are empty words. U8, you can sleep peacefully

Just understand one thing, I am doing all this for my favorite place - Warcraft 2. I want there to be no cheaters in this game.

And if I am wrong, and you are not like that, then I apologize for slandering you, because this strange behavior of peons may have an explanation other than ping. I do not know what. But maybe.

That is why I apologize to you.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #76 on: December 06, 2024, 08:59:58 AM »
You dont have any ss/replays/warvideo of your stupid ideas that I control your peon

tell us how it could work?! people would not see I can control them? or im using second pc while playing? dear god

you lost on lan cause you miss one button? no you didnt, you were destroyed without winning single map and we played at least 3

you are doing best place?

you are fucking loser, you hacked old game to have advantage using stream snip or making ss for "WIN"

fucking hypocrite
« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 09:02:32 AM by Szwagier »

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline Oragorn

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #77 on: December 06, 2024, 09:05:38 AM »
Я даже напишу на русском.
Моя мотивация сюда вернуться - тоже был Эквинокс) с поразительной частотой чувак, что откровенно врёт и срёт здесь на форуме. Тебе напомнить как он отзывался об Эдо? Или его остальную ложь? А теперь ты... Добровольно жмёшь ему руку? Как же низко ты пал. Моё сожаление.

Sry mans, for Russian language.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #78 on: December 06, 2024, 09:08:04 AM »
Its not your fault that the war started its something way bigger than anyone of us here.

I can see you are passionate about this game and that's good we need people with passion thats how warcraft stays alive anyway by the passion of the fans.

And because of that I say you sleep on this topic for now as it seems you aren't doing very good this day.

Btw you can avoid U8 by playing on battle net if u don't want to be in the same place as him , just chill man its difficult to have inner peace when missiles are falling down left and right near you.

Just forget about this discussion for YOUR mental health .
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

Offline RagneR

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #79 on: December 06, 2024, 09:09:21 AM »
Я всегда с ним хорошо общался, если ты помнишь. Единственное, что мне не нравилось в наших с ним отношениях, это что он по сей день называет меня смурфом. А второе, это что я использовал ту программу, что дал мне Эдо. Это не секрет, он сам недавно писал об этом на форуме.

Также я не читал что он писал об Эдо, это ваши личные разборки, и меня это не касается

Offline RagneR

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #80 on: December 06, 2024, 09:10:23 AM »
Its not your fault that the war started its something way bigger than anyone of us here.

I can see you are passionate about this game and that's good we need people with passion thats how warcraft stays alive anyway by the passion of the fans.

And because of that I say you sleep on this topic for now as it seems you aren't doing very good this day.

Btw you can avoid U8 by playing on battle net if u don't want to be in the same place as him , just chill man its difficult to have inner peace when missiles are falling down left and right near you.

Just forget about this discussion for YOUR mental health .
Yes, okay, thanks for the advice, I'll listen to it.

Offline RagneR

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #81 on: December 06, 2024, 09:18:16 AM »
You dont have any ss/replays/warvideo of your stupid ideas that I control your peon

tell us how it could work?! people would not see I can control them? or im using second pc while playing? dear god

you lost on lan cause you miss one button? no you didnt, you were destroyed without winning single map and we played at least 3

you are doing best place?

you are fucking loser, you hacked old game to have advantage using stream snip or making ss for "WIN"

fucking hypocrite
I didn't say that I play better than everyone else. There are players who play better than me.

Offline Oragorn

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #82 on: December 06, 2024, 09:19:05 AM »
Это не личные разборки рагнер. Он публично врал и про сервер и про ила и про едо. Называя нас, цитирую: "российские коммунистические криминальные киберпреступники".

С тех пор - эта личность сугубо вредительская нашему серверу. И то что ты якшаешься с ним, ручкаешься...
"У блатных есть одно правило, дикое на первый взгляд, но разумное если вдуматься: если поручкался с педерастом - сам таковым и стал."

А я давно тебе говорил не общаться с этим чучелом.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 09:23:10 AM by Oragorn »

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #83 on: December 06, 2024, 09:28:02 AM »
50 posts that have absolutely nothing to do with what the OP posted about.
war2 > war3

Offline Szwagier

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #84 on: December 06, 2024, 09:32:01 AM »
Idiots will be idiots

And cheaters like equniox and ragner will try catch other cheaters cause its impossible someone else is clear

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #85 on: December 06, 2024, 10:00:39 AM »
I suspect there actually alot of different hacks, im not a devlopper programmar, but im not dumb enouph to think its not possible.

After playing this game for at least 25 years, i can obviously say what has been the difference between the past and today.

In general i could also believe it's a result of certain bug, but some things make me believe its not a bug, but mostly the result of certain manipulation.

Exemple 1: Units that move alone, Ragner is clearly right about this, i cant say the actual date that it start, but it clearly start between 2016 and 2020.. At the beginning it was just some minor movement, units ( always Ogers ) where running in a certain direction for no reason, not too far bust just running somehwere where hes not suppose.. When i started to live that phenomena, i write a post about it on the forum, peoples start to call me crazy, and it was only the result of a dk or blizzard, something that i know for years ago, but the phenomena that we talk about right now, is totally something different, there no mages dk involve, there no ennemies units involve period... After a certain time, it was even worst, one of my units could literally move alone from 4-5 to 12 or even for 4-5 to 11... I say the positions like this because it dint happen so often, but i will always remember these one because it was around the time i speak about it on forum and it was almost like if someone was trolling me. So it basicly create trauma that i will always remember. I know it happen more than that, but they are the 2 times i will always remember because it was so exagerate and for no reason at all.. After a certain time, the penomena stop being so exagerate and goes back to the normal random mouvement not too far... And some years later, admins release the 2 ogers mode where we can play with the units of someone else.

Exemple 2: A kind of hacking positions, some peoples act like its not a big deal and position dont matter, they dont understand there different positions with different advantage or disadvantage, by exemple, the worst positions of old classic garden of war are 11, 4, 6, 8. These positions for alot of reasons are cutting into our box of strategies tool that we can use. Exemple 11-4 mostly force you to power because the rush is so bad compare to other positions that you cant really do that strategie properly.. Some peoples will told you thats its not true and you can win, but if you take 2 tier 1 players and you put them face to face, the guys at 12 will always crush the guy at 4 or 11 by exemple.. Its mathematicly impossible for these positions to win a rush rush game, because the game force you to do things that you dont have to do at 12 or 2 or 5 or 9... Wich is chopping wood, making little walls etc.. Not only you spent time chopping wood, but you also spent time at not recolting gold, you also spent ressource making little wall. Same for 6, the gold mine at every positions on the map, are closer to our hall compare to six, wich mathematicly bring you more gold faster and easily help your rush.. This is not a question, its mathematicly a reality. So position can give big advantage or disadvantage to a player, because it allow him to be responsive in more different situations and just choose whatever strategie he want. I also know its something that we can hack for sure, because when you create a map, you must assign every player to a starting positions, if its an 8 players map, you will have to assign 8 starting position for every player, these assignment are clearly sett somewhere in the code source. This is these assignations that will allow the code to make it random, the normal chance to get a positions should be around 12.5%... But if someone find that source code, he could clearly make a software to adjust the % of every positions he want. Not only for him, but also for his ennemie. Around 2020, while we had the hacking saga in the community, a smurf came into my games, i got huge suspicion about who it is, he came from another server.. The guy literally open map hack in everyone game... Every 8 players in the game as saw their mini map open a map hack alone... Thats the literal proof that some peoples can clearly not only hack his own game, but also our own GAME... Im sure there peoples wo remember that event because we were 8 players and clearly someone must remember it. So when i said or ragner said that someone could control our units, im 100% sure it is possible, when i said someone could adjust his rating position chance and also adjust his ennemie raiting position chance, im 100% sure of it.. We dont need to be a believer, we just need to actually check the reality with the 2 ogers mode. Does anyone have already get 6-8 12 times in a row? I did, vs Talrand. The shitty spots that i get in a day its basicly unbalivable, i can get 4-6-8-11 almost 35 times in a day if i play 50 games. Its regular, its just every day.. The chance that this kind of thing happen every day are actually really suspicious.

Exemple 3: the peon that refuse to get inside a gold mine, this one i admit it could be a bug, but i know for sure its not something that happen in the original version of warcraft i was playing 25 years ago... If its not a hack, its clearly a bug in the game as a result of certain modification that we bring to it... Because it never been a bug in the original game.

Exemple 4: The super balista or the super canon towers, these things start around 2022-2023 i would say, these canon tower that never broke and always lock at 1% hp, you can bring a blizzard or a dk with at least 100 magic, and when you dk them or blizz them they never broke the first time, they stay at 1% HP and it broke your entire strategie... Most of the time, the first attack a player will do to their ennemie will literally be a game changer, if the attack work, you have very very high chance to win the game, but if the attack miss, then your chance to win the game drasticly drop very very low.. This is because some peoples will reduce their ressource management at the maximum to optimize their strategie at is maximum... By exemple a power or a peon stop rush, today in the most modern meta, as the opposite of the old time where everyone was making mass peons, some peoples prefere to reduce their peons at the maximum to save their economie and instead of splitting their ressource between their peons and their attack they just literally calculate everything to make sure the attack will be at his maximum the fastest way possible... Its a little bit more complexe, but when you know how to do it its became a game in it self and its just a new way of playing... The probleme with this strategie is, you cant miss, because if you miss, then your ennemie who has made a tons of peons will now get a huge advantage in the next minutes because he got bigger incomming ressource compare to the one who have reduce his income at his maximum.. So the unbreakable canon tower that never broke is a huge deal for these kind of strategie, because when it dont broke, you mostly miss the entire attack and now just because of this, you lose the game. I know these kind of things was not happening in the past, maybe at some rare occasion, so rare that i cant even remember it, but like i said around 2022 and 2023 everything start to be clear, i realize this because it was basicly happening with the same player all the time, his name was SPB. I found this suspicious because i told myself why its always him, why its never other players, and then after some months more and more players started to have that unbrakable tower that always lock at 1%.

Same thing with the balista or catapul, some balista or catapul seem super overpower, i know there random attack to it, but some player has crazy catapul and balista, catapul that do almost 90% damage in one shot, or catapul that need 4 shot to die... Just today, or yesterday, i dont remember, but someone shoot a ballista with 3 Catapult, 3 straight good shot right in the middle of it, normally, that kind of shot will kill a ballista with 2 shot at same time from 2 catapult, i think it was the first time i saw a ballista survive to 3 other ballista shot at the same time... Now i cant really say its a hack, it could just be the minimal damage x3, something that its probably super rare and i basicly never see in 25 years, who know... But for the canon tower that stay at 1% im not buying it as a bug.

Exemple 5: The peon that dont want to build... This one is the most recent one, it start this years 2024, peon that just refuse to build, especially in nib war, this is something that start to happen for the first time with U8! i will also always remember it because i was shook, im 9  and u8 is 11... We both make your hall and farm, u8 send his first peon to scout me at 9 and i goes in my entrace of 9 to build a farm, my peon just refuse to build and stay there waiting u8 to fight me.. It was like if u8 had a map hack and can see my peon from long distance, and before i make my action to build, he attack me at distance with his peon, so it was like if my peon had already an action in waiting, wich it was the attack against u8, so when i does my action to build, it dont consider it, because my peon his already waiting for another action wich is the attack, and by this situation the peon stay there instead to build and just wait u8 peon to come in fight. And what did open my suspicious so hardly its the fact that u8 peon clearly know an attack was incomming, it was like if he was already seing my peon from 11 and directly attack my peon at 9, so his peon was already lock on my peon from a long distance wich result in a single action movement all the way down from 11 to 9. I know when someone do 1 action or does 2 action, the ping response easyly make the actions visible between each click. So if u8 was scouting properly, i would have see his peon running then do a little pause then attack mine, because the only way to attack a peon in one single action is when you already can see it.. Il give you an exemple.. When you are at 12-2 in a nib war, then you send a grunt, your grunt die, and your dead grunt leave a corpse behind him, that corpse will provide a little sight of vision for something like 5 sec, if you go back at home and pick one of your grunt and go back straight up at 12, then you can click in his grunt in that little sight of corpse to make the attack in one single mouvement.. What did happen with u8 was exactly the same phenoma, but there was no corpse and it was our first peon, so basicly, it seem like he had a map hack, now if my peon dint build, i dont know why, maybe its a different hack, or maybe its the result of a bug with the map hack, but cearly the peon refuse to build, and since couples of month this phenomena start with some new players, and its mostly always in nib war, this phenomena mostly remember me the peon that refuse to get in the gold mine, because the peon that refuse to go in gold mine always do this after a peon war, like if the peon was still stock in the attack ation and refuse to get in the gold mine because he has never leave the attack action, so instead to entering the gold mine he refuse because he is still lock into the attack action.

These are observation that catch my eyes pretty hardly in the last years, now peoples will say, but how someone that old will do this kind of things, why someone will be so lame, its not possible etc etc... Im sorry, but i refuse to believe this kind of affirmation.. Most of peoples have played this game for 25 years, they have play since they are kid, they have grow up with this game, and not ony they have grow up with the game, but they have grow up in programmation and devlopppement, for some peoples, its just a challenge, the challenge is not only about the game, but also about what they can edit or not.. For someone like this, the challenge of hacking the game is more interessting than the game itself. The age dont matter if you got a passion for something, if the 40 years old dude have grow up editing the game since he is 16 years old, he will not cares at all about the fact that he is a grown man adult. I mean, when someone tell me this, i just want to laugh harder and harder. Its sush the most ridiculous excuse i ever eard in my life... He cant do this because he is too old... Let me laugh please.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 12:06:23 PM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #86 on: December 06, 2024, 10:33:00 AM »
I’d actually like to change my vote to yes(we should change to the official patch)

Nothing is game breaking and game is more balanced.
https://www.twitch.tv/incoswc - my twitch. Streaming 9:30pm - 11pm est most days!!

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #87 on: December 06, 2024, 10:50:40 AM »
Now if we talk about u8 himself, no one ask him to admit that he has been hacking, editing, cheating or having fun, whatever you wanna call it. I dont think anyone cares about his comming out, because i already know the truth about this, by definition what he does in the last 10 years was editing the game for its personal purpose, and by definition we call this hacking, period.

So nobody cares about his comming out, what i really hope, is we stop calling me crazy and having mental issue and taking drugs because i spit real fact, the same way i was spitting real fact with lightbringer 10 years ago and he was telling me i was crazy and i need to get help for my mental issue, hes been trying to make me look like a total liar and manipulator and a crazy person, trying to ruin my reputation for months, while at the end iL himself came to made a post on the forum to admit i was right and lightbringer was wrong. Here again, i was right about this hacking issue.. The same way i was right when i was saying Ragner was hacking and or sniping me, and again peoples was calling me crazy and having mental issue, while at the end Ragner admit himself that he was in fact hacking and sniping me. No One cares about u8 comming out, because here again, i know the truth, the only thing i wish, is we make a therm to players who edit the mpq or any type of editation of the game if they are not admins and not doing it for the entire community. I wish we at least tell to people we cant do this anymore and show the exemple to everyone. I want this game to be legit, not a damn jungle where we have give 30 years of our life knowing everyone can edit the damn game for whatever reason they want while we there trying to play in a legit way while i should probably just get the f out of here because im actually just losing my time since the last 30 years like a total absolute moron.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #88 on: December 06, 2024, 10:52:24 AM »
Thats a hell lot of words nox , too bad I read it all and I gotta say its impressive how far you would go to remember stuff.

Its sad that some would hack such an old game.

Good thing we just need  more votes for yes.
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« Reply #89 on: December 06, 2024, 11:01:43 AM »
Now if we talk about u8 himself, no one ask him to admit that he has been hacking, editing, cheating or having fun, whatever you wanna call it. I dont think anyone cares about his comming out, because i already know the truth about this, by definition what he does in the last 10 years was editing the game for its personal purpose, and by definition we call this hacking, period.

So nobody cares about his comming out, what i really hope, is we stop calling me crazy and having mental issue and taking drugs because i spit real fact, the same way i was spitting real fact with lightbringer 10 years ago and he was telling me i was crazy and i need to get help for my mental issue, hes been trying to make me look like a total liar and manipulator and a crazy person, trying to ruin my reputation for months, while at the end iL himself came to made a post on the forum to admit i was right and lightbringer was wrong. Here again, i was right about this hacking issue.. The same way i was right when i was saying Ragner was hacking and or sniping me, and again peoples was calling me crazy and having mental issue, while at the end Ragner admit himself that he was in fact hacking and sniping me. No One cares about u8 comming out, because here again, i know the truth, the only thing i wish, is we make a therm to players who edit the mpq or any type of editation of the game if they are not admins and not doing it for the entire community. I wish we at least tell to people we cant do this anymore and show the exemple to everyone. I want this game to be legit, not a damn jungle where we have give 30 years of our life knowing everyone can edit the damn game for whatever reason they want while we there trying to play in a legit way while i should probably just get the f out of here because im actually just losing my time since the last 30 years like a total absolute moron.

Wow he needs to come out?  What is he closeted gay ? I suppose this community is progressive enough to accept gay cheaters
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS