Author Topic: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!  (Read 9295 times)

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2024, 11:06:36 PM »
I had problems getting 640x480 to work correctly.  I do not like HD screen sizes for war2 as it makes the minimap to hard to monitor on a large monitor.  So I started messing with the video settings to try to get the ORIGINAL settings back.

I also HATE that the pvpgn chat window gets taken out of full screen and becomes a window in both openGL and DirectX9 whenever you enter it (from a game or from main menu).  Also,  there's a bug with that as well when using 640x480,  if you enter or create a game,  it only works the first time.  If you enter/create a game the 2nd time,  it sets the starting pixel to 50% rather than 0,  resulting in the screen being shifted to the right and down so that pixel 0 is dead center in the screen.  The only way to fix that was to switch to GDI.  It seems to only do this with small screen sizes like 640x480.  I suspect that the pixel var is using % rather than a number.  IE:  0%/0% and 50%/50% instead of 0/0.  Not sure what would cause it to use 50%/50%.  Either way, it shouldnt be using a % to begin with.

There's also another bug with the "Full Screen" option that causes the minimap to be BLURRY as all hell as well as the menu items having a strange white border on the right side of them and texts to have white in them as well.  Changing to Fullscreen Upscale fixes that problem.... sort of.  Text still has white in it when it should be completely yellow or whatever color the font is set to.

Anyway,  for those that dont like the video and want the original war2 settings back as close as possible,  this is what I used:

Fullscreen Upscaled
Unchecked Maintain aspect ratio (this stretches the screen so there are no black borders, some people dont like that)
Unchecked Vsync
Unchecked Adjust mouse sensitivity
Checked Lock cursor
Unchecked limit Frame rate (this improves input latency for me by lowering latency as far as I can tell)
Unchecked Window boxing
Show Window borders (for when alt-tab is used)
Checked Remember window position/size
No Limit for game speed
Everything else checked on the compatibility page

Fixed the bug where the screen was shifted towards the bottom right after creating a game twice. Was related to a last minute change we did

Other than that, you should only need to change the resolution to 640x480 to get back the original look. Don't touch anything else. "Fullscreen Upscaled" is a good suggestion though (it enables the shaders and also allows to add/remove black bars via "maintain aspect ratio")

Direct3D renderer is only for old hardware, you don't want to use that one (unless there is no other choice)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2024, 11:28:11 PM by fois »

Offline Buttercraft

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2024, 03:20:29 AM »
I had problems getting 640x480 to work correctly.  I do not like HD screen sizes for war2 as it makes the minimap to hard to monitor on a large monitor.  So I started messing with the video settings to try to get the ORIGINAL settings back.

I also HATE that the pvpgn chat window gets taken out of full screen and becomes a window in both openGL and DirectX9 whenever you enter it (from a game or from main menu).

Modify ddraw.ini (previously dd-hd.ini) directly, like this.

Code: [Select]

If you like sharpness above all else, try this shader (only works properly in fullscreen).

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2024, 07:27:09 AM »
So guys you now work as blizzard? release unfinished tool, which is broken?

-3 times launcher frozen random
- cant pick your own folder ???
- game crash before you see map in your new campaign(hard version)
- my hd patch(966x544) showed game in 1/3 monitor rest was black screen
- launcher made by himself folder WAR2COMBAT when I didnt allow him to download game without MY PERMISSION

« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 08:17:39 AM by Szwagier »

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2024, 09:36:28 AM »
folder select fixed
campanign crash fixed (was bug with oragorn new cursors draw)

Offline The Legend of StarTale

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2024, 07:21:53 PM »

Offline dannyldd

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2024, 07:52:33 PM »

Here's a clip of what I was talking about

hey, i saw the clip and this bug actually happens with offensive units as well.

I've seen times where paladins get attacked first, they aggro and go to attack, but if you move them away from enemy to another location, some of them will go to attack the first aggressor.

In this case, you tried to power build tower and peasant went to to attack right away to the same peon again. This issue stops happening if you press stop after being attacked, instead of giving another command like moving.

Peasant became aggressor too, the moment he was attacked by peon.

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2024, 10:02:58 PM »
Thats a common issue and it has everything to do with the attack command.  You'll notice it more often with grunts/ogres/etc and using UC where you attack and run away,  your units will want to go back and attack more unless you stand ground or stop commands.  With peons it manifests itself in refusing to rep,  go into a gold mine, or refuse to chop wood.  The way you fix it is with the stop or standground commands depending upon which units are in the selected group.  It has existed since the beginning of war2, way back when u were still pissing in diapers.  If someone were to attempt to fix this bug programmatically,  it would entail running the stop function BEFORE any other action.  But then players would notice that units seem kinda sluggish when responding to new commands.  IMO it shouldnt be fixed because the player is to lazy to use the stop hotkey.

The one bug that is more annoying than this is the dead block issue where mobile units will refuse to move to a block.  This can result in a peon not being able to repair a building because the dead block is where the peon needs to stand to repair.  This happens when a unit dies but it's not properly registered and thus that spot remains occupied even though nothing is there.  I dont remember, but I think it also prevents placing buildings as well.  Been a while since that one has happened,  but then again,  I dont play very often either so chances of seeing it are pretty slim.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2024, 10:20:13 PM by {Lance} »
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

Offline The Legend of StarTale

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2024, 03:52:13 AM »
Stop and stand ground weren't pressed in this clip, but I have pressed stand ground and stop in other instances and it has not changed anything. I believe I linked a clip somewhere else of 1 ogre out of a pack of 9 keep trying to flee even after smashing stop / stand ground. Honestly it's only been an issue since they added triggers.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2024, 06:08:48 AM »
Yes you need press STOP, otherwise peon will refuse everything to do, you can also make structure

but repair, going to gold/wood will not work

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline RagneR

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2024, 06:27:08 AM »

Here's a clip of what I was talking about
yeah this crazy. But click R and to the tower. The pro movement from pro Ragner here you see

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Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2024, 02:43:08 AM »

Here's a clip of what I was talking about
This is a classic. This bug is a thousand years old. The peon still wants to beat up his offender. As far as I remember, this happens because after receiving a blow - the peon wanted to fight back, but he was urgently given another order. In his memory, he still "wants" to fight back, and therefore returns to this again and again.
It is solved by the "stop" and "hold the line" button.