Author Topic: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020  (Read 23671 times)

Offline Oragorn

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #45 on: December 11, 2024, 06:53:07 AM »
Now it depends where hotkeys are in warcraft 2 are they accessible to the general public? How accessible it is? At this point if everybody can edit hotkeys is it hacking anymore?  I don't think so
A program for editing hotkeys in the game has been available for a long time now. It was made by a lesnik.
Here is the link:

speak language what you want, but west people will not understand russian language, special when we see random symbols, so if you got 8 players in game and everyone is from diffrent country, people will use english, noone expect perfect english, just basic
If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

Only you probably read his post
:D :D :D Sometimes I can be overly patient :)

I dont think so bro, as someone who has wait for anti hack for years, i was always watching it, and i have never see any false report the time it was there, because actually, everyone who was using anti hack had the anti hack tag, the peoples who could use hacks, where basicly using the old client and was flag as NONE, and the peoples who was caught with unknow report value was flag was unknow, tell me now, what is an unknow report value?!
I don't know what you think or don't think. I know first-hand - from Il himself. That the antihack is still not perfect and errors can happen with it, Il told me about it. I also know that Il is trying to finish it.
What is an unknown report - ask Il better. Just ask politely and without attacking, otherwise he won't even read you.

So how did you guys made the 2 ogers mode? How did you guys made the rebalance mode? If you guys did these change, you guys clearly have the source code or a way to play with it.
MPQ file may not be directly the source code it self, but its still important data that should not be edited by peoples without autorization, people who work for the server themself.
Now this, comrade Equinox, is a closely guarded secret. Only our most senior developers know this. And I won't answer you about it, because I don't have permission to do so. Frankly, I don't really want to tell you about it. Because it's your style to invent such fairy tales that it would be better to keep it a secret than for us to tell you how our mods work.
But I can assure you: MPQ-files are not used. And also that there is no source code.

I dont say russian cant speak russian at all, but its true that russian or polaks have tendancy to do it pretty often at a point where i think peoples can start to feel exclude. Does you have to stop speaking russian because i feel exclude, not at all, you can keep doing it as much as you want, but dont be surprise if peoples can feel that way. And you are right, its not only russian who does it, polaks do this alot too.
We understand the problem. But there's nothing we can do about it. Our people won't learn to speak English better. And I won't make any effort to learn to speak English better. I've voiced the reasons, and I have enough problems in life without English :) At the most basic level, I'll write something on occasion, of course, but nothing more.

We've always been more closed in general. I think that this is in some way a legacy of the "Iron Curtain". It's pretty hard to do anything about it.

War2RU, and yes, right now i say War2RU, because it almost always has been War2RU for 20 years, war2ru and the russian and whoever has take cares of warcraft II will always be in my heart, and i will always appreciate it even in our total desagreement.
It's good to hear, but you won't lull my vigilance :)

And now before we end this, have you ever think that maybe its the server that dont appreciatie my value!
Maybe it's because you write some nonsense quite often? It's good that you're creating activity on the forum. But sometimes, you write really bad things about our server and the admins. And you also said that you respect Russian, that our server is Ru...
I talked to you about this about 4 years ago, during a big argument with Cel. You called us then, I quote: "the server and forum were captured by Russian communist criminal cybercriminals." Does this speak of your loyalty to the server? Does this speak of your commitment to our community? Does this speak of your respect for us, not just as Russians, but also as admins? Although I was more offended by your disrespect for Il and Edo, whom I know personally.

It was after these words of yours that my patience ran out and I simply recognized you as inadequate. Have you changed? Big question.

Offline ARMilitar

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2024, 06:58:26 AM »
Honestly, I would never have thought that communicating in Russian with my compatriots in the lobby with players from other countries would cause such a feeling of alienation. Thanks Equinox for bringing this up, I never thought about it. You see, yes, I must admit, the Russian-speaking community lives detached from the rest of the community. I agree, it is bad for the whole server, since our part of the community does not take any decisive part in the life of the whole server. However, we have been living like this for many years and we have managed to create our own developing internal community, which is gradually being replenished with new players. Since the beginning of the war, we have renamed ourselves to war2online, but the old domain war2ru still exists. We do not want to emphasize in any way that this is a Russian server or that this server is run by Russians. But I suspect that everyone has already gotten used to the fact that this is a Russian server. And even if the name changes, this "ru" prefix will still haunt this server. We are immensely grateful to each of the server veterans who still come in every day, host games and participate in the life of the server.
As for your situation with Knitterhemd, I think this is not a situation in which admins should interfere. It looks like your personal showdown and, as it seems to me, only you can solve this problem with each other. The intervention of admins will only ruin everything.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 08:56:38 AM by ARMilitar »

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2024, 07:59:28 AM »
Now it depends where hotkeys are in warcraft 2 are they accessible to the general public? How accessible it is? At this point if everybody can edit hotkeys is it hacking anymore?  I don't think so
A program for editing hotkeys in the game has been available for a long time now. It was made by a lesnik.
Here is the link:

speak language what you want, but west people will not understand russian language, special when we see random symbols, so if you got 8 players in game and everyone is from diffrent country, people will use english, noone expect perfect english, just basic
If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

Only you probably read his post
:D :D :D Sometimes I can be overly patient :)

I dont think so bro, as someone who has wait for anti hack for years, i was always watching it, and i have never see any false report the time it was there, because actually, everyone who was using anti hack had the anti hack tag, the peoples who could use hacks, where basicly using the old client and was flag as NONE, and the peoples who was caught with unknow report value was flag was unknow, tell me now, what is an unknow report value?!
I don't know what you think or don't think. I know first-hand - from Il himself. That the antihack is still not perfect and errors can happen with it, Il told me about it. I also know that Il is trying to finish it.
What is an unknown report - ask Il better. Just ask politely and without attacking, otherwise he won't even read you.

So how did you guys made the 2 ogers mode? How did you guys made the rebalance mode? If you guys did these change, you guys clearly have the source code or a way to play with it.
MPQ file may not be directly the source code it self, but its still important data that should not be edited by peoples without autorization, people who work for the server themself.
Now this, comrade Equinox, is a closely guarded secret. Only our most senior developers know this. And I won't answer you about it, because I don't have permission to do so. Frankly, I don't really want to tell you about it. Because it's your style to invent such fairy tales that it would be better to keep it a secret than for us to tell you how our mods work.
But I can assure you: MPQ-files are not used. And also that there is no source code.

I dont say russian cant speak russian at all, but its true that russian or polaks have tendancy to do it pretty often at a point where i think peoples can start to feel exclude. Does you have to stop speaking russian because i feel exclude, not at all, you can keep doing it as much as you want, but dont be surprise if peoples can feel that way. And you are right, its not only russian who does it, polaks do this alot too.
We understand the problem. But there's nothing we can do about it. Our people won't learn to speak English better. And I won't make any effort to learn to speak English better. I've voiced the reasons, and I have enough problems in life without English :) At the most basic level, I'll write something on occasion, of course, but nothing more.

We've always been more closed in general. I think that this is in some way a legacy of the "Iron Curtain". It's pretty hard to do anything about it.

War2RU, and yes, right now i say War2RU, because it almost always has been War2RU for 20 years, war2ru and the russian and whoever has take cares of warcraft II will always be in my heart, and i will always appreciate it even in our total desagreement.
It's good to hear, but you won't lull my vigilance :)

And now before we end this, have you ever think that maybe its the server that dont appreciatie my value!
Maybe it's because you write some nonsense quite often? It's good that you're creating activity on the forum. But sometimes, you write really bad things about our server and the admins. And you also said that you respect Russian, that our server is Ru...
I talked to you about this about 4 years ago, during a big argument with Cel. You called us then, I quote: "the server and forum were captured by Russian communist criminal cybercriminals." Does this speak of your loyalty to the server? Does this speak of your commitment to our community? Does this speak of your respect for us, not just as Russians, but also as admins? Although I was more offended by your disrespect for Il and Edo, whom I know personally.

It was after these words of yours that my patience ran out and I simply recognized you as inadequate. Have you changed? Big question.

So? Why is nox mad then?  , im genuinely curious about this claims and hatred towards U8 like dude was mugging people on streets or what? Why would some guys be so passionate about proving this guy hacks ? Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

Offline Oragorn

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #48 on: December 11, 2024, 08:09:36 AM »
Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.
It is VERY desirable to understand the topics before this. Just so you don't accidentally lie. And the history of both the server and the community is really very complex.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #49 on: December 11, 2024, 08:30:44 AM »
If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

No why I should be mad cause someone else speak in diffrent language

o? Why is nox mad then?  , im genuinely curious about this claims and hatred towards U8 like dude was mugging people on streets or what? Why would some guys be so passionate about proving this guy hacks ? Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.

Cause he is bored, he got +35 years? never had job, what can you do whole time? he is happy that someone answer his post, you can check at old forum his behavior

In 2016 when I had break he attacked diffrent people, some of them left cause they dont want argue again again and again
He had? cancer, now he is cancer for normal people who want play w2, guy were spaming me till fois made plugin, he was very mad cause finally I dont see his messages
He cant understand that he can be wrong and when you say he is not top he will give some shit, that he won 15 years ago games vs you and now he doesnt want play, so its logic he is still better than you right?
In normal community he should be banned long time ago, due his behavior

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline Nox

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #50 on: December 11, 2024, 08:47:35 AM »
Now it depends where hotkeys are in warcraft 2 are they accessible to the general public? How accessible it is? At this point if everybody can edit hotkeys is it hacking anymore?  I don't think so
A program for editing hotkeys in the game has been available for a long time now. It was made by a lesnik.
Here is the link:

speak language what you want, but west people will not understand russian language, special when we see random symbols, so if you got 8 players in game and everyone is from diffrent country, people will use english, noone expect perfect english, just basic
If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

Only you probably read his post
:D :D :D Sometimes I can be overly patient :)

I dont think so bro, as someone who has wait for anti hack for years, i was always watching it, and i have never see any false report the time it was there, because actually, everyone who was using anti hack had the anti hack tag, the peoples who could use hacks, where basicly using the old client and was flag as NONE, and the peoples who was caught with unknow report value was flag was unknow, tell me now, what is an unknow report value?!
I don't know what you think or don't think. I know first-hand - from Il himself. That the antihack is still not perfect and errors can happen with it, Il told me about it. I also know that Il is trying to finish it.
What is an unknown report - ask Il better. Just ask politely and without attacking, otherwise he won't even read you.

So how did you guys made the 2 ogers mode? How did you guys made the rebalance mode? If you guys did these change, you guys clearly have the source code or a way to play with it.
MPQ file may not be directly the source code it self, but its still important data that should not be edited by peoples without autorization, people who work for the server themself.
Now this, comrade Equinox, is a closely guarded secret. Only our most senior developers know this. And I won't answer you about it, because I don't have permission to do so. Frankly, I don't really want to tell you about it. Because it's your style to invent such fairy tales that it would be better to keep it a secret than for us to tell you how our mods work.
But I can assure you: MPQ-files are not used. And also that there is no source code.

I dont say russian cant speak russian at all, but its true that russian or polaks have tendancy to do it pretty often at a point where i think peoples can start to feel exclude. Does you have to stop speaking russian because i feel exclude, not at all, you can keep doing it as much as you want, but dont be surprise if peoples can feel that way. And you are right, its not only russian who does it, polaks do this alot too.
We understand the problem. But there's nothing we can do about it. Our people won't learn to speak English better. And I won't make any effort to learn to speak English better. I've voiced the reasons, and I have enough problems in life without English :) At the most basic level, I'll write something on occasion, of course, but nothing more.

We've always been more closed in general. I think that this is in some way a legacy of the "Iron Curtain". It's pretty hard to do anything about it.

War2RU, and yes, right now i say War2RU, because it almost always has been War2RU for 20 years, war2ru and the russian and whoever has take cares of warcraft II will always be in my heart, and i will always appreciate it even in our total desagreement.
It's good to hear, but you won't lull my vigilance :)

And now before we end this, have you ever think that maybe its the server that dont appreciatie my value!
Maybe it's because you write some nonsense quite often? It's good that you're creating activity on the forum. But sometimes, you write really bad things about our server and the admins. And you also said that you respect Russian, that our server is Ru...
I talked to you about this about 4 years ago, during a big argument with Cel. You called us then, I quote: "the server and forum were captured by Russian communist criminal cybercriminals." Does this speak of your loyalty to the server? Does this speak of your commitment to our community? Does this speak of your respect for us, not just as Russians, but also as admins? Although I was more offended by your disrespect for Il and Edo, whom I know personally.

It was after these words of yours that my patience ran out and I simply recognized you as inadequate. Have you changed? Big question.

Thats the probleme, everything you tell me right now is backed up by '' go ask iL and i dont know it's a secret '' But the thing is, i dont need to ask iL to know what is a unknow report value, i want you to tell me if you know what it is, and cearly you dont know, because you tell me to ask iL.. Im not even a devlopper, and i can tell you what it.. The server client war2ru is build on a platform, his entire platform is write with a final source code.. Call it whatever you want... But that client  has a final code to identify himself.. Same for the warcraft II battle edition client, same as the gog server client, same as the usa server client... The anti hack for his part, his a library where all these code are stock, so when someone log into the server, the anti hack check the client of the player and his FINAL CODE relate to it... Each client have their own individual code, but their are all the same code.. So when someone log into the server with this code, the anti hack read the code and tell us what client the player is using.. if the anti hack flag the player as ''AH''.. It mean the player is using a legit war2 ru client who have pass and check for the anti hack... If the anti hack flag the player as NONE, it mean he is using a old client, something comming from blizzard, gog or usa, if a player is flag as HACK, it mean the player has been caught of hacking with a hacks that the anti know already know about it and his code... So he can straight up flag it at HACK, because he already know that code as a hack! If the anti hack flag the player as unknow, it mean the anti hack have no idea about what client the player is using, because he dont know that code at all... There nothing in is library that can tell the antihack what it really is... So how did u8 get flag with a unknow report value?? There no mystake, i dont believe it. Its not something hard to create, if you can made two ogers mode and rebalance mode with super secret technologie dont know at all, dont make me believe there mystake with something so easy to create as a library for an anti hack.

Your boy as been get caught, there no false report,  because false report dont exist. This anti hack does one thing, he identify a code and tell us what it is, he dont create code, he dont imagine code, he dont do any actions of hos own, its programm under order that he follow, his order are simple, check the code that log in, and tell me what it is, easy like that.

Now you tell me you guys have some secrets about how you did 2 ogers mode and re-balance, and i respect that, but your secrets are the reasons why i cant trust any of you.
You want to have secrets, i can deal with it, but i cant deal with the fact that i have spent 20 years of my life on this server and finally knowing that some peoples can edit the mpq, data file, sources code whatever you want to call it. You try to tell me the mpq is not relate to any important files of the game, but to modify the game, you must reverse engineering something and extract his source code, this game have been code somewhere, you just cant do magic and telling me your creating updates from no where, this is not how it work. So the game has codes somewhere, and for me, the only place that i know for the moment where the game has been code, is the mpq, so untill i know where peoples do their hacks, because all these hacks from 20 years ago have clearly been made from these codes. You cant make any modification of this game or any games in the world without the codes. Its like telling me that you made a processor for a motherboard and you dont even know how this motherboard is build... It dont work that way, so clearly for me, the mpq is the most logic answer at the moment. And since its the most logic answer, i cant do nothing else that saying its a door for hacker. And now, maybe there another answer, but u8 still clearly use color that dint exist the game at that time in the past, and he clearly used hotkeys for years while other players on the server cant.. And he still did it, MPQ or NOT, wich make him an hacker by pure definition, this is not none sens speaking, this is the truth.

Now it's true that i have said alot of things, and some of them where probably really bad, but its not because i want to said these things, its because how you guys have treat me and the community for years, because i exactly been loyal to all of you for 10 years at least, doing everything i can for this sever, as the best i can, and never i did had a probleme with anyone on this server before i realize what really happening here with the hackers. Like i said, i came here in 2006, the war between me and administration start around 2016, so for at least 10 years i have never had any probleme with russian or ANYONE on this server.. When i tell you i had over 100 players in my clan, it's true, we were probably the biggest clan EVER on war2ru, untill burnt became jalous and want to beat our clan and harasse every new players to join his clan, but me, i have never harasse no one, peoples was joining my clan because they like me and they like our clan, everyone want to be part of it and no one have been harasse for it.  And maybe a one third of your russian community was in that clan, i will not even be surprise, probably you have been in that clan if your here since long time ago, but you will clearly not say it, if its the case.. Another thing i want you to know, SPB has probably have been my biggest friend between 2006 and 2016, me and spb where playing togheter everyday, when everyone was saying spb was bad, i was the only one to defend him with my entire soul and saying that spb is better then peoples think. I have always respect spb and show it to peoples without any shame! Yes i said you guys were probably some communist cyber criminal russian, i will not deny it, but is that because i really think it, and i really want to said it, or i said it because i wanted you to do something against hackers and stop taking me and the entire community like if we was stoopid! Do i regret what i said in this kind of form, yes i do, because i was so mad that i was just trying to say whatever i can to get what i want, and what that server truly deserve, a good environement  to play where hacking is not a question and we can feel safe and have confidence between each other.. But everytime i was prooving something, peoples were calling me crazy and liar and at the end i had no other choice to think what i was thinking. Does it mean i hate russians, not at all, i think russians are great peoples in general, they are smart peoples that know alot of things, they are peoples with loyalty to their roots and i respect that, in a way, im alot like you, the way you are proud of your nation is the same way i am proud of mine, does it mean i hate russians because im also proud of mine, not at all, i respect you for that, no one can blame you to be born russian and no one can blame me either, at the end, ive never said these words because i hate russian peoples, if i said those things its only because i cant find any other way to bring what we need on that server. Wich is making sure we do everything in our power to make it safe of playing for everyone.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #51 on: December 11, 2024, 09:04:17 AM »
Honestly, I would never have thought that communicating in Russian with my compatriots in the lobby with players from other countries would cause such a feeling of alienation. Thanks Equinox for bringing this up, I never thought about it. You see, yes, I must admit, the Russian-speaking community lives detached from the rest of the community. I agree, it is bad for the whole server, since our part of the community does not take any decisive part in the life of the whole server. However, we have been living like this for many years and we have managed to create our own developing internal community, which is gradually being replenished with new players. Since the beginning of the war, we have renamed ourselves to war2online, but the old domain war2ru still exists. We do not want to emphasize in any way that this is a Russian server or that this server is run by Russians. But I suspect that everyone has already gotten used to the fact that this is a Russian server. And even if the name changes, this "ru" prefix will still haunt this server. We are immensely grateful to each of the server veterans who still come in every day, host games and participate in the life of the server.
As for your situation with Knitterhemd, I think this is not a situation in which admins should interfere. It looks like your personal showdown and, as it seems to me, only you can solve this problem with each other. The intervention of admins will only ruin everything.

To be honnest the russian speaking was a probleme years ago, i think in general its way much better now, but its true that in the past, it was a big issue because the entire channel could be full of russian speaking and it was a bit herritating for others.. But its been some years that its way much better now, i dont really think its a probleme anymore to be honnest. The only reason we speak about this at the moment is because someone call it, and i tell to oragorn that he should not be surprise if someone feel that way. But in general i dont think its a probleme anymore.

You know Ar, i know you, we play alot togheter with ragner, extasey, vity, hurt etc... I dont think i never tell you anything bad and i dont think you never tell me anything bad either. I think most of the time that we play togheter, we have fun in general, if you want to be with your russian compatriot, ill dot it without saying anything at all and with all the pleasure, when we must made different teams, i ask you what teams you guys want, if you want to ally me, lets do it! If extasey want to ally me, let's do it! Who ever want to ally me, let's do it, you know how i am, cuz you actually play for real with me, and no one can tell you what you already know. I dont remember when, but some weeks ago, someone was saying that russians are all bad players, who did came to russian players defense? Me. Even danydll ask me if i taught russians player was good, and i tell him russians have get way much better in the last years, and they are definitly not bad at all, naming spb, ragner, armilitar, extasey, vity, hurt etc.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2024, 09:13:36 AM »
Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.
It is VERY desirable to understand the topics before this. Just so you don't accidentally lie. And the history of both the server and the community is really very complex.

Yeah I try not to come to conclusions very fast knowing previously  ( not in this site) I made some conclusions and results were disastrous ,  I can see there is a lot of history in this site never expected such deep lore from warcraft 2 community didn't even know there was people playing this game and still active online.

If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

No why I should be mad cause someone else speak in diffrent language

o? Why is nox mad then?  , im genuinely curious about this claims and hatred towards U8 like dude was mugging people on streets or what? Why would some guys be so passionate about proving this guy hacks ? Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.

Cause he is bored, he got +35 years? never had job, what can you do whole time? he is happy that someone answer his post, you can check at old forum his behavior

In 2016 when I had break he attacked diffrent people, some of them left cause they dont want argue again again and again
He had? cancer, now he is cancer for normal people who want play w2, guy were spaming me till fois made plugin, he was very mad cause finally I dont see his messages
He cant understand that he can be wrong and when you say he is not top he will give some shit, that he won 15 years ago games vs you and now he doesnt want play, so its logic he is still better than you right?
In normal community he should be banned long time ago, due his behavior

Wow that's....something  +35 and no responsibilities? Would learn programming and deconstruct this game maybe even rewrite it from scratch.

Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2024, 09:19:41 AM »
Wow that's....something  +35 and no responsibilities? Would learn programming and deconstruct this game maybe even rewrite it from scratch.

he said many times that he cant work, but there are many jobs who exist from home with computer, if someone want work will find work
If someone can play 16 hours warcraft2, he can also work from home at pc, but you must learn something to do it

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #54 on: December 11, 2024, 09:56:57 AM »
Now it depends where hotkeys are in warcraft 2 are they accessible to the general public? How accessible it is? At this point if everybody can edit hotkeys is it hacking anymore?  I don't think so
A program for editing hotkeys in the game has been available for a long time now. It was made by a lesnik.
Here is the link:

speak language what you want, but west people will not understand russian language, special when we see random symbols, so if you got 8 players in game and everyone is from diffrent country, people will use english, noone expect perfect english, just basic
If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

Only you probably read his post
:D :D :D Sometimes I can be overly patient :)

I dont think so bro, as someone who has wait for anti hack for years, i was always watching it, and i have never see any false report the time it was there, because actually, everyone who was using anti hack had the anti hack tag, the peoples who could use hacks, where basicly using the old client and was flag as NONE, and the peoples who was caught with unknow report value was flag was unknow, tell me now, what is an unknow report value?!
I don't know what you think or don't think. I know first-hand - from Il himself. That the antihack is still not perfect and errors can happen with it, Il told me about it. I also know that Il is trying to finish it.
What is an unknown report - ask Il better. Just ask politely and without attacking, otherwise he won't even read you.

So how did you guys made the 2 ogers mode? How did you guys made the rebalance mode? If you guys did these change, you guys clearly have the source code or a way to play with it.
MPQ file may not be directly the source code it self, but its still important data that should not be edited by peoples without autorization, people who work for the server themself.
Now this, comrade Equinox, is a closely guarded secret. Only our most senior developers know this. And I won't answer you about it, because I don't have permission to do so. Frankly, I don't really want to tell you about it. Because it's your style to invent such fairy tales that it would be better to keep it a secret than for us to tell you how our mods work.
But I can assure you: MPQ-files are not used. And also that there is no source code.

I dont say russian cant speak russian at all, but its true that russian or polaks have tendancy to do it pretty often at a point where i think peoples can start to feel exclude. Does you have to stop speaking russian because i feel exclude, not at all, you can keep doing it as much as you want, but dont be surprise if peoples can feel that way. And you are right, its not only russian who does it, polaks do this alot too.
We understand the problem. But there's nothing we can do about it. Our people won't learn to speak English better. And I won't make any effort to learn to speak English better. I've voiced the reasons, and I have enough problems in life without English :) At the most basic level, I'll write something on occasion, of course, but nothing more.

We've always been more closed in general. I think that this is in some way a legacy of the "Iron Curtain". It's pretty hard to do anything about it.

War2RU, and yes, right now i say War2RU, because it almost always has been War2RU for 20 years, war2ru and the russian and whoever has take cares of warcraft II will always be in my heart, and i will always appreciate it even in our total desagreement.
It's good to hear, but you won't lull my vigilance :)

And now before we end this, have you ever think that maybe its the server that dont appreciatie my value!
Maybe it's because you write some nonsense quite often? It's good that you're creating activity on the forum. But sometimes, you write really bad things about our server and the admins. And you also said that you respect Russian, that our server is Ru...
I talked to you about this about 4 years ago, during a big argument with Cel. You called us then, I quote: "the server and forum were captured by Russian communist criminal cybercriminals." Does this speak of your loyalty to the server? Does this speak of your commitment to our community? Does this speak of your respect for us, not just as Russians, but also as admins? Although I was more offended by your disrespect for Il and Edo, whom I know personally.

It was after these words of yours that my patience ran out and I simply recognized you as inadequate. Have you changed? Big question.

So? Why is nox mad then?  , im genuinely curious about this claims and hatred towards U8 like dude was mugging people on streets or what? Why would some guys be so passionate about proving this guy hacks ? Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.

Im not mad, he is just an hypocrite and a liar, hes one of the most popular player if not the most popular period, and he show bad exemple to everyone by hacking the game, he can say whatever he want, but he did hacks the game for years with units color, hotkeys, putting name over his units, and having unknow report value from the anti hacks, this is what i know, what else we dont know, everything he did was editing the game for its own purpose, he may not hack anymore, who really know, but at the end he still acting like if he never did and editing the game for his own purpose what not hacking. He do not cares about this community at all, he always create game in private so peoples cant join him, he said im poor, no job and mad, but everytime he got a chance to get money from a tournament he make sure to do it, 20$ or 2000$ it dont matter for him, he dont let any piece of the cake to anyone else,hes the one acting like a poor, while ive never participate to any cash tournament in the last 10 years. Since remastered has been out, he literally give up on this server and hes willing to play fix order and banging on noobes all day long for 50 more viewers on his stream. He said i harasse him, but its not true at all, i speak about him the same way i speak about everyone and the same way everyone speak about everyone... This community is a bit different of what other community can be. Peoples here love to talktrash or being toxic, there peoples way much worst then me, that wish ukranian to burn in fire at war, that wish peoples to die from their cancer, or just being racist all day long. And he do not cares at all. Its just the way it is, but this guy act like if he was exclusive and we cant say nothing to him, we must take him with white gloves. He create his own personal software so he can ban everyone he dont like. He said im toxic but actually he ban everyone that say shit to him, while he laugh of other being insulting, years ago he ban me on his stream because i did some talkshit, while he was comming everyday on mine with his goons squad to insult me and mock me all the time, because at the time i was the most popular streamer of this game, and this is how he build his own stream, by insulting me and mocking me with his friend on my stream all the time so he could bring peoples to his own stream after.. Even there ive never ban him on my stream, because i dont ban no one at all period and i always have let him is free speech. He act like a nice guy, but when his friend maciek, teaboy or andrezej  insult me, he laugh super hard with them like if it was nice, he dosent cares at all if his friend are insulting me, he think its fun and hes having a good time. He said i will be ban on every other community, while in fact i have an 25 years account on blizzard with every games they have release, and i have never been ban, never been ban on steam either, in fact hes the one who will be ban if he was editing multiplayer games for its own purpose in any other games, the same way he has been ban from twitch for racist comments years ago. He always attack my personal life because its the only thing he can do, while i have never attack his personal life at all, everything i did and say about him is relate to this game, some peoples that know him personally was sending me picture of him in a lan because he is super fat, ive never insult him about this, because is personal life dont matter to me, the things that matter to me is about the game. Hes just a liar and a hypocrite, everything he do is some smiley like this '' xD '' so he seem like a nice guy, but at the end deep inside he is really bad human. He think he is perfect, he will never admit that he did something bad, while as the opposite i know im not perfect and i did bad things and i admit it and said sorry for it, but in his case, never it will happen. I dont even hate this guy, the only thing i did ask him for years is to admit that editing the game for his personal purpose is bad and no one should do it, but he literally refuse to do it and by this fact he keep to show this exemple to everyone that follow him. So at the end, editing the game for our own purpose on this server is something normal because the most popular player act like if it was.

I dont cares about him, i cares about the exemple he his showing to the entire community, even to these day i never ban him from my stream, never ban him from my games, when he join my games, i let him play like everyone else.. He said im toxic, but he still join my games to these days and when i beat up his ass he is so mad that he just rage log like the coward he is.

He said im toxic, but hes the one that has a signature that call me the most stupid player of this server.

He have spam the same video of me for 10 years while he beat me and act deloyal by using someone else account, we call this swapping account, he played me while i was thinking i was playing someone else and caught me off guard, thats the only video he got where he beat me, by deloyal behavior, while that time i have post almost 10 videos of me beating him 1v2 and even 1v3 on my true identity.

He really think when i said im the best of the world i really think it, but he has never realize if i said this its only to make some peoples mad because obviously its the case lol. The same way he rage log everytime i beat him up.

He call me stupid, but here is my title when i stream.


How someone can take me seriously when i claim myself smarter than A.I's, only u8.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 10:19:51 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2024, 10:21:08 AM »
Not care yet you seem fixated on proving he hacks sounds contradictory to me .

Look from my prescriptive somebody who wants to know what all this rambling about I find it difficult to take your words for granted maybe hand me some pictures of him doing bad stuff as you said? Also how is it possible to trust somebody claim when everyone around him tell him he is wrong and his arguments are debunked? If you have any evidence that proves szwagier been doing all this bad stuff I think everybody would turn on him but since there isn't any strong evidence it won't be wise of admins terminate him based on your claims alone.

Im gonna bear with you and say I would need to see myself if U8 kicks noobs and does such  hostile behaviour against new players until then I can't say much about the topic.
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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2024, 10:36:49 AM »
Not care yet you seem fixated on proving he hacks sounds contradictory to me .

Look from my prescriptive somebody who wants to know what all this rambling about I find it difficult to take your words for granted maybe hand me some pictures of him doing bad stuff as you said? Also how is it possible to trust somebody claim when everyone around him tell him he is wrong and his arguments are debunked? If you have any evidence that proves szwagier been doing all this bad stuff I think everybody would turn on him but since there isn't any strong evidence it won't be wise of admins terminate him based on your claims alone.

Im gonna bear with you and say I would need to see myself if U8 kicks noobs and does such  hostile behaviour against new players until then I can't say much about the topic.

I dont have to proove he hack, its a fact that he already proov himself, there no games out there who will allow someone to edit their game for their personal purpose, do you understand this?

And who have debunk what, nothing has been debunk, we dont debunk anything by saying ''trust me bro, its our secret, but there nothing wrong here '' I dont have to post any picture, because the evidence are not picture at all, the evidence are editing the game for its own purpose, Change the color of his units so he can see better than everyone else, changing his own hotkeys so he can play better and faster than everyone else, having name on his units so he can know wich units get damage without watching their health bar like everyone else... If my peon, my grunt or my ogers as a name over his head that said james deen, then when this peons get attack, i can fastly found him and secure him by looking at the name james deen over his head without checking the health bar, while every other person will have to watch 10 different peons, grunt or ogers healt bar to find him. These are hacks, you dont need more evidence than that, you need to see reality and stop acting like if its not the case.. If he was doing this in other games, he will be ban straight up dude. And he dont need to kick noobs, he create private so noobs just cant join him at all.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 10:39:21 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2024, 10:58:15 AM »
Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.
It is VERY desirable to understand the topics before this. Just so you don't accidentally lie. And the history of both the server and the community is really very complex.

Yeah I try not to come to conclusions very fast knowing previously  ( not in this site) I made some conclusions and results were disastrous ,  I can see there is a lot of history in this site never expected such deep lore from warcraft 2 community didn't even know there was people playing this game and still active online.

If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

No why I should be mad cause someone else speak in diffrent language

o? Why is nox mad then?  , im genuinely curious about this claims and hatred towards U8 like dude was mugging people on streets or what? Why would some guys be so passionate about proving this guy hacks ? Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.

Cause he is bored, he got +35 years? never had job, what can you do whole time? he is happy that someone answer his post, you can check at old forum his behavior

In 2016 when I had break he attacked diffrent people, some of them left cause they dont want argue again again and again
He had? cancer, now he is cancer for normal people who want play w2, guy were spaming me till fois made plugin, he was very mad cause finally I dont see his messages
He cant understand that he can be wrong and when you say he is not top he will give some shit, that he won 15 years ago games vs you and now he doesnt want play, so its logic he is still better than you right?
In normal community he should be banned long time ago, due his behavior

Wow that's....something  +35 and no responsibilities? Would learn programming and deconstruct this game maybe even rewrite it from scratch.

Here again he hes lying, i got college international diploma in sound engineering, he act like if i has no job because i live at my dad house, but my dad house got 5 bedroom and it has never been a problem for him if live here. I love my family, my family love me.. I got my own studio, where i have been working in production mixing and mastering for years. With independant artist or subvention ones. Its true since some years i dont work anymore, because i had rare an agressive cancer stage 4 that we call hodgekins cancer, its a blood, lymphoma, lymps node cancer, its basicly relate to blood and it can happen to different kind of peoples, its rarer with the adult, normally it happen with young peoples, but its still happen sometime with older peoples.If you know the hockey players Saku Koivu or Mario Lemieux, its the same cancer as them. I did chimio and radio therapy for basicly 3 years, i did win my fight against the cancer, but all the chimio bring some other probleme to my health, wich is serious heart and liver probleme. They also did 7 operations to me because of blood cloths, one of it was in my leg, its hard to explain but they had to drill inside my right leg so they can pass a kind of filter that can go straight into my main arthere so the blood cloth cant go inside my heart and brain... By this fact i cant barely walk anymore.. From this fact, the doctor and my governement declare me invalid to work and i do enouph money to survive without working. Thats the main issue with trying to talk about other personal life, how i have to explain all of this to peoples that i dont even know in real life, is that anyone buissness in here? Did we came here to take cares of other personal life or we came here to play this game, cant believe i must explain that to some random peoples that think they are enouph important to deal with other personal life that they dont know.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 11:16:01 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2024, 11:13:16 AM »
Glad you won your fight against that disease , well look man since you are in this difficult position I don't think its quite healthy for you to do this or whatever you been doing for the past few days sounds like you are getting annoyed again and again and it goes nowhere like really where is this argument going ? Nowhere!!

Can be difficult but can't you forget about it all? You are quite lucky to still live among why waste energy and time over this dead end topic? Just leave it be man will be better for you and all others.

Instead of this Sherlock Holmes series of "x is hacker" u can actually invest that energy  into something that makes you happy , this all seems to radiate negative energy too much negative attitude can impact your mental health and sometimes perception of others.

In other words TOUCH GRASS
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Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2024, 11:16:24 AM »
well its actually not a super secret info as oragorn says
i have war2mod from server source code on my github for 2 years already
its 2 yr old version though but all of main functions was not changed by those 2 yers
so if you really want to check you can
i just doubt you really can understand anything
it was never as much hidden as you think