Warcraft II > Cartography & Custom Maps

A cool map idea

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I hate naggers:
A cool map idea (that no1 will play obvously, cuz its not gow)

4 player map, 2v2
1 + support vs 1 + support

two players are doing a regular 1v1, gold mining, wood etc while their support mates only have:
1 peon + 1 lumber mill + a couple of transports
and the main idea is that they chop X trees to get to the camps where they can capture units and send them to battle with transport to support their ally.
Level 1 camp would need 2 chops to get into, level 2 would need more (4?) chops to get into, level 3 (6?) and so on.

I'd love to see 3 balanced camps here, such as:
Rush camp, Cheese camp and Defense camp.

Supports could switch between camps, so they could go either: lvl1 rush camp -> lvl2 rush camp -> lvl3 rush camp or lvl1 rush camp -> lvl1 cheese camp -> lvl2 rush camp -> lvl1 defense camp or any other mix. They wouldnt have to stick with one "path" for the lifetime.

Any ideas what those camps should consist of?

Lvl1 Rush camp
2 grunts?
Lvl2 Rush camp
an ogre which could cast bloodlust?

Lvl1 Cheese camp
5 axethrowers?
Lvl2 Cheese camp
2 goblin sappers?

Lvl1 Defense camp
a catapult
Lvl2 Defense camp
3 paladins with heal? // 2 catapults?

It's really hard to balance those ideas while maintaining diversity
too bad you people dont even play the game and if you do, you never try something new, because personally i would love to play a map such as this

you're really good at coming up with bad ideas.

Hahahaha......i'll try any map.

Sent from my Motorola DynaTAC 8000X

I hate naggers:

--- Quote from: tk[as] on March 14, 2015, 11:03:31 AM ---you're really good at coming up with bad ideas.

--- End quote ---
nope, its awesome, your opinion doesnt matter. Remember how i raped you on gow even though i never play? yeah... so when it comes to finesse and thinking outside the box, you dont qualify



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