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If there was a countrywide lockdown then yes, you would likely see some of our Southern rural areas protest by marching with loaded weapons to their local state capitals... Or the white house itself. It would create a snowball effect very quickly. Other gun owners would quickly follow suite.
usa is a retard country with 700k deaths, making covid19 the third leading cause of death only trailing cancer and heart disease.
Quote from: Every Billionaire is a Policy Failure on October 04, 2021, 03:28:58 PMusa is a retard country with 700k deaths, making covid19 the third leading cause of death only trailing cancer and heart disease.Which further proves the lockdowns ain’t about health lmao. We got rich in these lockdowns things have never been this lucrative on my end.
Quote from: ~ToRa~ on October 04, 2021, 03:52:58 PMQuote from: Every Billionaire is a Policy Failure on October 04, 2021, 03:28:58 PMusa is a retard country with 700k deaths, making covid19 the third leading cause of death only trailing cancer and heart disease.Which further proves the lockdowns ain’t about health lmao. We got rich in these lockdowns things have never been this lucrative on my end. parasite
you don't run shit trustfund baby
because maybe the system is blatantly dogshit you moron? fucking god damn parasite kid thinking he's something because he grew up in wealth, what a joke.