Author Topic: Congratulations democrats  (Read 18281 times)

Offline Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart)

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Re: Congratulations democrats
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2022, 12:55:35 PM »
i mean even boring normies have facebook and get this stuff.  the riot at the capitol building ands so on are only gaining accpetance on the right, because breaking ranks on any of it would show a lack of commitment and would not be received well, so they can only dial it up, not down

I mean you would agree the same could be said of left as far as extremism goes?  Like no cash bails for repeat felons, defund the police movement, CRT/gender studies for children.

Sounds like both sides have gone off the deep end like Gavin Newson, Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, etc.
When someone says “we should have safe streets” and arrest repeat criminals even if their petty crimes. The lefts response sounds more like “we need to address the root problems and learn to live with this until we do.”

Could go on for awhile but the divide is great in America. Also in my experience people with more leftist ideology seem more unwilling to budge their views.
Imo the most important things to understand with any of your points here are a) the stances of the Democratic Party and most of its elected politicians are far removed from the demands of its activist base, and b) a lot of what you mention here are classic boogeymen conjured up by political operatives on the right.

For example, on anything crime related the right is always going to try scare the public as much as possible (it works), but also the Dems are going to completely run from whatever the activist demand may be, even if it's good, as they don't want to be tarred as soft on crime.  Therefore, imo, most of the things you mention are both good and not even being supported by the Democrats anyway.  In rare cases where an activist-minded person actually wins their election (ie Chesa Boudin) they are not representative of the Democrats, and are in fact disowned by the Party which will attempt to recall them or replace them.

As it concerns Boudin and the issue of bail, the purpose of bail is ostensibly to prevent people from skipping their trial, with the bail money acting as leverage.  That's all it's for.  If someone is deemed a threat to the community, they should be held without bail in the first place.  The problem of cash bail is obvious... It means, in many cases, rich people can get out on bail while poor people cannot.  As always in this country, it's a system that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the working poor and people of color, and if anything goes wrong with someone out pre-trial, it will be seized on for endless political attacks, a la Willie Horton going all the way back to the 80s.

Another thing that is both good and not supported by the Dems is the defund movement.  The Democratic Party never endorsed "defund" and have been running away from it since it broke out as a slogan of the BLM protests.  They angrily attack it and blame it for their useless asses losing elections, and I can pull plenty of quotes if you need to see them.  I actually think it's a reasonable demand for reform.  Police salaries are absurd and forces are becoming increasingly militarized, receiving so much money they buy all kinds of fancy new tech toys for themselves.  The NYPD gets $11 billion dollars a year.  The Chicago Police budget is literally 37% of all city spending.  There are a lot of 911 etc calls that alternative non-police offices could be responding to, and a lot of that money could be spent on social programs and education to help prevent crime at the source.  Police budgets have done nothing but grow for decades, just like the US military budgets.  Should they keep growing forever?

and so on.  "CRT" is a great example of a boogeyman conjured up by Republicans.  No one had ever heard of anything called "Critical Race Theory" before the campaign against it, but it sure does make teaching the actual history of America sound elitist and scary.  Keep in mind also that no matter who we're talking about or what they're doing, there needs to be an attack from the other side against them.  Even centrist losers like Nancy Pelosi or Gavin Newsome can and will be painted as radical because what else are you going to say, that they're reasonable centrists?  This means someone who is attempting to be even-minded is always going to think "well the fringes of both sides are out of control!" because each party is always going to need attacks against the other, regardless of the reality.  The Democrats themselves also like to pose as being more on the left than they really are, because they want to stay in good favor with the base. 

Rachel Maddow is useless corporate TV trash.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 02:51:14 PM by Certified MENSA Genius Brain (smart) »