Author Topic: Im leaving War2  (Read 18312 times)

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2020, 03:06:27 PM »
As for Jordan == Blid or the two using each others accounts.  That's been known for literally years and years.  Thats nothing new.  The same goes for Picka,  he has used Blids account as well.
No and no.  nobody has ever logged onto my accounts.  I've also never played on a jordan account.  There were a few times over the years ago where jordan had a smurf and would say like "Hey can you log on as Longdong so people don't think it's me?" but that's it, chat only not playing for him

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2020, 03:08:08 PM »
Keep lieing like you lie about stealing Lances crystaldawn ladder.

Tora already exposed you for letting Jordan on your names and giving him access to the server.

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2020, 04:19:57 PM »
It wouldnt be any fun if he just came out and admitted it though.  Thats boring.  If there is one thing Blid is good at,  it's portraying things in a way that gets what he wants (AKA Lying/bending the truth to some people).  It's a skill that his day job requires literally every single day and he's good at it.

Speaking of code,  who the hell is going to fix the recaptcha issue on the SS upload page.  It would take 30 mins to make a completely new one if need be and probably 5 mins to fix the current one.
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2020, 04:59:06 PM »
Here are the test results from the files I sent to Avira, from the big bad files that you totally freaked out about:

Ok, so are you going to sell me you are better at detecting malicious softwares than a full dedicated lab from a worlwide known antivirus company?
Next time you should really send the program yourself to the company of your choice and see from there what they reply before you start letting your paranoia take control... ::)

Maybe you owe Lesnik some excuses... just saying...

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2020, 07:22:33 PM »
Keep lieing like you lie about stealing Lances crystaldawn ladder.

Tora already exposed you for letting Jordan on your names and giving him access to the server.
Even tupac said i didnt steal it, and said it was clearly an amateur project and wasn't lance's.  so why do you keep clinging to that false accusation?  I also don't know what you're talking about tora saying but it doesn't sound likely he would "expose" something that didnt happen. 

Offline Sentinel1

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2020, 11:03:49 AM »
back in the day when I was an admin there was something called the "war 2 council" which was a secret society of elites that would determine the direction of the server.  admins, elders (ywfn), and two ultra secret members.  yamon came really close to uncovering the truth about us back then, and to be honest, I wish he had.  we had no right saying what was right, what was wrong, and how this game would be played.  I remember very well meeting with blid in the council channel and trying to figure out what to do with yamon, as he was talking way too much, getting way too close.

anyway, youre probably wondering about the two ultra secret members, and why I'm bringing this all up now.  one of them was Axolotl, who we managed to track down out of retirement through an old email associated with a horse-betting forum post we found.  let's just say we dangled a carrot on a stick.  he wasn't active on a daily basis but believe me when I say he was involved in ANY major decisions, often as the deciding vote.

the other was a guy who was a regular player.  never very good.  and the weird thing is blid was ALWAYS suggesting he join the council - almost weekly.  he'd always say things like "X has some really great ideas about the server" or "X knows people" or "X has blizzard connections."  he mentioned how they hung out in real life and that he could be trusted. 

then one day - ill never forget it - I was in a game with jordan.  yes, exactly, the jordan.  and this is something I never told anyone, not even Axolotl or YWFN.  we ended up teaming, but lost to zeke and someone else.  and that someone else messaged me after the game saying to join the war 2 council channel for a secret meeting.  but he messaged me the same way blid always messaged me, "449312, meet spot #2 minus 2."  the first number was my code (we each had individual code names) spot #2 was channel councilmeet2-432344, and minus 2 was how long until the meeting began. 

anyway, I joined the council secret meeting place and guess who it is?  the same exact player blid was always suggesting.  the same player blid "knew" and "met" in "real life."  the same player who was in the last game with me.  the same player who was apparently blid the entire time!  and that players name?  badfingaz.

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2020, 07:33:07 PM »

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2020, 09:27:16 PM »
back in the day when I was an admin there was something called the "war 2 council" which was a secret society of elites that would determine the direction of the server.  admins, elders (ywfn), and two ultra secret members.  yamon came really close to uncovering the truth about us back then, and to be honest, I wish he had.  we had no right saying what was right, what was wrong, and how this game would be played.  I remember very well meeting with blid in the council channel and trying to figure out what to do with yamon, as he was talking way too much, getting way too close.

anyway, youre probably wondering about the two ultra secret members, and why I'm bringing this all up now.  one of them was Axolotl, who we managed to track down out of retirement through an old email associated with a horse-betting forum post we found.  let's just say we dangled a carrot on a stick.  he wasn't active on a daily basis but believe me when I say he was involved in ANY major decisions, often as the deciding vote.

the other was a guy who was a regular player.  never very good.  and the weird thing is blid was ALWAYS suggesting he join the council - almost weekly.  he'd always say things like "X has some really great ideas about the server" or "X knows people" or "X has blizzard connections."  he mentioned how they hung out in real life and that he could be trusted. 

then one day - ill never forget it - I was in a game with jordan.  yes, exactly, the jordan.  and this is something I never told anyone, not even Axolotl or YWFN.  we ended up teaming, but lost to zeke and someone else.  and that someone else messaged me after the game saying to join the war 2 council channel for a secret meeting.  but he messaged me the same way blid always messaged me, "449312, meet spot #2 minus 2."  the first number was my code (we each had individual code names) spot #2 was channel councilmeet2-432344, and minus 2 was how long until the meeting began. 

anyway, I joined the council secret meeting place and guess who it is?  the same exact player blid was always suggesting.  the same player blid "knew" and "met" in "real life."  the same player who was in the last game with me.  the same player who was apparently blid the entire time!  and that players name?  badfingaz.

Broke my self-imposed war2 ban to let you know this is the most epic post this year lmao

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #38 on: October 24, 2020, 12:39:59 AM »
Were his fingaz good back then to be able to provide timely input in a meeting of multiple people? Given that you provided his name as badfingaz, I doubt it. He is/was the slowest type ever and rarely speaks. (ps- I miss him, idk where hes been). Not sayin you are wrong, just an observation.

I wasn't around until about 2012ish, so I missed most of this drama and was too noob/mature to be in it when I came back. (maturity regressed?) I do find it interesting. It's like daytime soap. Twists and turns, heartbreak, lies, deception, and cover ups. At some point in time, will the truth ever be told to the point where everyone agrees?

Offline Disgruntled

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2020, 06:18:33 PM »
bye eq

Offline Disgruntled

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #40 on: October 27, 2020, 06:19:25 PM »
fingaz has been living his dream out in montana.

Offline maciek

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #41 on: November 05, 2020, 04:25:51 PM »
This one was quick:

Offline Warchief Lightbringer-

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2020, 10:29:22 AM »
God fucking. You people still arguing and accusing? WTF. Back after 4-5 years (for a short stint) and this is still a thing? lol
aka DeaDLyGaMeS

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #43 on: November 13, 2020, 06:45:36 PM »
Yeah apparently war2 is run by some reptileans illuminati building up a worldwide shadow network money making server of doom  :omg:. And all that is related to war2 and I certainly know because I am a big part of it  >:D, maybe you are too? (PM me in reptilean pls, I gotta make sure...)

Anyways, I cant stay I have to tell my lizard servants to prepare the castle for I am recieving big news that my russian-french reptilean troll hacker collegues are arriving soon. And I still have to manage all that money from all the people I stole with the complicit help of Twitch (from my overwhelming tons of subscribers), because my Nasa MPQ hacking chamber's safe is getting full by the minute. 8) BRB

BTW quick update on our previous affairs: For now our big secrets are safe, people have not discovered that we faked the moon landing and that the earth is really flat but we should stay vigillant some very smart people are uppon us as we speak!  :omg: :ok_hand: :thumbsup:

In short: Yeah, as you can see War2 is doing as fantastic as ever. :rofl: :wc2:

 Welcome back!

Btw I totally cracked your nickname wa(r)chi(e <= this actually is a o because it is almost pronounced o in russian if you add " to it)f(upper case L because double l )gh(t I see what you did there but it is really in first place and in upper case)bringer. Your nicknames means Troll Bringer !!! This for me is almost legit proof you are one of us *wink* *wink*
« Last Edit: November 13, 2020, 07:12:11 PM by Cel »

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Re: Im leaving War2
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2020, 11:09:26 PM »
Yeah apparently war2 is run by some reptileans illuminati building up a worldwide shadow network money making server of doom  :omg:. And all that is related to war2 and I certainly know because I am a big part of it  >:D, maybe you are too? (PM me in reptilean pls, I gotta make sure...)

Anyways, I cant stay I have to tell my lizard servants to prepare the castle for I am recieving big news that my russian-french reptilean troll hacker collegues are arriving soon. And I still have to manage all that money from all the people I stole with the complicit help of Twitch (from my overwhelming tons of subscribers), because my Nasa MPQ hacking chamber's safe is getting full by the minute. 8) BRB

BTW quick update on our previous affairs: For now our big secrets are safe, people have not discovered that we faked the moon landing and that the earth is really flat but we should stay vigillant some very smart people are uppon us as we speak!  :omg: :ok_hand: :thumbsup:

In short: Yeah, as you can see War2 is doing as fantastic as ever. :rofl: :wc2:

 Welcome back!

Btw I totally cracked your nickname wa(r)chi(e <= this actually is a o because it is almost pronounced o in russian if you add " to it)f(upper case L because double l )gh(t I see what you did there but it is really in first place and in upper case)bringer. Your nicknames means Troll Bringer !!! This for me is almost legit proof you are one of us *wink* *wink*

Yeah apparantly ur too fucking dumb to know with who you talk, lightbringer is a notorious hacker whos hacks several years on europe and have been caught several time..

He also an admin who made up differents software like WAR2 LATENCY, untill i find out that war2 latency was build on bt net client and was making corruption with WAR2RU client, i told to lightbringer it was corrupted and we had to get rid of that, but lightbringer- told to everyone i was crazy and i should go to mental hospital cuz everything i was saying was a lie, that he knew it was a lie cuz he build himself that software... Untill iL came back on forum and told to everyone i was right and the lightbringer plug in was now removing from war2ru.

Then lightbringer disapear for 5 years in his own shame, because we all know telling to peoples they are crazy and goes to mental hospital when they are right, it's a total shame.

And we also know he was using different old rigged client to hacks at a 25 years old game, cuz this is what lightbringer have always did... He was using old bt net rigged client so he can hacks the game without being caught, and if we were closing all those different client from war2ru he would not be able to hacks anymore, so it was obvious he wanted to call me crazy because he dint want to see those rigged client shut down... But at least iL save the day and told the truth to everyone, i was right, and lightbringer was the liar, MR i build that software LOL

How you doing lightbringer, did you build new hacks for the war2 ru staff?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2020, 11:24:15 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.