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Messages - jessu001

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16
1 / Re: War 2... a synopsis
« on: January 01, 2025, 04:00:59 AM »
To Swift: If you even engage in the Torah, I didn't mean it as an lethal instrument. Suffice it to say, I lost my life studying GOD, incarnate, to leaf, wit, and satisfaction, gave up my whole principal, life, and wit to do it, and I am SUPREME. And if you ever INVITE me into a game with you, know that I can outplay Pandabear if I put my heart to it, and THAT is THAT. Bye, enough said, and "conglomerate out" as the CIA in all their "sUPREME" wisdom surmounted, and that is THAT, it should be "December Out," or something colloquial like the military paradigm, "Sensei, Freud, and OxY," not so... that is Cambridge, ha ha I have them both on ya. And that is that. Swift, invite me sometime to a game with you and analyze, actually ANALYZE what I do. It is not build a hall below s5 to chop, it is to inundate s5 with a secret hall, no brilliant so... the guy that did it/started it was kicked out of the game and his name was Rover007, ha ha not so, my name is jessu001 and no one ever got it, I started in humiliation, not drive or tact. That is THAT. Alex out. And next time you communicate with me over satellite dish, tell the Grey upstairs it is actually YOU I am signaling. Ha ha, ambush for ya, you are not as good as you say and one day, if warcraft 2 is prolonged, I will beat ya and starTale - so named because of my depravity and ruling space being KING of the Illuminati, that is THAT.

2 / Re: War 2... a synopsis
« on: December 25, 2024, 01:58:21 AM »
haha j/k     swift saw me get naked at 8... but he would never say I am anything but "new" because he isn't even educated in the Torah.

3 / Re: War 2... a synopsis
« on: December 25, 2024, 01:57:25 AM »
THe moral of the story is t hat people on war2 are so dumb, it is hardly even worth remembering anyth8ing anyone did.

4 / Re: War 2... a synopsis
« on: December 24, 2024, 04:15:46 AM »
And sorry for insulting Panda but that is the reason he isn't beating on SWIFT ONE. The "real" reason and the intact reason, not what SWIFT says about someone. Panda actually had a nostalgic brain operation and can no longer play, and THAT is THAT. Alex out. I am sorry to be MEAN but Panda doesn't realize he can't enact humor for plethora of montage, wit, or extraordinary laughter to result from parody, OxY, or Freud.

5 / Re: War 2... a synopsis
« on: December 24, 2024, 04:13:03 AM »
And nexxt time you listen to SWIFT for advice, take my pill... nada. He is ex-CIA and doesn't understand military surveillance and calls me "schizo" without understanding his breed, forceps, or right of meander, so called for the military police to escort him away from treading on my ground. ENOUGH SWIFT you can't spy on me worth shit. ENOUGH of your "CIA" build he is schizophrenic. You fucking loser you can't even escape a bold lust out of 12. I saw. Enough and good company.

6 / Re: War 2... a synopsis
« on: December 24, 2024, 04:08:21 AM »
I am sorry you used to be the best player on Kali errrrm NOT 2000 but you had a brain operation and you are demise of understanding wtf is going on

7 / War 2... a synopsis
« on: December 22, 2024, 11:02:58 PM »
Will the current chatroom Leave - -

Will the current chatroom COMMENCE >>

Rentoant: I think the game is stupid
** Mild applause
Simloata: I think YOU are stupid
* Audience * oooooo
Sinhartha: Why does your name look like mine when I beat you on a scale of 20 to 1 being an unfathomably better play on the heirarchical scale of Zit Malfester Orangutan
*Audience * Ahh... Orangutan

Simhartha: I am the best player here
* Audience * It is him! It is him! *thinking immediately

Ranhart: Where is... the preacher

Zimhart: You suck

Tuanlathsis: When war2 was back in the day... people actually edid shit... like built there barracks in 2 second intervals... because there brains were more attuned to get what to do in the game to be fast

Simptho: Retard... I was here in 2000

Rgusthla: In GOW... when players rape... it is good to rape 2... it is better to rape 4... and it is king to rape 9

Agustola: In GOW it is king if you are a moron... stupid... and don't make sense except that you learned the game as a maze making sure you rented the fucking helicopter
Audience * YEEAOW


Renthaola: When I play 2... I think of myself having an obligation... I am a player of etiquette... but players say... you should have done the whole blowjob and saved s9... 2... (yourself)... and 6, so that the game didn't go lopsided when 12 was given it like your girl

Sophasta: Don't talk like that it is not good etiquette

Ronalthasta: So if I play 2, it is expecting to save the whole game?

Pinostal: Just like s9 is expected to do the same by impacting themself with a hammer before play to know how exactly they must start

Repunzel: Hey guys

** Audience murmurs ** ... how did she get wifi

Tim: Oh... sh--- f--- it's a f---- girl on war- we should not sh-- be fu-- talking sh--- in front FU-- SOPHASTA WT- ARE YOU DOING KICKING THE SH-- OUT OF MY SCREENSHOT I POSTED

Rophenvclaw: I play war2 as an ape... so sometimes when I am talking it comes off that I am not entirely making sense, and I don't type quite colloquially, using grammar, and functional witty sentences

8 / Re: Huge GM starts a thread
« on: September 28, 2024, 08:21:13 AM »
lol "newbs" people need to learn the game to attain expert status

9 / Re: Huge GM starts a thread
« on: September 23, 2024, 03:46:19 PM »
don't undermine my playing again

10 / Re: Huge GM starts a thread
« on: September 22, 2024, 10:50:08 PM »
I came in here to show respect. Both to myself and the GM (who is huge) that it is the place for me to make sure I am with the A-squad and am important and seen as someone that knows (and I did this myself) the strategy to fight 11 from 4 (... and I will give you a hinnt it is starting and using to the utmost extent THE FIRST 3 PEONS oh I said it). Ok, I can't stand it. You name the first 3 peons (don't lose sight, and use them STRONGLY and ok I can't stand it I am revealing my strat but everyone will know... it is me that did it ha and you don't lose sight of them as you build units.


When you go castle... don';t hit c... you hit the castle manually with the mouse on the picture button and you realize that people aren't going to attack it first, without attacking something else first.

11 / A Sonnet for War2
« on: February 05, 2024, 12:42:50 PM »
In the hour we meet dear
I told the ghastling to keep it clear
Infantry on the side by the bawswe of trees
Birds long shunned the outskirts magic's disease
Lusted footmen from who knows where
While beverage ghaint falling from my beard

12 / The current Status of War2
« on: December 11, 2023, 06:09:13 PM »
Let me tell you of ancient times
When orcs and humans fouGht
Little fatigued was their training - to triumph over one another's wits
Let me tell you of ancient times

For so they fought in victory, and fury
Even equipped in the outrage of ranks and leagues
To comprehend: to one another's victory was a marvel over their past
And to achieve further was extraordinary

Let me tell you of things now: where wits are faint, and people fake their bondage with the voyage and expedition to greatness
They say, "I am pursued, as a great one," and they fall in leagues to rank their past fatigue with the battles of ancient
To not align themselves with past results, and to not manipulate their past with the times where passionate uprisings condescended those times which nature does recollect to the present

Now it is the duty, the situation
The presentation, the nicety
To make sure everyone enjoys their literature, to make sure everyone reads their book
No more are the teeth spewing and careening in the mouth, to make amends for past yells and thrills of the battles' onslaught

Now let me tell you how things are now
Faint, to recollect in contrary to how things were
And an expedition that is led astray from motivation, and approval of victory - to condescend and hate, to be victorious no matter what
To lunge the other players' ambition, and to heat the argument of no mistake

Hasteth me to lunge forth and conclude woes and precipice
Where vantage points and abrupt advice swarm'
To the advise of nurture and nature's gasp
The incongruent races of the human and orc
-- The satisfaction of their dealings

That likeness was the osprey, as sick bird about them
The hunting and unique appetite of them both
Sinkings a feeling to fulfill a battled destiny

Hopes soar aloof and passion stands
That gape in their pursuits
Battle appendaged to hate
And lust appendaged to doom

Whereas matter not young and the heart nurtured unafraid or being tender, admonished in time
That we are loose from planting, and suckling, and hating as it once was
In times where there be few of us left -- to twain matter of factly dominate interests among ourselves
To negotiate yet once again a victor and master of all races and technique

Support Requests / Password reset
« on: August 05, 2023, 10:17:58 PM »
I can not use my password - forgot - jessu001

Support Needed

Support Requests / Re: Password reset
« on: July 22, 2023, 09:26:02 PM »
I need a password reset for (jessu001) please

need assistance soon


15 / Re: Jay Cotton owner of fess up
« on: June 30, 2023, 11:40:25 PM »
I apologize for the confession stance of Jay Cotton undermining to his own appreciation and doubt, but it was resounding in my mind that GOD wanted him exposed for all the horror he did to the few and far between in warcraft, who presently without doubt was part of, but never contributed therein. I was relieved when swift countered star in saying that I was withheld from passion, and it is thus taken to not be abashed by the new crime in town: hedonistic accomplishment in lieu of the scrub ever performing ever. Thank you Burnt for resounding this post to question, as I was spurious to announce anything like it without care and concern that knowing intently without doubt Jayhawkerz is, indeed, and he wept, Jay Cotton.

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