Author Topic: admins and others too  (Read 22493 times)

Offline aka CaptainKurtz

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2021, 03:07:53 PM »
The number one complaint among new players is not being allowed to play. "nO way tO BaLaNce, wtf ban the noob". A symptom of the overall toxic behavior allowed to thrive on RU.
Xurnt was doing a good job trying to fix that before apparently hijacking the youtube channel.
We like to make fun of or kick people while they're down though, right?.

 Yeah, cause winning $10 prizes is more important then protecting potential new comers from the toxic garbage allowed here. They just want to have fun revisiting an old childhood game.  Do we even have Admins?. Are these our Admins?. Say what you want about Xurnt, but at least he was trying. What do the rest of you do, aside allow people to be verbally raped on RU both ingame and on the forums,  and entertain the thought of that being "normal shit talk" on a video game. Well it isn't. War2 is probably the worst.

I see people rediscover War2 on Discord and get excited about it. Then they come to RU and it's ruined for them. Winning a game of GOW, the same gow you played over and over for 20 years... winning that stupid game in that particular moment, is more important for you. So they get banned the following game if they were lucky enough to be allowed to play in the first.

We have zero moderation of toxic players. Where are the admins?. You already lost 10 respectful players for every 1 toxic player for the sake of precious "fReeDoM of SpEEcH".

Leading to the already dwindling community becoming further divided.
You can cry all you want about restricting speech, but clearly no one is willing to meet in the middle. So we ended up where we are today because harassment isn't taken seriously on RU.
New players see the toxic garbage and they don't understand or consider it normal and then leave. Like should I translate it into Sputnik so you understand it?.

So the old game is gonna die out with an old community. They have decided their own fate.
No other gaming Admin staff would allow the toxic garbage both in game and on the forums we see here.
  "FreeDoM of SpEEcH". Isn't a good enough reason to unban someone who was banned for being toxic. It shows lack of communication and professionalism from the admin staff.

Wait, let's deal with it when there's 15 ppl left online?. Lmao. Suddenly now it's an urgent issue.
I'd clean up this entire joke of a forum in a few days, remove  the racist shit, ban the racists and provide a clear definition of what toxic/racist behavior is and apply it within game.

But instead let's continue to ignore the elephant in the room. No other game on any other platform would allow what we see here. Meanwhile we have what, like 5 apparent admins who turn a blind eye to the elephant in the room. Because allowing a month ban on 1 toxic person is apparently worse for the community then losing 10 respectful members who were telling you the same story for years.

So there needs to be a clear definition of "toxic behavior" Or War2RU will continue to be allergic to new players... How big did the elephant in the room need to get before you're willing to deal with said issue?.
Every one gets a clean slate and fairly moderate. Your Admins ingame probably shouldn't be ingame players.
Or quite frankly they shouldn't be acting on emotion.

Kicking/banning needs to be removed from all public games. Don't want a noob to join?. - Set a password. Otherwise every one should be allowed to have fun and play. You should have been listening to people say that years ago.
You would have kept quite a few people. These aren't new ideas, but the feedback from a frustrated community who's concerns were ignored for years. You ought to start listening to them.

Hold the door..

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2021, 05:41:04 PM »
What a coincidence..... sahkafilatov says he's new and he wants to play. Touchable plays with him. He comes back to channel post game and goes "well, he's not new". Justin Schmidt logs on shortly after. Could be coincidence, I don't have the log times up or anything but he's a troll so...

This is what needs to be banned. This is what kills it because even when people try to be nice to new people, this happens. Obviously he read it and did it on purpose but anyone that does it does it on purpose.

Then you have/had volt and brass973 on today who also claim to be new. I didn't play with them but they did seem new. (I told Sahka I was suspicious before the touchable game) I attempted to help them play but after about 10 minutes of constantly battling of them (90% volt) to doing the very basic to join a game, I gave up. I'd have to guess I was trolled and it was probably the same guy based on the fact that he could join other people's games.

If I was an admin, I would give them a ban. Smurf all you want but don't pretend to be brand new and fuck people over while ruining the game for other new people.

Harrywangs 2022!! JK, I'd be kicked back to "the people" in no time for not taking shit and changing things.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 05:52:46 PM by Harrywangs »

Offline Szwagier

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2021, 08:24:03 PM »
Xurnt was one of them to not ban people like van

some new guys doesnt speak basic english, that can be problem

and some guys dont want our help, I remember there was few new people from poland I asked them are they need help, so they just offend me xd

kicking/banning people can be allowed only if someone lag, cause there is no fun with lag game, or you got full game before that(rematch)

Duda is doing great job with league, but as you see some guys dont want play, cause there are something else than gow

@Harrywangs I think we need new admin so why not?

« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 08:28:40 PM by Szwagier »

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2021, 09:38:44 PM »
If i was polak i will offend you too, no way i will accept someone like you to make my country look like coward and cheaters.

Respect to all those true polaks warriors out there and dont act like rest of the world are stupid because they dont wanna hack games  :newthumbsup:
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline woofy

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2021, 01:01:17 AM »
Captain Kurtz for admin. you, sir, have my vote!

Offline woofy

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2021, 01:04:38 AM »
Want to not drive noobs away? A simple thing would actually be to write "no noobs" in the game name so we dont need to suffer the indignity of being interrogated and kicked.

seems more than reasonable. the solution could be as simple as to encourage the vets to write "no noobs" or "xprtz only" in game name when hosting.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2021, 09:36:50 AM »
we need to start banning people for bad manner also, if we want new people

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2021, 01:04:40 PM »
The number one complaint among new players is not being allowed to play. "nO way tO BaLaNce, wtf ban the noob". A symptom of the overall toxic behavior allowed to thrive on RU.
Xurnt was doing a good job trying to fix that before apparently hijacking the youtube channel.
We like to make fun of or kick people while they're down though, right?.

Well EOD are player base is a veteran one.
We aren’t ever going to bring players that are going to learn GOW or chop from scratch hence why moderation on RU isn’t a priority.

Making things fun for our exisiting player base is the priority however small it may be.
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Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2021, 01:10:07 PM »
FYI though I’m all for introducing new rules.
If @Harrywangs or captain Kurtz want to introduce some new rules by all means.
We can have a trial run and if it works out great. If not we go back to the way things were.
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Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2021, 01:12:00 PM »
we need to start banning people for bad manner also, if we want new people

Do we want new people? I don’t see yourself or any top players showing any intreste to play new players.
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Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2021, 01:17:08 PM »
The number one complaint among new players is not being allowed to play. "nO way tO BaLaNce, wtf ban the noob". A symptom of the overall toxic behavior allowed to thrive on RU.
Xurnt was doing a good job trying to fix that before apparently hijacking the youtube channel.
We like to make fun of or kick people while they're down though, right?.

 Yeah, cause winning $10 prizes is more important then protecting potential new comers from the toxic garbage allowed here. They just want to have fun revisiting an old childhood game.  Do we even have Admins?. Are these our Admins?. Say what you want about Xurnt, but at least he was trying. What do the rest of you do, aside allow people to be verbally raped on RU both ingame and on the forums,  and entertain the thought of that being "normal shit talk" on a video game. Well it isn't. War2 is probably the worst.

I see people rediscover War2 on Discord and get excited about it. Then they come to RU and it's ruined for them. Winning a game of GOW, the same gow you played over and over for 20 years... winning that stupid game in that particular moment, is more important for you. So they get banned the following game if they were lucky enough to be allowed to play in the first.

We have zero moderation of toxic players. Where are the admins?. You already lost 10 respectful players for every 1 toxic player for the sake of precious "fReeDoM of SpEEcH".

Leading to the already dwindling community becoming further divided.
You can cry all you want about restricting speech, but clearly no one is willing to meet in the middle. So we ended up where we are today because harassment isn't taken seriously on RU.
New players see the toxic garbage and they don't understand or consider it normal and then leave. Like should I translate it into Sputnik so you understand it?.

So the old game is gonna die out with an old community. They have decided their own fate.
No other gaming Admin staff would allow the toxic garbage both in game and on the forums we see here.
  "FreeDoM of SpEEcH". Isn't a good enough reason to unban someone who was banned for being toxic. It shows lack of communication and professionalism from the admin staff.

Wait, let's deal with it when there's 15 ppl left online?. Lmao. Suddenly now it's an urgent issue.
I'd clean up this entire joke of a forum in a few days, remove  the racist shit, ban the racists and provide a clear definition of what toxic/racist behavior is and apply it within game.

But instead let's continue to ignore the elephant in the room. No other game on any other platform would allow what we see here. Meanwhile we have what, like 5 apparent admins who turn a blind eye to the elephant in the room. Because allowing a month ban on 1 toxic person is apparently worse for the community then losing 10 respectful members who were telling you the same story for years.

So there needs to be a clear definition of "toxic behavior" Or War2RU will continue to be allergic to new players... How big did the elephant in the room need to get before you're willing to deal with said issue?.
Every one gets a clean slate and fairly moderate. Your Admins ingame probably shouldn't be ingame players.
Or quite frankly they shouldn't be acting on emotion.

Kicking/banning needs to be removed from all public games. Don't want a noob to join?. - Set a password. Otherwise every one should be allowed to have fun and play. You should have been listening to people say that years ago.
You would have kept quite a few people. These aren't new ideas, but the feedback from a frustrated community who's concerns were ignored for years. You ought to start listening to them.

The fact this community still exists years after blizzard walked away from it is an accomplishment in it of itself. It’s not fair to compare war2ru to other communities because we aren’t supported by any big corporations like most gaming communities.
We are a non profit group of gamers that enjoy this game and when it ends it ends.
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Offline Raggin

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #41 on: September 12, 2021, 03:15:20 PM »
Raggin, I've even had the experience of playing very nice and easy with a new person so they can learn and play and then they destroy me too. Annoying, yes. Do you still get kicked from games with the new obs feature? Unless its a 4v4 (because the slot is then needed), I rarely see people kicked from games anymore.

Almost all of my games are from before that, so im not sure. But youre right, i was allowed to stay most of the times. And even if i get kicked i might be fine with it. I usually write that im not so good so the others can make an informed decision about letting me stay. I dont like the sudden kick without explanation, but rather that than the attitude i sometimes got. As if a not so good player joining a game is some kind of an offense.

The mid game rage is just competition. I am guilty of that but often apologize afterwards. Do you argue back with people though (worst thing you can do in terms of gameplay or strat) When someone tries so hard and then dies because someone else couldn't do something "simple", it is very difficult to keep a level head. Not everyone is like that but enough people for sure. It's a matter of, I'll let him play even though he's not good, but then mid game, being like, how bad is he?!?!?! (again rage/competition) We should know better. I think it's more of or often times, we are letting someone play the game to let them play but if there were 5k people on the server, we probably wouldn't because of that. Let's be honest, what game isn't like that?

If i am simply told i played bad one way or another, i dont argue about it. I am glad if the comment points out my mistake. As a new player, all of you appear as a close-knit group of friends. I assume that if i start lashing out at people, soon no one will let me join any games. And i feel like getting to join a game with players who are better is a privilege. I am nicer than usual, almost apologetic even before i make mistakes. I see the server as a space beloved by long time multiplayer veterans of the game and that it isnt my right to affect their experience. Still, it might happen.

S9 is dated and stupid, agreed. (nice Pulp Fiction referenceish?) Just curious, did you ask where the hall should be?

It was GoW, the 5 o clock. I placed the TH 2 steps south of where i have seen others place it afterwards. No, the game started, he commented on my placement and left. End of story. But atleast i learned something.

Some people title their games as "GOW GOOD" but not too many. I think it got redundant because a lot of people aren't "good" and/or there are only so many "good" players that it doesn't apply. Good to you is different than good to us. Basically, unless it says noobs in the title, then it means you are at least decent enough to play. Also, do you ever host games yourself and put noob in the title?

Definitions are always hard. About a week ago i joined one of those noob only games, played alone against 2 in a quite evenly matched game and we still managed to annoy eachother over team balance. Oh well, i didnt suggest the teams. And i didnt fire the first shot. I am also bad enough that i get absolutely humiliated most of the time when someone towers me. Also, i rarely host games.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #42 on: September 12, 2021, 05:17:42 PM »
we need to start banning people for bad manner also, if we want new people

Do we want new people? I don’t see yourself or any top players showing any intreste to play new players.

I played many times pub,but it doesnt mean I will play all time with him also new player need speak basic english and he cant lag

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2021, 06:32:27 PM »
we need to start banning people for bad manner also, if we want new people

Do we want new people? I don’t see yourself or any top players showing any intreste to play new players.

Gonna be years hes making all his games with password to make sure no ones cant join him bro, and when hes on lobby chat hes spam the entire chat with polaks language all day long so nobody cant understand him... This guy is everythinbg but open to new peoples.

Hes an hypocrite.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: admins and others too
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2021, 07:46:45 PM »
Raggin, if you hall 2 steps away (south of the mine), yes, that is kinda Warcraft 101. ALWAYS hall as close as you can. So, you're teammate basically knows he will be 2v1ing vs non-new people, which is why he left. Actually, I'm pretty sure I was on the other team for that game.

So, here is the thing. You've voiced yourself on here and you seem nice and patient enough to continue to play. You need advice/training a bit to get you to do the basics correctly. I would be happy to assist you on that. But, in my opinion, people who voice this, as you have, do not pay any price for doing so. It will help you as people will see your name and be more likely to understand your position and humanize it.

You are 127-88 though. How did you get all of those wins?