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Messages - {Lance}

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 62
1 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 06, 2024, 09:18:14 PM »
if that's the case then sounds like he would be in a good position to code something to prevent hacking if he knows the 'ins and outs''s not like he would implement it here, i'd imagine mistral and team would look at the code to see if it has any merit / benefit...if not nothing lost, if so saved some time.

It's also the absolutely ONLY reason he began his retarded server.  So that he couldnt be banned anymore for hacking.  BTW,  the AH isnt something Tupac made.  It was made by RU and he simply stole the idea in true hacker fashion.

2 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 06, 2024, 06:40:34 PM »
I had problems getting 640x480 to work correctly.  I do not like HD screen sizes for war2 as it makes the minimap to hard to monitor on a large monitor.  So I started messing with the video settings to try to get the ORIGINAL settings back.

I also HATE that the pvpgn chat window gets taken out of full screen and becomes a window in both openGL and DirectX9 whenever you enter it (from a game or from main menu).  Also,  there's a bug with that as well when using 640x480,  if you enter or create a game,  it only works the first time.  If you enter/create a game the 2nd time,  it sets the starting pixel to 50% rather than 0,  resulting in the screen being shifted to the right and down so that pixel 0 is dead center in the screen.  The only way to fix that was to switch to GDI.  It seems to only do this with small screen sizes like 640x480.  I suspect that the pixel var is using % rather than a number.  IE:  0%/0% and 50%/50% instead of 0/0.  Not sure what would cause it to use 50%/50%.  Either way, it shouldnt be using a % to begin with.

There's also another bug with the "Full Screen" option that causes the minimap to be BLURRY as all hell as well as the menu items having a strange white border on the right side of them and texts to have white in them as well.  Changing to Fullscreen Upscale fixes that problem.... sort of.  Text still has white in it when it should be completely yellow or whatever color the font is set to.

Anyway,  for those that dont like the video and want the original war2 settings back as close as possible,  this is what I used:

Fullscreen Upscaled
Unchecked Maintain aspect ratio (this stretches the screen so there are no black borders, some people dont like that)
Unchecked Vsync
Unchecked Adjust mouse sensitivity
Checked Lock cursor
Unchecked limit Frame rate (this improves input latency for me by lowering latency as far as I can tell)
Unchecked Window boxing
Show Window borders (for when alt-tab is used)
Checked Remember window position/size
No Limit for game speed
Everything else checked on the compatibility page

3 / Re: Added game mode with blizzard balance to serv
« on: December 06, 2024, 04:47:46 PM »
Good work on keeping it as an option to select.  I'd go nuclear if it was added the other way around ;)  The changes dont seem all that out of whack at first glance.  I might actually give it a try and if I like it,  well,  I'm about as pure as a war2 purist can get so it would be impressive to get any positive comments from me on the changes haha.  We'll see how it goes ;)

4 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 06, 2024, 04:40:38 PM »
Well,  the loader was the right plan,  but the execution.............. failed ;).  You forgot to place the loader in the War2Combat dir after install as well as add a start menu item for it.  The campaign is cute,  but it's not actually playable. Moving beyond the starting area simply caused mine to crash and close.  You should have got an english speaker to do the english narration.  I cant understand your accent.  But I've never even played the original campaigns all the way through so I dont think this will be an issue for me anyway since I'll likely never play it heh.  I noticed it also had some new features like a wood counter display (that might actually be an improvement to consider adding to the real game btw but it should be voted on first lol  I could see both pros and cons to adding it).  It would assist with picking which peon to move when splitting up a double chop duo.

5 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 06, 2024, 04:20:50 PM »
Tupac has had anti-hack for years on USA Server....maybe just use guts of that? don't know tech details

Tupac and "antihack" are the complete opposite of each other.  If there is anyone whos been a known hacker more than Dellam,  it is Tupac.  I'm surprised you didnt know this.

6 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 06, 2024, 04:15:40 PM »
Can we also fix bug where units randomly stop listening to stop / stand ground and go on their own adventure across the map? Peon, grunts, ogres I have experienced this with. I have had neighbor wars with peons where they stop listening, you try to issue a command or send them to mine etc and they just go a certain distance and then run back to go after an enemy unit. Same thing with grunts/ogres. A wave of enemy units start hitting your scout farms far from your units and damaging them causes random ogres to leave the pack that is no where close to the engagement and run at it 1 or 2 ogres/grunts only. You try to pull them back, you try to spam stop / stand ground so you can lust your pack. They listen for 1 second and repeat this. This bug has been around for years. 

If you can reproduce it reliably,  it can be fixed.  Otherwise,  it's not really practical to try to fix something that happens only randomly once in a while.  I have seen it do this,  it's usually a unit stuck in "attack" mode on some other unit.  If you attack a unit and then immediately try to send it in a mine,  it'll turn right around and go after that unit and will refuse to go into the mine.  However,  I've NOT been able to reproduce it reliably.  It doesnt always happen and I dont know what else needs to be done to reproduce reliably.  Those adventures you speak of,  are your unit chasing some other unit that it had been attacking previously so far as I can tell from when I've seen it happen.

Flame Wars & Offtopic / Re: vote to follow blizzard balance by default
« on: December 06, 2024, 01:24:14 PM »
ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Blizzard fux things up.  Do you really trust anything they do after their SHIT remaster drop!?!!@#@#$!! (War2 wasnt the only one they f'd up,  they f'd them ALL up)  Seriously wtf.  It's clear that the devs there are completely braindead and the LAST thing we need is them fuckin with the mechanics of the game.  If there were ever a reason to make a new server,  this would be it if you did this.  Fuck the changes they made.  Make it an OPTIONAL game mode,  but by default and no way to go back,  if you did that,  I'd consider you as stupid as the blizzard devs and thats a pretty low bar.

SG says a lot of stupid shit,  but he's 100% right on the statement below,  if you're that dumb, you do deserve a ban.  Go play the remaster if you want it that way:

Whoever voted yes should be banned from forum and server.

8 / Re: ladder fixed
« on: December 02, 2024, 02:29:33 AM »
to fix it, its needed to change the entire system and make all from 0, which is too hard for me now

This is a total cop-out.  You could have antropic's Claude fix it in about 3 seconds.  Literally.  Just make a new "project",  paste the source of the ladder into the project as text,  label it as "files",  dump the DB structures with the describe command,  put it in another text entry called "db schema" and then tell it to fix the OOM error by using queue systems and pagers.  It will take about 15-30 minutes to do.  The ladder code is so small that it would be perfect for a chatbot to fix because it can see the entire codebase.  You could even tell it to convert it to a complete OOP project by asking it to use an MVC methodology.  And it wouldnt result in people losing stats either.  Since the chatbot could see the schema,  if the DB is unusable,  you could simply have it create a porting script for the DB and the new schema that it comes up with and it would port the old data to the new format (if its even needed which I highly doubt,  the problem isnt the DB, it's the code and it's probably 1 line at that)

It's so easy that someone with literally no coding experience at all could fix it.  All they would need is the source to start with.  Saying it's "to hard" is just a complete lie because we both know it's NOT hard ;)  with or without a chatbot.

Hahahaha.  Fuckin van,  always being an idiot.  It's easier to just kick him from games than it is to let him play.  It's your fault for being in the same game as that moron.

WTF is stream sniping?  Never even heard of such non-sense.  This isnt a 3D Shooter :D  Should probably ask mage,  they might know I bet.

Its when you play against somebody streaming the game and you watch them at the same time , what I did was watch the guy stream or keep it open on my phone and then play with him , well too bad I lost the game cuz I went super crazy with expansions.

Oh,  duuuuh hahah ok.  Ya,  I'm clearly to old for this shit anymore :D  I didnt realize there was a name for it haha.

11 / Re: Bring back Ironman Ladder
« on: November 29, 2024, 10:15:53 PM »
Instead of trying all the funky ladders, why is it mods cant get the built in ladders working? Ironman was so much fun (Random maps), yes youd need to try and fix the fixed order thing.

The built in ladders actually do function,  it's just that they arent enabled anymore.  The problem with the built in ladder is that it's strictly a Glicko style system (same thing as proposed new MMR ladder).  All Glicko style ladders are easily abused by those with enough time to do the grinding on noobs and never play a single decent player.  This is why rung style ladders are always superior.  Making the built in ladder rung style is quite easy but current team has never attempted it (no idea why,  it's not exactly rocket science lol,  but it is c++ rather than PHP,  that could be the limiting factor, although that's fixed also by using APIs where the API is PHP based).  All of the servers I hosted decades ago,  the built in pvpgn ladders were rung style.

12 / Re: ladder fixed
« on: November 29, 2024, 10:07:53 PM »
so guys i just found out ladder wasnt working since november 15 so i fixed it and all 4992 games since 15 to 27 november got loaded and parsed as normal

i found out it was because we have played so many games since 2020 when database was last cleaned so that we got so many games its overflow and got out of memory
lol wtf  :omg:

so i maked new table for new reports

p.s. someone pls not forget to remind me to change database table again in 4 years

Erm.  You should absolutely never have OOM problems for a database.  Ever.  The only thing that would cause such non-sense is if you tried to load the entire table on a single page which would be stupid :D (this is what pagination and/or queue systems are used for)  So this smells of bad code rather than a DB to large.  I deal with TB size tables daily (PHP/MariaDB),  this isnt a DB issue.  Just fix the code and you wont have to be reminded every so often ;)

If you need assistance fixing OOM issues in code,  there's plenty of us out here that could easily assist with that.

That was apparent decades ago.  Welcome to reality.

14 / Re: warcraft 30th anniversary blizzard stream
« on: November 25, 2024, 10:59:37 PM »
Whatever it is,  it's certainly different :D  Rip the new assets out,  import them, and call it a day lol.

WTF is stream sniping?  Never even heard of such non-sense.  This isnt a 3D Shooter :D  Should probably ask mage,  they might know I bet.

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