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Messages - MaStA{hR}

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16]
226 / Re: please explain this bullshit
« on: November 16, 2015, 02:26:53 PM »
I can't confirm whether Dellam hacks or not, but most of us that hacked at one point in our lives did so a LONG time ago... like the 2003ish time era.

Dellam was hacking about a year ago at the very least, which makes him a well known chronic liar and hacker. The game wasn't fun and I quit for many  months because any custom game I went into Dellam and his lackeys would either rig the map or win with retarded hacks. The way he types his replies seems as though he is guilty. Plus the proof seems pretty substantial.

227 / Re: community is fed up
« on: November 15, 2015, 07:33:22 AM »
Let me tell you... I thought I had won the Finals round in the tournament 2-1. I then became emotionally frustrated when I attempted to go watch the UCF fight, because I was then told I was not finished. 15 games of 45 man pball and it taking over 3 hours to do is almost ridiculous! xCaL then played super conservatively and camped the last 2 games, so I suicide rushed in those last two games. He just sat in his base... I should have screen shotted how many times I asked for av because it was so boring. To be honest, of all the talent there, it probably should have been Smeagol and I in the finals. Wish I knew how that random seeding worked!

Moreover.... here we are back to square 1, debating among ourselves useless philosophies and strategies about how to get War2 off the ground. Someone should create a Gantt chart and get stuff done. We are the laziest group of people, and yes I include myself in this.

228 / Re: community is fed up
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:00:57 PM »
Lol... Smeagol "assist hosting" a GoW tournament. Now THAT'S scary. I personally appreciate you hosting custom map tourneys because I think it is an integral part of game play. Maybe the .RU server only wanted classic map players, but if you leave out the custom players, then we all we are left with is a bunch of grumpy old farts scratching dirty butt cracks.

What happened to the greats like LB, ViRuZ, GP, and a host of other names that make tier 2 on down players jizz just by seeing them on? What happened to Tyrus, Feature, Equinox and others? I'll tell you what... we've lost quality players over and over again to other games. Wc2 is very close to unplayable.

I have next to no tech knowledge but I want to help wc2 financially. I am ready to get the ball rolling with dinero. I am willing to spend any amount of 4 figures on this game IF it can guarantee a complete fix of hosting issues. Once the hosting issues are fixed, everyone will start coming back. This game is very attractable when all moving parts are working correctly. Otherwise, this is the most frustrating experience trying to join a game... ever.

I literally have to sit in the lobby for 30 minute intervals or more to wait for a game that I like to be hosted. I forwarded my ports, along with the help of people like Yamon, and it still doesn't work.

Fix this game, and we could have 200-1000+ on at all times instead of 25-70.

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