Hello again

Next three missions finished. I think I found some bugs. One with Axethrower's portrait - it happens when you previously select anything (f.e.: Barracks) and then click on Axethrower and there are two portraits at the same place: first one with your previous selected unit and Axethrower's on top of it (did you change troll Axethrower portrait to replace original background with transparency?). It seems like Blizz put multiple (at least) portraits at the same place on UI and well, that's weird

Anyway, victory condition for mission 4 didn't work and I even killed all enemy units on map but I didn't get my win. I used cheat here to display full map.
AI plays odd here. It recruits units and move them on specific points on the map, completely ignoring the fact that my units are attacking them. Maybe instead of using "move" command you could use here "move+attack" or if it's not possible "patrol"?
Holls attack range. In this mission she has Range 2, in next missions she again has only Range 1
Something wrong happened with AI in mission 5 too

It plays very aggressively for the most of the mission but suddenly it decided to stop and attack me with only 1 Grunt. It had resources, it had still it's gold mine. Don't know what happened.
Mission 6 was very fun and difficult at the same time. One small issue here was with Archers. In previous missions Archers has 50 hp, in this missions it's back to 40.
Maybe you should make one empty map with only your custom units properties and copy-paste this map to keep your configuration in every single mission

I think it's the easiest way to do it.
Cool missions tbh

Every one with different gameplay. Interesting idea with only a single knight-hero that leads an army of Footmans, Archers and Ballistas .
EDIT: mission 7 is way too easy if
you know how AI behave with repairing own buildings. Just damage any building above 50% hp and wait for AI Peons to slay them. Repeat until all AI's gold is gone.
EDIT 2: ok, I have finished today last mission too. Nice one

Ogres and Ogre-mages are even more op as usuall

All in all it was fun. One thing here: you forgot to give Holls spells.