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This week Medical Daily reported on “Patrick,” a “simulated patient that talks to medical students while offering real-time feedback about the virtual prostate exam he’s receiving.”
Patrick is connected to a mock prostate in a robotic ass.
From Medical Daily:
Patrick serves a dual purpose: personal and professional. Personally, he comes equipped with software that enables him to interact emotionally with the student and voice any concerns he has about the procedure. Dr. Benjamin Lok, one of the program’s designers, says the interpersonal relationship Patrick helps foster is invaluable from a practicing perspective. “This virtual human patient can talk to the learner, expresses fears and concerns about the prostate exam, and presents a realistic patient encounter,” Lok told Geekosystem.
The other purpose he serves is functional. Patrick is endowed with force sensors, which can alert the student when he or she is being too aggressive, and can report how thorough the student was in his or her examination.
“Consider this,” Lok said, “how would a medical student know if they are doing a good prostate exam? Currently it is impossible for the educator to gauge performance. This simulation provides performance, feedback, and an opportunity to learn and lower anxiety.”
The image of “Patrick” in action looks to us like the very worst video game peripheral imaginable. Let’s hope he’s not the butt of too many jokes. We’d all rather our new doctors get some simulator practice in before going to town on the rest of us.
i really think everyone should deserve a custom icon
with a few restrictions.
- only 1 icon, period, no multiple icons on multiple akas, or the same icon on multiple akas.
just ONE icon on ONE aka.
- user must be either 2 years old playing ru or reach a certain amount of wins, (500? 1000?)
(aka not necesarily be installed on the aka with the wins)
- icon must be designed and submitted by user
- icon transfer aka to another aka only once a year. (to avoid further hassle to icon admin)
- alloewd icon change maybe every 6months?
- caught hackers = no more icons until further notice.
war2 ru lives because of the players commited and actual play. its like a small aesthetic gift. and its in our hands to give it.
1. Amount of wins / amounts of losses / amount of total games played - self explanatory. we could add more icons for these, or create separate icons for wins and seprate for losses...
2. Ladder - ABCDF (+ / -) iconz for ~~top200 ladder awarded by a parsing bot
3. amount of wins in the tournament - how i see this is like with the axes and first 10 wins, but simplified. For example 1 2 3 4 blue stripes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th win in a tournament. Later on i'd say red or green stripes, then purple, or stars, or more complex thingies or even skulls. Idk, but this could make unique, interesting icons for the tournament winners. This may encourage people to participate in various tourneys. Tournament directors responsibility would be to report the tournament win to some icon admin or in a dedicated thread. I'd add a rule of 8-player-minimum to this as well... my personal favourite
it's possible to mix these ideas, but i'd prefer having #3 exclusively. I never cared for sware and profi TBH. however, 5k wins or 5k losses icons would be rather rare and maybe attractive too...