Hey, tupac, are you still there? I've been having tons of fun with wargus lately. But there's still something that I've bumped upon, and I need help.
Even though I've written my own AI in the mission's .sms file, for an extra computer player in the campaign mission (Human Beyond The Dark Portal mission 10), it seemed as if the new player was not doing any of the things that I've written on it's AI table. They just did the default idle things like gathering gold and wood, repairing etc.
Here's my mission 10's .sms file, you can view it from here:
http://pastebin.com/F9kSgMaZAs you can see, player 0 (red) is the new one that I've created, and I've assigned it as the human player's ally. But the problem is, I don't know how to assign this AI I've newly created for them ("local hum_exp_10_ally"). So, even though the enemy AI works the same as before, the newly added ally AI does nothing.

Is there any advice that you could give me about this?