Author Topic: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section  (Read 33721 times)

Offline I hate naggers

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2017, 06:12:53 PM »
so, what's it gonna be? should i be more open about my preferences? that will - obviously - be meant as a joke?

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2017, 06:22:21 PM »
Looks like I win.

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2017, 06:34:07 PM »
it is a polish song, performed by a foreign choir. is it too complex for you? god made it that way

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2017, 06:56:18 PM »
Once everyone else is banned except me, how about if we put my name on a sticky hall of fame thread, then unban everyone and try again?

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2017, 06:58:17 PM »
no amount of text will change the fact youre babbling about something completely and utterly irrevelant. at least you admitted to your mistake and now you can start making sense again

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Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2017, 06:58:22 PM »
I already turned pink someone help.

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2017, 07:00:19 PM »
jon's ban is well deserved, BS should also get a ban for discrimatory remarks towards an entire nation. was i the only one who read this section rules? poor blid needs to ridicule the right decisions, in order to get his commie friend unbanned I see

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2017, 07:03:21 PM »
yeah I think I gotta go with claw on this one, a musical preference is one thing -- e.g. "I dislike rap music", but this is a blanket negative statement applied to an entire nationality. how is saying "Polish people all have some inherent quality related to their polishness that makes them bad at x" qualitatively different than say "black people are less intelligent" ? plus your overall tone in this whole exchange is passive aggressive, and now you've also made an insult of someone's intelligence!

war2 forum actually seems incredibly biased against the polish, constant insults against polish people & polish culture happening that never get taken seriously. war2 poles have earned this one for all the shit they've taken over the years!

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2017, 07:06:22 PM »
Once everyone else is banned except me, how about if we put my name on a sticky hall of fame thread, then unban everyone and try again?
that seems reasonable. I bet lamby will be giving you a run for your money though!

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2017, 07:15:16 PM »
I've changed my mind: this subforum is not actually a troll, but a lesson.  As we one by one get banned from posting here, it gives form to Jesus's words "Let he without sin cast the first stone" through our own apparent and concrete example.  Truly, none of you is without sin, and each of you makes mistakes from time to time and causes others offense and hurt.  I hope you'll all be cognizant of that and take more care when posting in the future.

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2017, 07:25:34 PM »
I've changed my mind: this subforum is not actually a troll, but a lesson.  As we one by one get banned from posting here, it gives form to Jesus's words "Let he without sin cast the first stone" through our own apparent and concrete example.  Truly, none of you is without sin, and each of you makes mistakes from time to time and causes others offense and hurt.  I hope you'll all be cognizant of that and take more care when posting in the future.
great point, thank you for making it comrade blid.

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2017, 04:43:22 AM »
I've changed my mind: this subforum is not actually a troll, but a lesson.  As we one by one get banned from posting here, it gives form to Jesus's words "Let he without sin cast the first stone" through our own apparent and concrete example.  Truly, none of you is without sin, and each of you makes mistakes from time to time and causes others offense and hurt.  I hope you'll all be cognizant of that and take more care when posting in the future.
great point, thank you for making it comrade blid.

Indeed. IMO It is when people go about deliberately and repeatedly being nasty that there is a problem.

BTW: I liked the "wasteland" comment. I thought it was an appropriate and a bit funny. I don't this Claw's post should be wasted, I liked it, but he did go out of his way to put one sentance in bold text, which was an obvious dig at the communist fraternity. Given that, I thought the reply from MWR was a fair response.

... and also when do we get BS back? I presume these aren't permabans for mild first offences - otherwise the last person here is going to have to insult themselves just to get on the cool kids list ;)

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2017, 05:10:28 AM »
oh and also Lamby of course, lamby's so damn gentlemanly :)

Aww thanks mousey.

But now I've caoungth up on this thread a bit more, I feel like I'm missing out a bit .... so:

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2017, 05:11:45 AM »
he did go out of his way to put one sentance in bold text, which was an obvious dig at the communist fraternity. Given that, I thought the reply from MWR was a fair response.
Most, or all of the polish patriotic songs, were censored, banned and forbidden. its an important part of polish history. At the time, we had tons of movies full of allegories that censors eye would miss. new wave of communists should be aware of this part of history (not ideology from the books, but HISTORICAL FACTS. nobody seems to like those :-))
Lately ive seen a vid of discussion between neocommunists and some eastern european migrant. The guy informed them that you could be put in jail for posession, citing or reading certain books in communist regimes. Then he asked if it happens in 20-21st century america. Of course, neocommunists said that it happens too - people are put to jail just for reading a book. they forgot to bring up examples tho

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Re: Re: jon's ban from the moderated war2 section
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2017, 06:21:12 AM »
HISTORICAL FACTS. nobody seems to like those

Ahhh "facts" - such slippery little things, even when you can get a handful of people to agree on what they are, it's virtually impossible to get them to agree on what they mean.

To be honest, most political argument, particularaly the rehashing of historical political arguments, just puts me to sleep. If you guys want to talk about that stuff, well fair enough, but you'll notice I don't often join in.

I would like to see and hear what's good about Poland the Polish people.

If there are positives in their stoicism and the way they have overcome adversity, then good, I want to hear about them - but I want to hear as little as possible about the problems and as much as possible about how they overcame them.

  .... and preferably those elements of the story that are quintessentially Polish. i.e. not just how you kicked ass, but how you kicked ass the Polish way.

When I randomly parachute out of a plane blindfolded then discover I'm in Poland, what are the things that will make me say, "Cool, I'm glad I landed here because...." ?

You don't have to post what I want, of course, but this is why I have liked your latest Poland thread so far.

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