Author Topic: Mousey  (Read 6630 times)

Offline Winchester

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« on: February 28, 2015, 11:03:47 AM »
First off, this isn't a flame post towards you, I'll open off with saying thank you for replying with decency, even though you locked the thread. No idea where to post this if im not pming it but just so blid doesn't go banhappy again i'll post it here. I am "Chilled the fuck out" as you would put it after listening to some Britney Spears "Overprotected" on repeat. (Hi incoming claw troll post over music choice)

On your post you said.

"EQ created posts, you replied to them, therefore blid gave instructions for EQ to stop creating posts and you to stop replying to them. EQ obeyed, you did not, ergo you received a punishment."

You're forgetting the part that the reply I did on this 'warning' he gave was to blid himself, not Equinox.  On that note.

List of threads he created after "blid gave instructions" and supposedly which you both say he "obeyed" where I "did not".

Most favorite Sub Forum!
Started by Equinox
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23 Views   Last post February 26, 2015, 03:50:14 PM

You leave me no choice smurfking!
Started by Equinox
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18 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 09:47:36 PM

^^ sure they're in the flame forums, lets give them a pass I guess.

Forum lag?
Started by Equinox
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39 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 10:13:02 PM

^^ sure he might have had an issue with the site loading

Started by Equinox
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72 Views   Last post Today at 01:58:13 AM

Can't tell me his still obeying and doesn't deserve the same kind of punishment I got now for creating a thread when I replied to one that where the message wasn't even directed at him, feel free to check that thread. Afterall, you both have said now "No more posts". But let's just say you ment a non-insightful post or complaint about a warning recieved. 

Sell War2Ru?
Started by Equinox « 1 2 »
16 Replies
89 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 09:56:23 PM

We all fully know he would never buy it even if ldir and il were interested in selling it.

War2 never been so dead :(
Started by Equinox
8 Replies
81 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 10:08:01 PM

Read the original post, that couldn't be anymore clear of an attempt to bait a response from me or ryu lol., which by the way I've "Obeyed" and not posted in there and still gotten 2 warning regardless of not posting in EQ threads which you say is the original reason I was banned and blid says i got the 2 warnings for repeating the same offence that got me banned in the first place, the UFC thread was not an EQ thread, reposting in the UFC thread telling blid to split the flame out and move it here in a not so nice way was the 2nd warning. Again, same thread which is not an EQ created thread, as said by you yourself for replying to them was the reason I got banned.

And last thread made by him

Want to be a Pro?
Started by Equinox « 1 2 »
20 Replies
135 Views   Last post February 27, 2015, 10:56:51 PM

This could not be anymore of a blatant attempt to be trolled and for him to complain afterwards as we all know nobody is going to pay him money to "learn" how to play the game. Note that my reply also answered his question in a non-insulting manner regarding who smurf_king is in game by some of the names I know him on.

And about blid, he's only started giving a crap about moderation since he can ban. He would never edit all this "shithole" non-insightful pointless posts on the occult despite him having the ability to unless smurf king posted a NSFW picture in his 9gag posts. It's only when he can ban the people he doesn't like that he begins to give a crap about flame 'voluntarily', Especially when they stand him up and call him out on his BS which he does spout on a regular basis.

 He didn't need to be able to ban to keep that forum a 'better place for everyone so please excuse me for finding it hard to take him of all people serious when he starts handing out warnings + a ban left and right to me for replying to him everytime. (not even equinox like claimed) I told him over PM, I told him on these forums that he is the wrong person to be talking to me if he wants 'sense' talken into me, and that another mod will do the job better, and that 1 post by you has proven more useful then any post he has made to me and thats in a flame forum of all places LOL.  he has proven to be incapable of talking to me over the years and answering simple questions. if you care enough to see some of those posts which I don't blame if you if you don't, then pm me.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 11:09:48 AM by Winchester »

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Re: Mousey
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 03:41:03 PM »
and here we see CLAW extending his long history of hypocrisy ... demanding threads from other posters be moved to more appropriate sections of the forum while simultaneously doing the exact same thing.

pretty sure your comment belongs in the flame war section claw

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Mousey
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2015, 03:52:22 PM »
No problem, I'm happy to discuss the matter further with you, and if you want to have a civilized discussion there's no reason to have it in the Flame board. This is forum bidness. c:

To clarify what I said earlier -- blid was only trying to control a situation in progress, which was a series of back and forth exchanges between you and EQ. On hearing about it later, I did not take his instruction for EQ to stop creating threads as "Stop creating threads forever", but instead as "Stop creating the pointless flaming threads you've been creating for the last half hour" (or however long it was). The same was true for you as well; blid wasn't telling you to "Never reply to EQ's threads again", it was more of "Stop doing what you're doing right this minute", in order to bring the ongoing flame war to and end.

You're forgetting the part that the reply I did on this 'warning' he gave was to blid himself, not Equinox.

That's a fair point, but you have to understand that blid said "Don't reply to this" without qualification, not "Don't reply to EQ". Right? If you had something to say to blid specifically it would've been easy to send a PM, or even start a new thread. As for his subsequent warnings, it sounds like that's all he wanted you to do (start a new thread, rather than posting your grievances in existing threads, thus requiring them to be split).

Tbh we've all been really lax about moderating the new forum. (The old forum is a whole different animal, it was known for and generally expected to be lawless.) Now we're finally taking steps to get things under control, so the first few times we give warnings etc. it's going to seem like we're being overly harsh and singling people out because no one ever got warnings before. (Since, of course, there were no warnings.)

We really had to take some sort of action, since flamers/spammers basically had the run of the entire forum and everyone was complaining that it was turning into a shithole. But from what I can tell, all the mods are legitimately doing their best to be as fair as possible about enforcing the rules. Given your history with blid, it's entirely possible that you and he just have incompatible personalities and tend to clash with one another.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 08:39:04 AM by mousEtopher »

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Re: Mousey
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2015, 04:05:42 PM »
ah yes, it WAS moved!,510.msg0.html#new

my post was made when this thread was in the flame section, so all your arguments are invalid.

Respectfully, put a fucking cork in it. This isn't helping, and with EQ banned you now have your very own flaming forum for this sort of verbal diarrhea.

you MOVE the thread OUT of flame section and then give me shit for posting like it was in the flame section, really?

edit: oh crap, it was moved AFTER i entered/started reading but BEFORE i posted apparently

MOVED: Today at 03:14:15 PM »
MY REPLY: Today at 03:15:47 PM »

so ill delete my post
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 04:30:07 PM by CLAW »

Offline Winchester

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Re: Mousey
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2015, 09:15:44 PM »
Only problem there is after the initial warning I didn't flame Equinox again, he made a thread about his flamer tag, to which I replied "You agreed to the terms and conditions when you registered on the site" which made him go off on and make new threads continuously anytime I made a reply, which I did not flame him in, maybe I'm guilty of baiting him knowing how he'd respond by just making my presence known in there, but I did not flame him regardless. A legitimate reply was given back initially to receive a flame post + a spam thread, the flaming on my side was already over. And with him still flaming, I continued to just bait considering blid did not do anything after warning about flame and could clearly see him flame me first after a Normal Reply.

all the mods are legitimately doing their best to be as fair as possible about enforcing the rules.

I will have to disagree with this as Blid clearly did not give EQ a warning for posting porn in a UFC thread until after several people complained about it to which he called all of us quote "ridiculous".

And you can bring up the "Spoiler" tag all you want in this scenario, but it does not matter in this particular case due to the nature of the topic in hand. It's a Pay-Per-View business, some people pay money to watch these fights, and some will feel like the money isn't worth it if they know the results already beforehand. Which is the initial use for "Spoiler" tag. For people who don't care to see these results, and are at work or class, (I am an example as I would always look up WWE Pay-Per-View Results every Monday in high school as it was taking place live at the time for me while I was in class and us being so many hours ahead and it still being Sunday over where you guys are when the event took place.) they will click on this spoiler to read results on former/current Pay-Per-Views or TV Shows/Seasons whatever, in a class or work environment, only to be bombarded with a pornographic picture.

This was an absolute abuse of the spoiler tag to get people into reading results for current or former shows, only to be overlooked by blid until everybody complained, and for our intelligence to be insulted by calling us Ridiculous for it.

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Re: Mousey
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2015, 09:42:12 PM »
You may be right Win, I didn't see the porn situation while it was going down, but after the fact it looked like EQ posted it, blid warned him, which seemed like the right call, but then everyone gave him shit about, etc. etc. So I don't know. Frankly all this he-said-she-said is getting exhausting; warnings expire after 24 hours, so I think it's safe to say we're all wasting waaaay too much energy palavering about technicalities.

you MOVE the thread OUT of flame section and then give me shit for posting like it was in the flame section, really?

edit: oh crap, it was moved AFTER i entered/started reading but BEFORE i posted apparently

MOVED: Today at 03:14:15 PM »
MY REPLY: Today at 03:15:47 PM »

so ill delete my post

My bad, didn't even realize/consider that. Ta for deleting the post.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Mousey
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2015, 09:51:49 PM »
I have another thread in the forum affairs labeled how to issue a request when it comes to the mods which got moved down quite a lot when EQ spammed the forums, take a look  at it and lemme know what you think, it might make for a useful sticky thread for mods if reworded a bit by someone such as yourself or IL
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 09:56:53 PM by Winchester »

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Re: Mousey
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2015, 03:01:07 PM »
To clarify what I said earlier -- blid was only trying to control a situation in progress, which was a series of back and forth exchanges between you and EQ. On hearing about it later, I did not take his instruction for EQ to stop creating threads as "Stop creating threads forever", but instead as "Stop creating the pointless flaming threads you've been creating for the last half hour" (or however long it was). The same was true for you as well; blid wasn't telling you to "Never reply to EQ's threads again", it was more of "Stop doing what you're doing right this minute", in order to bring the ongoing flame war to and end.
^^^This is correct, just to be clear

And about blid, he's only started giving a crap about moderation since he can ban. He would never edit all this "shithole" non-insightful pointless posts on the occult despite him having the ability to unless smurf king posted a NSFW picture in his 9gag posts. It's only when he can ban the people he doesn't like that he begins to give a crap about flame 'voluntarily', Especially when they stand him up and call him out on his BS which he does spout on a regular basis.
When I first started trying to shut down the running battle between you and Equinox, I didn't even know I could ban.  There is a post I made in the admin forum to that effect, saying, "We have to get the forums under control," in which I mention not knowing if I can ban.  The fact is, you and Equinox had really been messing up the forum for some time, and it really hit home for me when Claw made his thread saying new posters should ignore these users.  I thought, wow, they really should ignore Eq/Winchester, and we shouldn't be allowing this forum to get so out of control that that's the case.

And you can bring up the "Spoiler" tag all you want in this scenario, but it does not matter in this particular case due to the nature of the topic in hand. It's a Pay-Per-View business, some people pay money to watch these fights, and some will feel like the money isn't worth it if they know the results already beforehand. Which is the initial use for "Spoiler" tag. For people who don't care to see these results, and are at work or class, (I am an example as I would always look up WWE Pay-Per-View Results every Monday in high school as it was taking place live at the time for me while I was in class and us being so many hours ahead and it still being Sunday over where you guys are when the event took place.) they will click on this spoiler to read results on former/current Pay-Per-Views or TV Shows/Seasons whatever, in a class or work environment, only to be bombarded with a pornographic picture.

This was an absolute abuse of the spoiler tag to get people into reading results for current or former shows, only to be overlooked by blid until everybody complained, and for our intelligence to be insulted by calling us Ridiculous for it.
The primary use of spoilers so far in this forum, and in fact the reason iL installed the spoiler plug-in, was to hide offensive content without having to edit out people's posts.  They'd be nice to use to spoil outcomes of fights or what happens in movies/TV shows but putting offensive content in spoiler tags actually is in line with how the tags have been used so far.  I believe that's what Equinox was trying to do, so I didn't see it as a big deal, and I believe that as long as there is a "nsfw" warning that sort of thing is fine for now.  I think I saw Mouse making a post agreeing that it's basically the same as putting a link at that point.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 03:53:25 PM by blid »