The fact that simply because she is female you can't imagine this possibly happening without some kind of sexual overtones is exactly why you are a total creeper.
I have plenty of female friends in real life and online. The only one who ever makes themself being a female a big deal is babyshark, she brings it up all the time. and you do this too which is what i called you out on when she started contacting other peoples families. You are friendzoned but you want more, it's quite obvious.
No my wife did not leave me, I think you are referring to my ex-girlfriend who was 12 years younger than me and ran off with a guy who was four years younger than her. Tough shit, that stuff happens when you have a life, and congrats on stalking your way back however many years to find that.
Tora literallly asked you in a thread you made about me and you said it there, but ok im "stalking" you in threads you made about me and my family like the fucking weirdo you are lmao.
Quote from: ~ToRa~ on August 11, 2019, 07:52:46 AM
Quote from: Lambchops on August 11, 2019, 07:17:49 AM
LOL. Shit Tora, I wish I had a trust fund so I could get some better hobbies like.... playing video games, hiring whores and posting on internet boards.
No judgement, I just seriously wish I had the money. Unfortunately I have to work for a living.
Tell the truth Lamb. Why did your wife leave you and take your house?
Hmm. Relevance?
Well she was having an affair and she ran off with her bf. Shit happens.
I'm sure Winchester's mum would never do something like that.
You're really pathetic dude, Not even 5 months. Your alzheimers is showing bro. So is it a girlfriend or wife, in toras question you didn't reply, "it was my girlfriend". Or did you just make up a story yet again on how you know girls. Easy to find, it was on a thread you made about me and my family showcasing what a freak you are.
I was accused of hacking by the game's most notorious hacker
And you got caught by the games most notorious hacker, and Droid and Zelya proved you were hacking with replays and zelyas tracker, and you're still denying it because you're a cheating loser.
I made a thread pointing out that you used the aka "Della.AUS" and since you mentioned blid I'm sure you also remember that he agreed that this was your aka (we all know this was you duh). Eventually after hearing enough of the pathetic garbage you spew I had to agree that you are just too stupid to be the original Dellam, because my words actually mean something, and that name has been banned for so long that it's hard to really know anyway. Nobody tried to frame you - YOU DID THAT. YOU PRETENDED TO BE DELLAM. So don't complain when someone accuses you of it.
Not a name of mine and I told blid to reveal my akas after he said that which he didn't do (and my request still stands, any admin reading this has my permission to reveal my akas as if I had just refused an SS) because unlike you I have nothing to hide. You listed a bunch of names that weren't me while bragging about your shitty data and this name was no different. I did not pretend to be dellam ever. The only recorded logs you posted which were me were Mrlemonade games AFTER I had to tell you who i was, despite you claiming you knew i was dellam for YEARS, then you started posting random games of dellam where our ips didnt even match or were even close to matching. Just that we shared an internet provider that is common in australia. You can try pin the blame on me all you want for you being a pathetic failure, but I did nothing. Quite literally, I did nothing. Didn't even make that name! And the only person you were able to convince that I was dellam was a guy I argued with for years who doesn't even believe it now. Great job there you failure.
You had Tupac up your sleeve as a friend to ask who remoted my pc several times and was infact the guy who doxed dellam but you still refused to ask him because you knew I was right the second I brought him up as a source, and wanted to be spiteful anyway and try frame me. The only guy to have seen both me and dellams real information, you ignored, you ignored tupac like I told you to ask tk or something. Tell me whats wrong with asking your friend tupac? You don't think his reliable enough source despite literally doxing a guys real life information? Or were you just too much of a lazy cunt to talk to your friend? You don't need a bunch of spreadsheets and a powerpoint presentation to log on usa and say "yo tupac, can you confirm this for me" you idiot.
because my words actually mean something
Rofl, your words only show what a complete arrogant fool you are. You pretend to have morals but have none at all, your words mean nothing. That's why you're a hacker and you got banned for being one after you posted a 22 paragraph essay on how claws the hacker and not you. When you have to lie as much as you do, you gotta keep making more lies to cover your shit up. And I and several others caught you on it so many times that you just constantly changed the topic each and every time just like you will inevitably do again.
I couldn't be bothered looking up the post but I'm pretty sure I would have said "SS or it never happened" which is the usual line, no doubt with a wink or lol emoji after it.
Nope. Just you being a creepy weirdo demanding to see someones face, where they work, photos of their family.

Continue to tell me how your words mean something you senile cunt

You have real issues with women.
Nope, women are great, know plenty, friends with plenty, work with plenty. only one i've had an issue in the past 10 years is babyshark because she feels the need to bring it up all the time, because she can't be her own person and needs to be defined by her gender and how only her problems matter because of her gender and no one elses. You clearly behave different around internet women and backtrack your shit when one enters the discussion. I know you don't remember because you're showing signs of Alzheimers , but go read some of your posts. You're up on these forums till like 6 in the morning every day anyway. which by the way, You're like 50 bro. That's weird to be doing that at that age. Get a real job instead of making warcraft 2 hacks. it's not something centrelink is gonna accept as employment. You're nearly double my age. If I can get a job you can get one too.
BTW funny how I told you to go out and meet some women in march and you started telling me how you started banging your imaginary next door neighbour. I'm not desperate enough to need to seek approval from a perverted middle aged man going through a mid life crisis to need to share any stories. Unlike you, i'm actually more respectful then that. But please, do go on about my issues with women. When your posts show how how different you are around women on the internet compared to a guy. It's not even a you being a gentlemen thing, it's just you changing who you are the moment a girl shows up. It's phony and weird, and no ones impressed by it, they're more likely to be impressed if you I dunno, actually be yourself and not an obvious fraud. That said, I hope they turn out to be guys just to see how different you'll act upon finding out. Maybe you're into guys pretending to be girls and this is what excites you the most about it all, hey, I won't judge that. I will judge you for being a fraud and a manipulative liar though.
I have seen pics and videos of her house / garden / pets etc.
I'm sure that makes your quest to finding her address on google maps easier when scouring her area. Probably what you're up till 6 in the morning every day doing anyway when you're not ranting and lying on the forums. We all know you're doing it since you attempted this not even 2 months ago to tk. I'm sure you know exactly how many plants to look for to narrow down the searches, the type of front door or back door the fence in the background, if theres a pool or not. I'm sure you logged it all down. when she showed you since you're just that kinda guy.
Yes definite "friendzone" lol exactly you idiot. We are friends.
In popular culture, the friend zone is a situation in which one member of a friendship wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship, while the other does not. It is generally considered to be an undesirable situation for the rejected person.
The sense of zone is one of being stuck in an unwanted and distant relationship. The rejected person is said to have been put "in" the object of their affection's "friend zone"., so you admit to having feelings then, or do you just not know what being friendzoned means?
You got friendzoned and started logging IP's so you could find her address bro. (You tried this with tk whom you dislike so it's obvious you would do it to those you like) She's not interested and she won't be interested if you find her. She'll probably be terrified if you find her and move to another state.