...everytime I open up this program, there're options saved by default from previous usage...
I'm not sure that I clearly understood, but...
You can press Alt+H or select help pages from menu, there you can see some info like this:
Program launch. (simplified description)
1.3. Program launch. (simplified description)
At startup, the program tries to find nearest correct War2 folder,
load hotkeys from it, and set it as Current War2 Folder (see above)
If the program does not find a single suitable file,
it starts with the default built-in template for the English version.
A little more detailed about the program launch and options
3.3. A little more detailed about the program launch and options.
The program checks for correctness and, if necessary, reassigns:
- The working folder of the program,
it stores temporary and automatically saved files
- Current War2 folder,
used when "Applying" hotkeys, fonts, etc to the Game
File priority for automatic loading:
1. The path to the file/folder from the command line parameter
2. Built-in template from the command line parameter
3. Current War2 folder \ War2Patch.mpq, then War2Dat.mpq
4. Program working folder \ ~lastsav.tbl
5. Default built-in template for the English version
Command line options. "War2HotKeys.exe 1 2 3", where:
1: [source War2 dir OR source file]*[source built-in template]
2: [target War2 dir]*[options, listed below]
3: [program working directory]
* is used as separator OR to skip parameter, i.e.
"War2HotKeys.exe * * C:\TMP" will set program working directory only.
If only one folder is passed in 1st and 2nd parameters,
it will be used as both source and Current War2 folder.
~[12345] - window size: maximum [or fixed steps from 1 to 5]
C[123] - standard cursor [or desired custom cursor size]
P[1] - position of opening menus, T - menus transparency
E - forced english interface language, F - alternative font,
L - skip loading from files, B - faster responding items
S - sound off
Example: "War2HotKeys.exe *French *CEL~4S"
* Some more examples of command line usage can be obtained by running the program with ? in the first parameter: "War2HotKeys.exe ?"
3.2. Using Drag&Drop.
3.2.1. In normal mode, when the program is already running.
3.2.2. Specifying a source before the program starts.
...Tons of text. :I
Thus, there are many ways:
You can use the command line option to manually specify the copy of War2, from which you need to load at program start.
Same way for forced start with default template.
Another way is Drag&Drop any file related to your target War2 over War2HotKeys.exe/shortcut or over the program window, if it already started.
...And finally last and dumbest way is to copy program into every war2 folder, hotkeys of which you need to load/change, and start it from there.