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Messages - jessu001

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Gold Mine / Re: A habitation of strangers
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:33:23 PM »
Hi Deke! I tend to avoid things of questionable nature, which are not lawful and in agreement with the intent of the owner/legislator of the service. For example, if I buy a CD, and lose it, I do not feel it just to go to a library, and burn the tracks of the same CD even though I purchased it afore. This is indeed a remonstrance that could occur: for it could be said, it is titled to you, having owned it and bought it, so you should be of no averse task to renew it freely, though the item was lost in the past. And I always say, since I am not practicing idolatry; another shady way to overcome some biblical doctrines (like Exodus 23:13) that still are somewhat concrete; yet even this is somewhat shady since I do not follow the bible the way I did, (and not due to non-congenial affairs contrary to it).
I hope all is ok with you! Email me and I can add you on Yahoo.
The day is like a spruce; like a spruce tree in its ornamentation. The earth lifts up to hold her crew; the people on it are of no misconception, unless they live a life of folly, and abrupt destruction.

Gold Mine / Re: A habitation of strangers
« on: January 05, 2015, 05:34:42 AM »
Deke! The ancient earth would not cease for gladness of your company! I would stay myself from mentioning a large amount of instances, but would remark that everything is wonderful. I hope everything is ok with you! "N{G:230}EXT!!!!!" is on my Facebook. Email me at of you want his address. His name is Livingston. Yes everything has been wonderful. I hope everything is ok with you! What a day! What a day! I hope all is ok! A year or so ago I was trying to message you, seeing your name in the chat, but you may not have seen my messages. A good bit of time I waited but you didn't come back to the chat in that time. I hope all is ok with you! I lost my keys to so I haven't been on there for 5 or so years. I hope all is ok with you!

Gold Mine / Re: A habitation of strangers
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:28:46 PM »
What does the day bring forth? Confusion? Yet there are so many aspects to be understood: the trees grow in a complex mechanism, the rain comes, but not by common observation, the roses wilt, and the bees gather honey. It is all observation, and very necessary to comprehend, yet very complex when looked into further. There are states of mankind that can bring forth complex observations, and there are simplistic conversations.

O day! A blanket is about you
And the earth is warmed by your presence
But you are just passing time
And the sun above, is just radiant heat
And I will make amends to myself
that I will not understand you fully
Unless some occasion comes upon me
But I will not cease to understand your peculiarities
and not cease to drive forth in your canopy

Gold Mine / Re: A habitation of strangers
« on: December 26, 2014, 03:11:39 AM »
There is hope for people to succeed, if they are given according to their abilities, and reenact themselves fresh from day to day, and pursue not things of chance, but necessary requirements of daily life.

Gold Mine / Re: A habitation of strangers
« on: December 25, 2014, 09:12:20 PM »
What do people desire? Do they desire to succeed, or to be without understanding. This is the premise, by which all the statements are understood.


Gold Mine / A habitation of strangers
« on: December 25, 2014, 05:24:37 PM »
What do people desire? To be engaged with one another in social discourse? Or to rummage themselves until they have found all the peculiarities of one another, before enhancing their own growth?
It is problematic that people are strangers to each other, and fail to do this; the instance of recognizing a peculiar trait that could be used to further the development of one, could be of significance to him/her and their abilities.
I would state that people are in their good strength when they fail to lay down their passion, but drive themselves forward in hard circumstances.


A video of myself at the piano playing Scriabin (a composer).

Shotgun said he liked piano (by implication) so he and others may enjoy such a post.



The day faces many pacts with mankind; there are people who despise one another, and there are people that graciously accept one another's presence.
The pretense of war2 players is such that, with a thought, they will undermine peace and make a calamity, thinking that the good players in the past got great
by being sneering, and hostile toward others.

A player must practice good conduct, and hold good regard for other individuals; and when a player enters a game, he should be remarked with the kindest of sympathies, for any lack of education or experience, or current caliber in playing ability.

Oh! The earth will sing; but let me remark this one other thing, for without it, certainly mud will climb up into the harp, and the sound will be muddy, and exemplified of a bad example: is it contrary for a man to treat another man with respect for one reason, and hold a grudge against him for another? That is to say, if he does something marvelous, yet is seen lacking in a certain regard that would be forthcoming of congenial conversation with him. If such a thing is so, why should people with lack of respect entirely, not place some type of favor on them, so that in the least regard, they will not ban or kick him or her from their presence -- in the presence of other players as well -- and despite remarks to the contrary, engender a relationship such as, "Hi, how are you? Would you like to play? Do you know how to watch?" and the kindness forthright to him or her will declare a disciplinary stance. It is not good to follow past behaviors where a ban will be complacent with the others in the lobby.


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