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Messages - jessu001

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31 / IMPORTANT Babyshark, Talrand, Ring62, Nedro, "ASAP"
« on: April 27, 2018, 03:23:39 PM »
In the diligence of safety, and the following of protocol; as the Christian meandering of faith does necessitate, the furtherance of my actions as seemingly interpreted to be disposed as unwarranted to propriety, and even blameworthy of arrogance, must be addressed.

In a game with the subjects noted, April 25th, "ASAP" with the start of his name, PBR, of which acronym I won't allow myself to speak, "ASAP" noted that he couldn't move -- or something of this notion -- and the game was forced to not only pause for a length of time, but to be SAVED, and then loaded at a later time, which was about 3 minutes afterward.

At the end of the game, after the saved game was loaded, I stated dismissal to the idea that the game should have been saved and loaded with effort to begin with since "ASAP" seemingly (I was right next to him, he was my ally), was unable to build for about 40 seconds and was way behind. Perhaps I was the only one present, besides "ASAP" to notice this, and I said "Why did we even save and load this game when 12 didn't even build?" It was taken the wrong way, as though I was blaming him for lack of intelligence or lack of ability, and ruining the game based upon a lack of appropriation of brain power, rather than the incidental cause of the statement, (if I noticed correctly,) that "ASAP" was so far behind that he was unable to move for 40 seconds while he was figuring out what was wrong; and how to save game, etc..., that it was errant to the notion that the game was worthy of being assumed from its last saved state. I wasn't blaming anyone, and I state this message in resolve of that inundation of thoughts. I wasn't mad at all, and I immediately left chat because I simply didn't want to play any longer. I usually don't dismiss myself with a salutation.


32 / The Psychology of the Dual-Head Ogre "Complex"
« on: March 18, 2018, 03:56:25 AM »
An ogre, quite to its reluctance, is so fastidious in terms of the approach of its welfare.

At night, one ogre, perceiving the fluctuations of animosity in its body, will summon the other head's attention, thereby creating a flux of attention throughout its body signaling the other head to wake up from sleep and thereby, with politeness create a unity whereby the ogre isn't upright with one head still adrift in a deep sleep. A further note is that the ogre is so able to bring mischief to the other head, they are in a constant battle for prowess to survive not from the battle one army against the next, but one head's complete control and dominion of the body against the other head's dominion, whereby one head's consent can take a sword and cut off the other head, or punch the other head out thereby creating one head that is incapacitated or completely killed, or beheaded from the construct of the ogre's physique/body.

Concerning the Dispensation of the Current Faith that is Demanded by Christ for the Sake of those Conglomerated in Denial of His Love

A person ought so to be, perfect, and without error. For Christ so destined the perfect person to be able to withdraw 100% from the needs and existence as the world deems worthy; and to be able to live in any agitated, or rested state, without having to worry desperately as to where the next meal was to come; how to be clothed, or how to keep clean... even how to satisfy the wants and ambitions that so destine the arrangement of the calling of the bible on that person. A person is so destined not only to be complete in Christ; but also fulfilled eternally by the very enactment of faith that is so problematic in the atmosphere of this present, wicked world; and to inflate their person to be in an arrangement where nothing is impossible, indeed, and verily the construct of faith, with fasting and dedication, produces an end of such resolution.


Oh 'Koorb'! How you are missed!

The lake is not turbid, but still; the trees, they do not even sway... for the wind is nothing.

It is vacant of movement, just as your presence fails to fill us with love.

The very nature of your esteem, and your propriety, though lacking on the fundamentals of christian bounty, is still a presence of saturation, and of purpose.

For your solicitude to the server was quite comely, and your presence, duly noted. I lack the ability to grieve you, thinking you will appear again to my knowledge; yet I will sustain my sorrow not to be quick to surmise that your completion of acquaintance and interest in all your accomplishments will fulfill such things. I lack the lustre to summon a solicitation to speak to you again, but your lack of yearning for the dictation among people in the server is missed.


35 / Re: babyshark banned from server for 2 weeks
« on: March 06, 2018, 11:58:52 PM »
hmm wrote that before reading posts on page 2

Let me add

Christ is not like a newspaper, that must be inherent with exciting or relevant news to be taught, or extinguished with volatile remarks; but produces a faith that is more precious than fine gold, being able to manipulate life in a way that is conducive to completing a persons' complete negative outlook into a conglomeration of fastidious hopes.

36 / Re: babyshark banned from server for 2 weeks
« on: March 06, 2018, 11:55:43 PM »
HEY BABY (not babyshark)

But of course, how could I ignore babyshark! Not in the least, she is a Christian.

Christ is like the pacifier of all the ungodly, but not by superstition, fallacious claims, or even consistent badgering.

There is one truth that is so supreme, that the other indigenous remarks to the contrary not only find themselves falling short in reasonable argument; but find themselves being cornered into a place where they must negotiate to themselves that the other person is crazy, and therefore relinquish committing themselves to becoming sentient, truth seekers.


Dude like walkin the other day

Dude like talkin the other day

You know you like my style baby










Yea mannnnn


The bible is the light of the world BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (bro)

the jews had an idea... they covered their ears with their hands, and denied completely even the hearing of the sayings of the delight of the heavenly gift.

ewww swifty you stuck your bible in a chest and threw out the key?

If moved to folly; you will certainly disdain your opponent; which is not to be done. Christ lived that we may have life; his coming, not in shortness, is part of a second coming... where he will come with clouds, and every eye shall see him. It is a monopoly to have anger on the server; but such is estranged to proper etiquette. Such etiquette thrives to know a particular principle, that by cleaving to it, the proper etiquette so pronounced will be held fast; and not taken away.

If sheep go astray, a shepherd could shout, and curse... and then there will be a calamity, for certainly some of the sheep will be meals for wolves... or perhaps they will lose their way wanting of still waters to drink from. Likewise the cohabitation of the server with the fellow patrons of this video game, are not to be distinguished with no morals. Come into the server expressing fervent attitudes toward the good will Christ set out to build. Let your hand not raise up, or your fingernail bear witness... or your lip go even slightly upward; neither let your nostrils suck in air that galvanizes any action that will create mistrust, wanton anger, or excessive argument. For Christ came saying that we have power in this earth to live our lives perfectly, and gave us those peculiars of life that will be satisfied to the full, if there is humility/humbleness of mind, forgiveness, and love; even loving your neighbor as yourself. Let it not be ordained that you break this pact, a pact set forth not in writing, or in word, or in deed... but by a measure of life that stood the test of time; and, behold, the winds came, and the waters, and the fierceness of calamities, and beat down upon it, and it did not fail, for it was built on a rock.

Why live your life, or act in the server contrary to the greatest principles of life, so demonstrated, and live a substandard existence?



All I was addressing was the biblical injunction to not bind or take away from someone's life, as a thief does when he breaks in and steals; but that the bible came that we may have life, and life more abundantly: the same is the principle of life that brings joy to the full, and all of life's mockeries apprehended with full consultation of not conjecture, but eternal authenticity.

Kyle just happened to be in the group I was addressing when the bible was spoken of with disparagement, for the wrong of those and the company, of whom I only remember Kyle's name before the launch of the lobby perpetuating the disparagement....

Oh! Koorb! How you would move your orcs!

How they would proclaim acclamations to you!

Your movements on the screen were too fast to tell.

Your archers even made commandments to bend their bow farther than the eye has hitherto seen.

You are the best, and most amazing player that ever gushed the enemies bowels into, as it were, a folly of corpses.

I would pronounce to you that you are sorely missed; and your person, which expedited gracious feelings, and your appetite for the welcoming of all patrons to your company, all conglomerate to entertain the possibility of seeing, or catching a glimpse of your amazing person yet again; yet another time!

I welcome the possibility that you, again, make contact -- that your whereabouts are not distinguished with question, or disregard for such an amazing person as you are!

You are missed with such strenuous voice, and with such striking emptiness, that the very call of all the players of 'war2' certainly beckons your arrival again; that your person is not dismissed, but remembered in the glorious aspect of all that your coming digests within the moments you are present in our games or lobbies.

I have heard that you find it hard in New Zealand at times; and my prayers do not cease to make forceful love into the glorious return of your person in great success throughout the world; haply, in the love of Jesus Christ.

Seriously, you are SORELY MISSED.


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