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21 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by eleison on July 13, 2024, 09:08:28 AM »
But U8 touches the green peons...??
22 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by Mistral on July 12, 2024, 03:59:51 PM »
just saw u8 beaten this map on stream
lol nice
23 / Re: Not able to connect to server
« Last post by tk[as] on July 11, 2024, 06:17:28 AM »
connecting to the mirror server did the trick for me.
24 / Re: Not able to connect to server
« Last post by Buttercraft on July 11, 2024, 02:35:35 AM »
Hi anatole, run the Restore Gateways batch file (attatched to the post) and try connect connect to the mirror server, hope that helps.

25 / Not able to connect to server
« Last post by anatolewilson on July 10, 2024, 10:14:31 PM »
I cannot connect to server for 2 days now... Is there something I can do to be able to connect?
26 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by Teaboy on July 10, 2024, 01:53:39 PM »
Are you sure this can be beat without touching the green peons?
27 / Re: Teaboys Puzzle Map
« Last post by Player on July 10, 2024, 11:02:10 AM »
Are you sure this can be beat without touching the green peons?
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on July 08, 2024, 06:43:35 PM »
Sure, but another advantage of BL is that you already have ogres ready to cast it.
You haven't seen my modifications, I did that to skels.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by dannyldd on July 08, 2024, 03:33:50 PM »
@dannyldd I re-read your post. You were right about the changes you made. Archers and dragons need higher fire rate, and blizz needs less range. I also came across players that say that the game is balanced.

archers just need a slight attack speed boost and they could frankly be a good counter to bloodlust with mage slow, for example. It takes actual skill to execute but it would be worthy.

Also, if Death & decay / blizzard cost increases aside of range, all the other area of effect spells with immediatelly turn useful, like death coils / whirlwinds / fire shield.

Raise of the dead need something like cost 40mana/cast and a bit stronger stats for skeletons
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on July 07, 2024, 07:39:04 PM »
@dannyldd I re-read your post. You were right about the changes you made. Archers and dragons need higher fire rate, and blizz needs less range. I also came across players that say that the game is balanced.
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