Author Topic: Ladder and Anti-hack  (Read 8818 times)

Offline {Lance}

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2024, 07:01:36 PM »
You forgot to mention that he also purposely attacked the RU servers in an attempt to drive users to his simply because there was nothing else up atm,  but luckily people had the brains to go to mousetopher's servers until the attacks subsided or were mitigated.  Tupac absolutely does hack (both in game as well as against other's servers as you mentioned),  he always has,  and he'll often even gloat about it in public as if it's some sort of trophy to hold up proudly.

Humanity would be much better off if he just ended himself and donated his carbon to the earthworms.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 07:04:28 PM by {Lance} »
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2024, 09:22:12 PM »
I have witnessed closely how Tupac treats people. He is a very nice person really.

Even in 2016, he was on ru discord helping new players with tech support problems to log on War2 ru as a volunteer. Total newbies that were worthless to the "elite" group.

What kind of person volunteers their time to help people others deem "worthless"?

In Canada, there was also a Pastor who was helping feed hungry, homeless people when the government banned such action. That pastor was accused of all manner of ridiculous nonsense for helping people. He was arrested and treated horribly by the government. We live in evil times.

We live in an absurd time where people have abandoned common sense. Schools have apparently put litterboxes out for kids who identify as cats.

Actions speak louder than words. Common sense dictates that someone who spends their time helping those others consider "worthless" with no gain to himself is not a malicious, hateful person.

I remember telling Tupac in 2018 that ru was being attacked after Xurnt dm'd me about it before it happened, already accusing Tupac of something that hadn't happened yet. After someone did carry out said mischief, Tupac didn't know it was happening. Since I hated ru at that moment, he would have told me if it was him. He didn't know anything about it.

Also very strange that Xurnt knew about it before it happened. So someone told Xurnt (since I believe he was also not guilty in it, though don't know for sure) that Tupac was going to do something, knowing that Xurnt would publicize the wrong information to hurt our server's good reputation.

Whoever told Xurnt that it was going to happen before it happened is obviously the one(s) responsible. Only Xurnt knows who that is, unless he was somehow tipped anonymously.

Tupac didn't know it was happening when I told him, so that rules him out as a suspect.

Maybe there was some drama 20 years ago when you were both children, I have no idea, but he has grown up since then and you can't hold what people did when they were 12 against them forever.

Tupac is also smart enough to not attack his own server's reputation like that. I believe I posted the screenshots 6 years ago showing Xurnt's accusation before it happened and later of Tupac not knowing it had happened until after I told him, 2 very strong evidences that Xurnt had inside knowledge from some source who were the actual ones involved and that Tupac was not involved.

There was a lot of hate towards us without a cause at that time, hatred just to be hateful, as well as hatred over us leaving. There was a lot of motivation to discredit us.

The people who played on USA for 6 years know how it was and how Tupac treated them during that time, how kind and helpful and respectful he was, and that he worked hard and spent a lot of his personal time and money to making a place for other people to play W2.

The only people who will be convinced are ru people who are determined to hate just because they don't know any other way to live. People who have never done a kind thing for another person in their lives.

And based on ru ethics, it's the strongest do whatever they want to the weakest. The weak should not be protected, according to ru. So even in the imaginary scenario that tupac was responsible for what happened in 2018, ru morality has no problem with whoever is strong abusing the weak in any way they feel like.

But Tupac actually spent his time before usa helping newbies get onto ru server, I saw it many times since I was on the discord when it was new and helped get it off the ground with mousey.

Offline {Lance}

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2024, 04:52:07 AM »
U sound about as smart as Kamala voters.  Absolutely no brain of your own :D
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

Offline iL

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2024, 07:48:05 AM »
I have witnessed closely how Tupac treats people. He is a very nice person really.

Even in 2016, he was on ru discord helping new players with tech support problems to log on War2 ru as a volunteer. Total newbies that were worthless to the "elite" group.

What kind of person volunteers their time to help people others deem "worthless"?

In Canada, there was also a Pastor who was helping feed hungry, homeless people when the government banned such action. That pastor was accused of all manner of ridiculous nonsense for helping people. He was arrested and treated horribly by the government. We live in evil times.

We live in an absurd time where people have abandoned common sense. Schools have apparently put litterboxes out for kids who identify as cats.

Actions speak louder than words. Common sense dictates that someone who spends their time helping those others consider "worthless" with no gain to himself is not a malicious, hateful person.

I remember telling Tupac in 2018 that ru was being attacked after Xurnt dm'd me about it before it happened, already accusing Tupac of something that hadn't happened yet. After someone did carry out said mischief, Tupac didn't know it was happening. Since I hated ru at that moment, he would have told me if it was him. He didn't know anything about it.

Also very strange that Xurnt knew about it before it happened. So someone told Xurnt (since I believe he was also not guilty in it, though don't know for sure) that Tupac was going to do something, knowing that Xurnt would publicize the wrong information to hurt our server's good reputation.

Whoever told Xurnt that it was going to happen before it happened is obviously the one(s) responsible. Only Xurnt knows who that is, unless he was somehow tipped anonymously.

Tupac didn't know it was happening when I told him, so that rules him out as a suspect.

Maybe there was some drama 20 years ago when you were both children, I have no idea, but he has grown up since then and you can't hold what people did when they were 12 against them forever.

Tupac is also smart enough to not attack his own server's reputation like that. I believe I posted the screenshots 6 years ago showing Xurnt's accusation before it happened and later of Tupac not knowing it had happened until after I told him, 2 very strong evidences that Xurnt had inside knowledge from some source who were the actual ones involved and that Tupac was not involved.

There was a lot of hate towards us without a cause at that time, hatred just to be hateful, as well as hatred over us leaving. There was a lot of motivation to discredit us.

The people who played on USA for 6 years know how it was and how Tupac treated them during that time, how kind and helpful and respectful he was, and that he worked hard and spent a lot of his personal time and money to making a place for other people to play W2.

The only people who will be convinced are ru people who are determined to hate just because they don't know any other way to live. People who have never done a kind thing for another person in their lives.

And based on ru ethics, it's the strongest do whatever they want to the weakest. The weak should not be protected, according to ru. So even in the imaginary scenario that tupac was responsible for what happened in 2018, ru morality has no problem with whoever is strong abusing the weak in any way they feel like.

But Tupac actually spent his time before usa helping newbies get onto ru server, I saw it many times since I was on the discord when it was new and helped get it off the ground with mousey.

As for helping people - we all do it here voluntarily: you, me, Tora, and everyone else. Tora, for example, also spends a lot of money on War2, other people only spend their time, skills and energy.

Yes, I remember those times when Tupac helped newcomers, did technical support on ru. He was one of the respected members of our team. I really appreciated it. Then something went wrong. Tupac wanted to implement a modified game mode, when, for example, every player can use cheats, it would not disturb the balance. But it would deprive us of the technical ability to play as before. Of course, I was against it. After that, Tupac cooled off towards me. After that, for quite a long time, he talked about creating his own server, where no one would interfere with him doing what he wanted. And at some point, your dissatisfaction with our community and his desire to create a server separate from ru met together.

I have no hatred for Tupac, I just don’t see how he can be part of our team hacking and attacking our site or server as I wrote above. And he doesn’t want to be with us.

Regarding the attack in 2018 - I don't know what case you're talking about, indeed, ru has been subjected to DDoS attacks for many years. Sometimes the attacks consisted of 2-3 stages - first a trial stage, like reconnaissance, then a more massive one. Maybe Xurnt was talking about a similar case after the "trial" stage? I don't know, I can only guess. And we don't communicate with Xurnt, he is no longer part of our admin team.

I'm not saying anything about whether Tupac attacked our server or not, since I have no evidence, I mean the last 10 years.

Regarding what you say: the strongest do whatever they want with the weakest. According to my personal ethics - this should not be. But the community was formed long before me with its own traditions and ethics. I don't think it's a good idea to create some strict rules that the majority of the strongest players won't be happy with and try to force everyone to follow them. This would simply lead to a split in the community, which is already small. I think the best option would be to create your own small but friendly community inside a large one, but reduce contacts to some reasonable minimum, which each of your friends determines for themselves. How best to do this is a matter of your preferences. Create your own clan, whose members will be sure that there is someone to protect them, create a friendly channel that unfriendly strangers will not be able to enter, create games with a password for your friends. At the same time, when there are few players on the server, no one will forbid them to enter the games they want or invite other people's players to theirs.

Something similar was done by Russian-speaking players inside the ru-community. We have our own personal chat in the Russian social network VK, and the language barrier helps us to partially separate from the unfriendly core of old players. Many Russians do not know English well. And Russians have never encountered the problems of the Russian community that you are talking about, Russians simply did not have any kind of disrespectful attitude between people.
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Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2024, 10:42:46 AM »
Sorry to interrupt but the russians are the least welcoming people I ever seen online their stupidity is unmatched and they can't shut up while I try to play Counter strike , judging from past experiences its best to reduce interaction with russian players especially the competitive of them always toxic for no reason.

I doubt its any different here I might be wrong about the russian wc2 community specifically as I haven't tried to play with them.
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

Offline Shotgun

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2024, 11:08:19 AM »
Russians suck at video games

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2024, 11:32:30 AM »
Russians suck at video games

I wouldn't go as far as that , the top 1 player in warcraft 3 is russian keep in mind warcraft 3 is way more difficult than 2 so they have skill as everyone else skill isn't related to country or ethnicity.

But the "average" rusky tends to be toxic and mid at the game.
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

Offline {Lance}

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2024, 05:14:54 PM »
I'm not saying anything about whether Tupac attacked our server or not, since I have no evidence, I mean the last 10 years.

I can assure you,  100% all those flood attacks were Tupac.  He has gloated to me about it in the past as if it were some major accomplishment.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2024, 05:18:51 PM by {Lance} »
Dk At hall is cause I started with temple at start and didn't need the castle . Not a hack .  I wouldn't bother editing a ss btw

^---- Dellam doesnt hack!  See, even by his own admission, no hack!!  LMFAO.

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2024, 05:50:02 PM »
Great work lance misquoting me XD , what if I get convicted over this? Or worse arrested ? Do you know how serious of a crime putting words others said in others mouth? Im astonished at this heresy this is pure witchcraft  which should be punishable by larping as a peon for a full day chopping trees and carrying endless bags of gold.....

Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

Offline Harrywangs

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2024, 09:59:23 PM »
I just don't get it. /squelch username (perma-squelch option now too). THATS IT, DONE, VERY SIMPLE, NO MORE HAVING TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE THAT YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR FROM. Why talk, argue, and get insulted when you don't need to. It's literally designed for this purpose. I haven't heard a word Van has said in over a year and it's beautiful. Also, he's one of the most toxic people on the server. It's been better because he has been gone.

People could also start hosting games again that say GOW GOOD, GOW NOOB, GOW AVERAGE. This way, they aren't so insulted for being obsed for being noob.

Offline Szwagier

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2024, 02:05:25 AM »
Problem is when you still can make new account, my mute list got like 20 accounts from one player

you will let play "new" person play and he will start again insult people in game "oh god its that retard"

Equinox - the dumbest person in this game, do not argue with an idiot, because he will bring you to his level and overcome with experience

Offline Dudakurten

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Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2024, 02:24:44 AM »

People could also start hosting games again that say GOW GOOD, GOW NOOB, GOW AVERAGE. This way, they aren't so insulted for being obsed for being noob.

Which name should I host on my games ??