so its been a while since i been on .. but id like to play more but to get to the point
i love what there trying to do here with the rebalance giving players or new players options
i love that we can have rally points now for our buildings
i love the idea of the knight rebalance but how much has this been tested? i think it might be a tad bit op now for knights
i want to fully test this is any 1 wants to test it with me or if any 1 has already tested an can post there findings here?
in the past i was saying we needed to cut the heal cost for palys in half.. but i think to cut it to just 1 magic per hp is kinda op along with the auto heal
maybe if auto heal wasnt there then i could see 1hp being efficient but with auto heal i think its OP tho i havent done to much testing my self
i know alot of u dont care for the rebalance but its really awesome that we can mod these things an try an keep up with times since this game is so out dated
an if blizzard was still working on this game im sure they would of done simular things an rebalanced it them selves so i dont see nothing wrong with it
an you still can play the old way so no problem there but i think some of you should give it a chance its kinda really fun
but once again heals might be to cheap!
another note ... any 1 thought of throwing heros in the mix? like maybe not in the begining of the game like wc3 but maybe threw the alter an church at tier 3
we could add a hero i dont know if it would be possible to have it lvl up gradually for how many kills it gets and maybe we can give it a couple spells from the dk / mage for each hero
like a hero can have spells from both sides of the races for instance we gave a hero paladin heals / haste / fire ball or something .. not that specifically but you get my point
BUT NOT TO ADD THIS to the rebalance mode but maybe add another check box in the lobby that says enable heros ... it would just be for more fun to play around with things u know?
then maybe we could make all kinds of custom maps to go with it an try out diff things .. let me know what yall think
![War2 :wc2:](