here is some more hella TL DR\
so lately i have been catching randoms playing campain on twitch
and today i found some guys trying to play multiplayer on gog on twitch
they were trying ipx to play on gog and i got them to try out CE
long story short, they found thier way online to CE
but alot of issues and confusion along the way
they were very discouraged
i basically offered hand holding to fix it, which of course as a normal person lacking our nostalgia said
''but i shouldnt have to''
which yeh my thoughts exactly
i mean what i went thourgh to play CE was about more than i wanted
pre HD i didnt play beacause my mouse response was unplayable
i tried about every time there was updates, never fixed
5 months ago i tried HD, i gave up
a day or 2 ago i tried hd again
again, i gave up
i got further but still not aceptable, much like the streamer encountered
and one of his friends got confused by the login screen
attemping to log in with his bnet acount
yadda yadda yadda, much the same shit i been pointing out for 2 decades
inregards to any type of player base additions to actual new players or returning very casuals
not everyone is hellbent clan channel 247 style to get on get it right and spam games win and talk shit
example. dude was confused with HD version. beacuse of the small ass logo when launching like the resolution was wrong, i mean if i didnt assure the situation of ingame rez different than the load screen he woulda just gave up before getting even in chat
another guy confused at login page trying his bnet account
if possible i would pay for quality of life adjustments to the game engine, but in my opionion id rather just use warcraft 2 assets and recreate the maps in sc2
lol atm during the stream the guy is now trash talking the game beacause of his issues
trash this and trash that, stupid russian fan made etc...
if you goto gog fourm there are guys begging gog to patch in somme of CE's features and saying i dont want to play illegal russian version
so like the Wii and Switch pring money, war2 CE is like turn away money
sure we would all like to have the mods built into the menu, but like the saying i used was "yeh but its a hobby, no one gets paid'' ''the quality of life changes are all mods'' i know not all but you know what i mean
there is pleanty of little easy shit to do to to help the situation
bro just said 1/10 dont reccomend onstream LMFAO
1 game and they bailed
i tried to help them figure gog out after, which also resulted in giving up
NOBODY wants to have to go into file folders to figure shit out
this isnt win3.1 win95 era of users anymore
where everyone was hardcore and knowlaable and figure shit out
this is smartphone era, dont know shit, dont give a shit, dont wanna learn shit, it should work out of box or fuck it shit can it
maybe ill look around the fourm and there is a projects thread
my current interest lies along another path
R.I.P. [KP]Killer Peons
the dawn of [TNE]The New Era has arrived
Ingame content incomming
in the mid 2000s the attempt gained very little interest, and the small project was lost but recovered by way of Blid
the idea has evolved
(ill uninstall before i embrace 4v4 on gow classic, what a fucking joke, 3s can be ok sometimes)
Comming soon
GoW Combat Edition
the sequel to the dark portal Paladin Reprisal, Gow RP
Edit due to Post credit: wow i forgot about the inprogress myleague resurection, to this day i will claim admin of the most successfull ladder circa 2k2ish.
3 projects at once while also trying to get some games in
so i have, as i always had, understanding at the issues that plague Combat Edition
if only i learned to code right?

Post Credits: Summary: Countless possible additions to the player base, Bias against the 'Russian Server', beacsue 'Russia'
and user experience ever before they can stumble in game and cross an experienced player and get owned
outside the game i cant help
did play with a guy who claimed to be basically brand new, just enough experience to beat the terrible Computer
and make a town and units for me to run over,
his first game was legit wanting to play ladder , couldnt help him beacuse i have idea of current state of the game kinda
artic circle, nostalgia
i reserve the right to not follow through with a damn thing i said, uninstall and dissapear again
various issues because of the ancient game engine, after all this recent sc2 gaming trying to control warcraft 2 is like playing stuck on a glue trap wrapped in flypapper while also being long since numb from being out in the cold, about enough to make me rage quit long before i give a damn about losing to whoever