Cartography & Custom Maps / all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
« on: August 25, 2019, 06:20:53 AM »
all-consuming new worlds WarCraft2 from Russia
on map everything is built by ours and by enemies
and in saved everything is developed and immediately battle
2019 map based on my 2002 maps
and settings are possible: where ours and type of attacks
life hack: to quickly find best card
you need to save game to disk and play loading
youtube: my cards of 2019 for Dark Saga & Wargus
1280x720 and all past years I play only my cards
further in this topic: darksaga converter pud and other maps

WarCraft2 DarkSaga всепоглощающие новые миры Данилин WarCraft2 DarkSaga allconsuming new worlds Dani - YouTube
on map everything is built by ours and by enemies
and in saved everything is developed and immediately battle
2019 map based on my 2002 maps
and settings are possible: where ours and type of attacks
life hack: to quickly find best card
you need to save game to disk and play loading
youtube: my cards of 2019 for Dark Saga & Wargus
1280x720 and all past years I play only my cards
further in this topic: darksaga converter pud and other maps

WarCraft2 DarkSaga всепоглощающие новые миры Данилин WarCraft2 DarkSaga allconsuming new worlds Dani - YouTube