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21 / Re: War2TV - Live Warcraft 2 Streams on !!!
« Last post by DiLLs on February 02, 2025, 07:39:50 AM »
It's Windows 11 - thanks for the responses.

I haven't tried a different game but that's a good idea.  I think I narrowed it down though - I think it's a problem with the PC hardware.  I'm currently running an older PC with the same settings on OBS and it streams fine.

There's been some odd latency on that other PC lately as well, which does not happen on this older PC at all either.  Perhaps the mobo is starting to fail, not entirely sure.  But thank you for the responses!
22 / Re: Quilks
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on January 30, 2025, 09:05:36 PM »
:poo:this guy is such a loser no wonder his wife left him.  like 30k games and barely 500 record, i've tried to be nice to this loser but he bans me every game.  probably because he lose to 2 grunts everytime im in a game with him, or SG telling him he dont even know where to put first farm.  every stream i watch they are like "god he is so bad" yah and i told him ill ally u ill be your friend but this guy is the most sensitive queer loser.  what a vag

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How might the widespread adoption of NAT traversal patches alter the fundamental infrastructure of online gaming, potentially rendering traditional network security protocols obsolete?
Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« Last post by Mistral on January 29, 2025, 09:59:22 PM »
war2 BNE
25 / Re: Quilks
« Last post by GeorgeMcFly on January 29, 2025, 08:57:02 PM »
 :poo:this guy is such a loser no wonder his wife left him.  like 30k games and barely 500 record, i've tried to be nice to this loser but he bans me every game.  probably because he lose to 2 grunts everytime im in a game with him, or SG telling him he dont even know where to put first farm.  every stream i watch they are like "god he is so bad" yah and i told him ill ally u ill be your friend but this guy is the most sensitive queer loser.  what a vag
Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on January 29, 2025, 03:16:37 PM »
they have human readable code
so its was way more easy for them to change

Hmmm you Said its very difficult to find some parts of code I assume you talking about vanilla wc2?

Didn't warcraft 2 remaster add the ability to select more? You could select up to 12 men in one go.

A side note you can select 18 men in the PS1 port if you wish get a ps1 emulator on pc like epsxe and play that one if you want more than 9 units but it got lots of faults like missing pissed off sounds , and death coil icon being swapped with death and decay icon LMAO and all units have 1 death sound which is the human one.

the only things that are better in my opinion in comparison to war2Combat, aside from remastered graphics that some people like, are either the 12 selectable units OR health/mana bars. If these 2 features can be set in war2Combat, i think there will be nothing better than Blizzard's stuff, unless they come up with huge new update with way more stuff

As a wc3 player I can't play RTS anymore without HP bars shown all the time its essential.
« Last post by GeorgeMcFly on January 29, 2025, 06:44:55 AM »
look at this dumb idiots face, nice gauges and soul patch, cool flat brim u tractor selling hillbilly
Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« Last post by dannyldd on January 28, 2025, 06:54:20 PM »
Didn't warcraft 2 remaster add the ability to select more? You could select up to 12 men in one go.

A side note you can select 18 men in the PS1 port if you wish get a ps1 emulator on pc like epsxe and play that one if you want more than 9 units but it got lots of faults like missing pissed off sounds , and death coil icon being swapped with death and decay icon LMAO and all units have 1 death sound which is the human one.

the only things that are better in my opinion in comparison to war2Combat, aside from remastered graphics that some people like, are either the 12 selectable units OR health/mana bars. If these 2 features can be set in war2Combat, i think there will be nothing better than Blizzard's stuff, unless they come up with huge new update with way more stuff
Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« Last post by Mistral on January 28, 2025, 05:00:38 PM »
they have human readable code
so its was way more easy for them to change
Mods & Development / Re: more than 9 unit selection ?
« Last post by Pandaprewmaster325 on January 28, 2025, 12:06:38 PM »
Didn't warcraft 2 remaster add the ability to select more? You could select up to 12 men in one go.

A side note you can select 18 men in the PS1 port if you wish get a ps1 emulator on pc like epsxe and play that one if you want more than 9 units but it got lots of faults like missing pissed off sounds , and death coil icon being swapped with death and decay icon LMAO and all units have 1 death sound which is the human one.

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