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Offline LiveFreeorDie

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« on: February 01, 2019, 10:07:12 PM »
« Last Edit: April 03, 2022, 04:32:53 PM by LiveFreeorDie »

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2019, 11:09:11 PM »
You know Babyshark has no life.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2019, 11:17:23 PM by ~ToRa~ »
war2 > war3

Offline Cel

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2019, 11:40:33 PM »
Thing is Babyshark you simply said people risk getting banned here on that very forum for saying they want or love another game or play elsewhere.

This is the lie. It simply is not true.

The only place you were banned from was the discord channel because you invaded a user's private life dirrectly harrassing that person's wife on a different social network. does not ban people because the mods do not like them or because they don't like their attitude.

The only reason I don't agree with that server is because it is not inclusive.
I just like to play the game and honestly when we have 50 players playing the game in the world when I am here it just feel stupid to split that number even further between two servers.
Players do not like toxic behaviors I agree but you know what makes player leave even more? Empty servers and not being able to play and horrible waiting times.

That is what kills the game.

Now that is my opinion we can disagree I can accept that.
The only reason I replied to your post is because you were lying about that forum and the people moderating it.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2019, 02:11:00 AM »
You're being paranoid again Babyshark.

Offline ~ToRa~

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2019, 07:54:22 AM »
Babyshark are you sad because War2usa isn’t working out the way you hoped?
Maybe look into playing a different game?
war2 > war3

Offline mousEtopher

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2019, 08:45:01 AM »
Why does it not bother you that XuRnT called Tupac's REAL LIFE EMPLOYER and told the employer LIES about Tupac in an effort to get him in trouble or fired so he can't support his family?
tupac also said I "called the FBI on him", 90% of everything that guy says is delusional drivel. please stop spreading rl slander/accusations about other war2 players here. future threads of this nature are also more appropriately situated in this board (Flame Wars & Off Topic), if you're planning to keep making them.

Offline Winchester

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2019, 08:50:47 AM »
Ru players want to KILL people

Yep, totally not extreme at all. rofl

Offline Cel

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2019, 11:19:07 AM »
Damn Babyshark seriously try to be more synthetic next time wth...

"people who make the gaming experience bad for other people are excluded." < What do you think "not inclusive" stands for? I do not care how good you think are your reasons.

Yes you can hate playing with toxic people and most people may agree.
Though you see, toxic people might behave differently depending on who they are playing with and a very toxic person toward you may be totally fine with someone else.
That is the main issue here, that user in the middle who could be a totally fine person will have one less player to play with because you failed to find a better solution to isolate and control that toxic behavior.

That is why I was not against a by default server squelch for people that tend to generally not behave, these kind of solutions fix the toxicity problems while still allowing these players to play with the people they like and guess what these people they like might also be people you like.

Excluding people you do not like just means removing players from the player base at a time where it is not always easy for people to fill their games.
I do not believe we can afford this.

A lie is a lie:
There is a difference between what users say and what admins do.
I can ask admins to do lots of things that does not mean they will do it that also does not represent their policy so when you say admins ban people from the game/forum randomly for talking about playing another game without warnings etc you are lying, end of story.

"open your eyes and stop siding with evil criminals. Do you not know XuRnT has a criminal record? "
Are you not a christian? Or did you just choose to forget your  book and values when it suits you?
Have your ever heard of: "You shall not judge", "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." and all the rest that comes with these ?

I am not a believer but still I believe it is not my place to judge what others did in their past,
I am here to play a game not to judge people and care about their private lives.

I do not hold on to what you may have done in your past I do not care what you did if you did anything to be honest.
As long as it does not impact our games and our experience here why should I even care?

Plus from what I understand he was judged already and served his time ever heard of redemption?
If you keep judging people after they served their time you are as guilty as they are because you are pushing them into a box and never give them a chance to get out of it.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 11:27:26 AM by Cel »

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2019, 02:12:46 PM »
Я надеюсь что ты не думаешь что нет народ которые опаснее тебя...

How long will you continue your childish online bullying are you really proud of yourself for sniffing people's personal information in 2019?

Sniffing and exposure of private life information on a public forum aggressively accompanied with threats, this has nothing to do with war2 or a normal behavior.
If that was me you would just get a well deserved ban end of story.

And honestly given how much you two hate I really do not get why you would rather spend time doing that crap than leave and go your own way, you guys must be retarded or something.

When a normal person does not like shit he does not go in a shit hole and eat shit but you guys do, good job!
You literally are sniffing personal information of people you dislike to look at photos you do not enjoy.
And then you waste even more time hanging out with them and threatening them and talking or caring about what they say or think.
Well done you just qualified for internment you are a psychopath, a very retarded one...

But that is a perfectly fine behavior by you I assume it is totally tolerated on that new server of yours.
Totally non toxic and respectable behavior that is indeed...
And it is not the first time you are doing this, damn the more I know you the more I am convinced you are not what you want people to believe you are.

You may find people ugly but your filthy actions tell a great deal about you, your ways are the most disgusting thing there is in that forum.
Id rather be the ugliest person on earth than share one bit of that dirty mind of yours.

I do not believe there is a hell for you, all I believe in is you will someday die after you lived your miserable life of bullying people behind your computer screen without ever having achieved anything positive for anyone... A true waste of air...
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 02:16:53 PM by Cel »

Offline LiveFreeorDie

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2019, 02:34:23 PM »
Cel, why don't you spew the same venom at XuRnT who has actually DONE something illegal and completely out of line by using someone's personal info to harass them in real life at work?

Don't you get that people who are attacked, persecuted, or mistreated sometimes get pissed off?

You are the one supporting van who threatens to slice people's throats open while they scream (like winchester) after he kills the "niggers" and tells people he will hunt them down in real life and kill them (like Ogremage and probably many others).

When will your eyes open to your hypocrisy?

Tupac has bullied no one. He is acting in self defence after some very serious boundaries were crossed.

Think about how you would feel if one day you tried to log on W2 and can't, because you were banned without warning for no legitimate reason.

You are wanting to send a victim of abuse to hell for getting annoyed with abuse. You really think you yourself wouldn't be capable of saying or doing anything other than smiling or nodding when your rights are wrongly removed?

Neither Tupac nor I have done anything bad to you, Cel. Your rage level isn't warranted.

I don't approve of words like those used above about mouse, yet you, mouse, and the noisiest forum users have subject me to the use of this kind of language towards me regularly by numerous users.

Don't you see your hypocrisy blaring like a red flag the size of Russia?

I was intending to reply to your earlier msg when I'm at PC, which might happen this weekend or later since I'm busy IRL atm and only have my phone. But you are the one throwing a childish fit spewing nonsensical accusations while defending people who do much worse UNPROVOKED and over long periods of time to people who never did a thing to them.

Why do you want "forgiveness and understanding" for real life criminal acts by your buddy XuRnT and want to send Tupac to hell for getting upset about his personal info used to bully/harass/threaen his real life job that he needs to support himself and his family?

You are acting like a hateful fool. I think you are capable of better than this.

Once you cool off and think through these things if you put aside your irrational hate, you will see things more clearly.

Tupac has actually helped Ru countless times by protecting it from hackers and sealing security gaps. He has helped many people log on Ru and now on USA. He has created a beautiful, fun place for W2 lovers to play and hang out free of toxic crap. He's actually done a lot. A lot of work, money, and time he's put in to making something good.

The slander has got to stop.
The lies have got to stop.
The real life harassment of people's workplace has got to stop.

If it doesn't, and you push someone over the edge with relentless lies, slander, harassment, banning, then you've brought what they might do on yourself.

I control only myself and regularly reign in my impulses to retaliation against evil people, but then people have only threatened harm to me and my kids and haven't yet carried it out in real life.

When people are threatened, they get into flight or fight mode which is part of the autonomic nervous system.

Why are you okay with Tupac, who did not do what XuRnT accused him of doing (suspiciously, *before* it even happened!!!) being harassed/threatened/bullied in real life?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 02:42:51 PM by BabyShark »

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2019, 02:49:02 PM »
Sniffing and private information exposure along with threatening is not just showing that you are pissed off.
The fact that someone insulted me based on my race does not make it right for me to do the same or worse...

Maybe you should be the one opening your eyes...

First of all I am not "spewing venom" and I am not especially hating either.

If you do something respectful I honor it if you do something disgusting I show my disaproval.
Exactly the same way I have shown that I have problems with toxicity and especially toward the way people treated you in game.

The fact is calling someone names is not the same as threatening and violating someone's private life that is just not the same.
Maybe you do not see where the line is ?!

The fact that he would spit these disgusting words against mouse is just showing he is a dirty and disgusting person that I do not really care about. Its not me who has to see that in the mirror everyday.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 02:57:43 PM by Cel »

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2019, 03:11:10 PM »
"calling someone names is not the same as threatening and violating someone's private life"

That behavior from Tupac started waaaaaay before that even occured.
Like ages before. Now I am not justifying anything I am saying Tupac did not wait for this to do what he has been doing for a long time now.

You keep saying  burnt did the call was it ever proven it was him?
I personally do not think it was him.
The same way I always defended Tupac when people said it was him behind the attacks maybe you do not remember that?

Even though all the odds were against him, the timing of the attacks etc...
I kept saying there is no proof and we are not going to prove it, the only thing I was helding against him and you is your way of supporting these attacks by not condemning them and showing support.
That is literally all I held against you guys.

About your example:
No matter how much you provoked a dog if the dog attacks a person he will be put down.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 03:17:52 PM by Cel »

Offline Winchester

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Re: Due to TK's special request, A NEW THREAD!
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2019, 12:11:34 AM »
You are the one supporting van who threatens to slice people's throats open while they scream (like winchester)).

Don't talk about me or my situations when you'll ignore everything else I'll say with evidence. Because you really don't give a fuck about me or anyone else on here for that matter. So quit pretending like you do. You attacked me after i shared that information with you to the point where I defended the guy who made those disgusting threats to me. At least I know he's actually not gonna do something to me, which can't be said about you who will actually do something to me.