Cartography & Custom Maps / Re: Maps with human rebalance stats
« on: April 14, 2024, 08:20:41 PM »
Empty maps without buildings should remain in 20th century
If map is configured for different unit data
it’s logical to place a ready army and fight right away
Otherwise, another sawmill-craft is just a waste of time
Plus there is a maps to pictures converter
easier to find through my messages
and cards would be immediately visible that they are empty
Karty pustyye bez postroyek dolzhny ostat'sya v 20-m veke
Yesli karta nastroyena na otlichayushchiyesya dannyye yunitov
logichno razmestit' gotovuyu armiyu i srazu srazhat'sya
Inache ocherednaya lesopilka kraft lish' trata vremeni
Plyus yest' konverter kart v kartinki
proshche nayti cherez moi soobshcheniya
i karty byli by srazu vidny chto pustyye
Чую что пишу автор не поймёт
и автор обновит карты пустые
I feel that author will not understand what I am writing
and author will update empty maps
If map is configured for different unit data
it’s logical to place a ready army and fight right away
Otherwise, another sawmill-craft is just a waste of time
Plus there is a maps to pictures converter
easier to find through my messages
and cards would be immediately visible that they are empty
Karty pustyye bez postroyek dolzhny ostat'sya v 20-m veke
Yesli karta nastroyena na otlichayushchiyesya dannyye yunitov
logichno razmestit' gotovuyu armiyu i srazu srazhat'sya
Inache ocherednaya lesopilka kraft lish' trata vremeni
Plyus yest' konverter kart v kartinki
proshche nayti cherez moi soobshcheniya
i karty byli by srazu vidny chto pustyye
Чую что пишу автор не поймёт
и автор обновит карты пустые
I feel that author will not understand what I am writing
and author will update empty maps