The idea of having blood removed from My body through A Needle also is something that I Really Dislike having to do. Sorry for making another Post But I could Not figure out how to Edit My previous one to Add this little part in.
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... and just man up and give some blood, you might actually find its very simple and a really good feeling afterwards - like you just kicked some ass and did something cool.
Don't worry about having traces of THC in your system, they don't care - its about saving lives not politics, although I wouldn't reccommend donating when you're fully baked lol.
--- EDIT
BTW having an IV line put in is like 1% of getting an injection. Getting an injection they stick a needle into you muscle tissue then pump stuff in under pressure, which is not fun. An IV line just goes through your skin and into a blood vessel then the blood just decants by way of your normal blood pressure.
It's really no big deal.