Author Topic: chopdice  —  randomized map for 1s with watcher[s]  (Read 8841 times)

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chopdice  —  randomized map for 1s with watcher[s]
« on: July 04, 2021, 09:08:36 AM »
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Here is the chop 1s randomizer for watchers/commentators.

Makes chopdice.pud with random player positions and 2 watchers (host and optionally one more commentator).

I. How to use.

Place it kinda "War2Combat\Maps\Chopdice\chopdice.exe", and make shortcut to it.
On every new run, a new map chopdice.pud will be extracted there.
Note that existing one will be overwritten, so if you plan to watch war2insight replay, you need to save current chopdice.pud somewhere separately after game.

Host game, using compatible modes:
Use Map Settings OR Melee with Units + fixed order.
MwU note
When the host is using "Melee with Units" make sure all players is using Combat 4.6+ to be able to join.

That will keep initial farms presence and no excess vision for players.

Let players join to position 2 and 3.

And last, if needed, let +1 watcher/commentator join to position 4.

For next game - run shortcut you created to extract new random chopdice.pud, then use same host settings.

II. Some notes.
Players can know the spots before starting, because:
  Minimap plugin shows the map,
  Even if the mini-map plugin is not used, players can check the map in downloads before game starts

  Watchers can see players resources using war2observe
  Players don't know the spots until they join,
therefore an honest host is needed (no map reroll, no any info for players before they joins)

And the obviously:
  Rejoins for spot change must NOT be allowed

Note that host is always watcher here, so for game with no watchers -> just use regular chop version:
(Mini Chop Farms [PROPER].pud is used as base for this randomizer)

« Last Edit: July 04, 2021, 10:00:38 AM by Available »