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Topics - WillTheRealKoorbStandUp

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
1 / Thanks u u8
« on: December 11, 2021, 07:55:27 PM »
For posting regular streams of wc2, from someone who has nothing u given me alot of entertainment bro. Keep it up :thumbsup:

2 / Wc2 confessions
« on: December 11, 2021, 02:19:47 AM »
Ok family it's time to come clean

For years I kept it secert from the community but I'm finally ready to admit the truth
No one had a clue or suspected anything expect for maybe burnt
I use to have a second computer, on the first comp I'd log on as koorb and on the second I'd log on as yip u guested it, Swift now I'd celotape one of my feet to the mouse and put one sock on my other foot with the big toe cut out for the keyboard. Naturally I used my feet for the "koorb account" thus the lower skill Level, I had it down to a fine art I was even able to play against myself. Oh and I also hacked for years strictly only under the "Swift" account. Burnt accussed me once of being the same player but I think it was a stab in the dark but he was the most onto it player out there

3 / Sounds
« on: December 02, 2021, 12:32:07 AM »

4 / 2 in 1?
« on: November 15, 2021, 07:45:15 AM »
Would there be a way to make a mode where 2 players control one base?

5 / Post your wc2 history storys
« on: October 21, 2021, 04:54:29 AM »
Back in my day, at the shy age of 14, we had to dial into the internet

My 2nd  game ever I 2v2d with ruler on gow, we made a line of troops right across the tlcenter of the map and lasted over an hour he became my first wc2 mate n we made clan "war2"

Xslider trained me on zone, how to lvl3 rush, any one remmeber him?

When I first got bnet afta being on zone for 9 months this fuckin fossilized  zone newb, claimed he'd own me easily and that I also was a piece of shit.
I thought to myself, these zone newbs to ez n when he got on bnet we 1on1d  heavy shit talking frude match, my luck since I was more bark then bite, he was 6, n pulled the old extremely skilful n highly talented cannon ball n farm combo behind the mine

Gg no re owned, this total newb was called jetlag@Shotgun or something
 Finally a day or 2 later I let the newb re, n i saw the defeat screen, prob next 20 games in a row over a few months haha sg,

It's funny because me n sg hated on each other for years, but later on we became mates n I've got high respect for sg as a player and person, funny we were all just dumb kids, cept for ywfn of course

Few years back Swift had over 100 win streak in 1s, n I 0 bagged him / no kills to break the streak, 9vs11 I halled blockd him in high 11 with a farm n hall so he couldn't pop his peons  under his hall at11 he will dein this but it's true, part of the game is in those wc2 promo vids I made

6 / U8 never getin level 5 ogres
« on: October 21, 2021, 03:22:02 AM »
From way back and in his Streams he says lvl 7 lust vs lust is worthless cause of random damage with lust or some shit like that

Me and Swift tested it like 5 or 6 years back, can't remember exactly but we ran like 30 or 40 test ogres battles mostly 9v9 n was pretty close but lvl 7 lust seemed to hit better ,,"randoms" slightly more often, still giving it a slight advantage, I never understood u8s reasoning, cept for maybe timing for Windows to scacific lvl 5 shiellds to pump more ogres a round to quickly overwhelm, because what he is not factoring in that your ogres get caught unlusted and a lvl 5 ogre beats a level 4.

Moral of the story, always get levl7 (5) n don't listen to u8,

Just kidding u8 u da man, enjoy yr streams

7 / Wc2 app ideas
« on: October 09, 2021, 12:44:06 PM »
An app that you could join in ru chat on ur phone and hadil icon indicate player is on phone

An app that any players can livefeed their game to a wc channel, one game plays at a time, others r recorded and played after, like a 24-7 wc2 channel, which could be live streamed to a wc2 app

Donno how hard this is just an idea

8 / Respect
« on: August 31, 2021, 11:30:06 PM »
Lockdown in NZ again zzz

So another zzz koorb thread

highly respected players, I will always consider my brother

Tora (caring and much honor)
Medivh (very nice guy)
00steve (probably the #1 respected player from majority of players)
Shotgun (Mr consistent, always on form and all round good cunt)
Dugs (#1 Smurf, who was that scorpion2000 guy from Nigeria anyway lol +1 most allied player)
Burnt (years of dedicated thankless work, thank u burnt)
Praisevivec (depression brother)
Jessu001 (crazy but genuinely good guy)
Lux (highly skilled, funny and respectful)
 Wargasm (when you fuck up the best man to talk to, to calm you down and see sense)
KHB (big personality, the player I looked up to when I was a noob and he was dominating the kothleague)

Warcraft 2s only billionare and porn star legend

Swift (to many achievements and accomplishments to list)

Warcraft 2 clown circus acts

Equinox (many lols,  lives in France inside Canada? Doesn't speak good English, his countrys native tounge, may eat/snort frogs and snails)

Brother who was dropped on his head as a baby

Paperboy (most uqinue play style, think outside of the box)

Punching bags

Tk (30-0d, before losing a few end tally around 40-4ish)
Spb (the only spoken words re? And luck)

Joe Bidens of Warcraft 2

Blid (time to delete all the only thread with the Warcraft 2 pro league stats)

Disgraceful shame

Lance ( needs to hack himself a personality not Warcraft 2)
Dellam (what ever happened to the biggest virgin lips ever)

9 / Next ru version update suggestions for debate
« on: August 10, 2021, 07:12:11 AM »
I think an  in-game clock should be added, i think it's vital for the games future and help all player's with builds n it'd be cool for player's to build up reputations for things

10 / instead of look liking this
« on: June 13, 2021, 12:32:48 PM »
our main screen looks dated, thr top half should be changed to wc2 artwork,

11 / characters
« on: June 03, 2021, 01:24:03 PM »
spb - a cannon ball
koorb - bloodlusted ogre
shotgun - a whirlwind followed by gg in game chat meassage
equinox - french polymorphed warthog
tk - raised skelton with slow cast on it
dugzs - a wall transforming into a peasant corpse
ripe - a hipster ogre
wargasm - hellgromscream
vanz - fire demon
blid - flying copter in corner of map followed by the dissxonnect message
paper boy -  7 spot hall with farms between his goldmine
dellam - gandof the gay

12 / wish me luck
« on: April 30, 2021, 02:27:48 AM »
goin in for major surgery on monday, there is alot of serious risk and to tell you the truth im extremely scared  :tear:

13 / Champion of humans league
« on: April 17, 2021, 08:33:10 AM »
first off human vs human  qualifying open week for players to be human.

every player must be registered to play

play as much players as possible each player can be played a maximum of 3 games human vs human. 1 week to play as many games . top 4 players with most wins are the official 4 human players.

then those 4 have to play as much registered orc players as possbile in 2 weeks

the top 2 humans with most wins then bo7 each other
first game human vs human then with the loser of the previous  game gets orc next game

both players must agree in chat that it's tourney match
ss for proof
report games hea or to official helpers
no hacking

date to be talked about + fine tune rules

who is the real champion of humans?


14 / u8
« on: March 22, 2021, 12:05:24 AM »
can u pls stop streaming high seas combat, talk about extremely boring, i use ur videos to go to sleep, im dead asleep in 30 seconds

on a side note, why is it even called high seas combat when its clearly a lake

15 / Human only players confuse me
« on: January 25, 2021, 02:37:05 AM »
I dont really understand why Human only players, never seem to get paladins, I know mages are more important to get first, but really a church should be made without much time lost into castle.

Now everyone thinks no point getting church cause heal is useless and well it pretty much is but

Holy vision is the best scouting tool in the game, it makes it so easy to even scout ogre movement to flank/dodge with knights, pre blizz paths etc

Also exoism seems to be so under used but yet its so powerful at clearing expos, stoping hasted dks etc

So why is it human only players never get a church?

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