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There's an issue where you create a new account, play on it a few days, then the account is suddenly deleted. You can't log into the account and it shows as Invalid User when you try to get the stats for the account. You also can't recreate the account either. Any idea what the deal is? It's happened to me a few times now. The latest example is the name 00Sleeve.
@Mistral is it possible to add a command or option when hosting so no one gets any pauses in game? There is a huge demand for this for when there are serious gaming sessions going on.
Need some help here. As soon as a game starts (after countdown), I'm just getting a black screen and war2 freezes. I've been told I've been dropping each time. Slick did a -check when I joined him and I'm not getting a triggers version. Same when I try hosing from war2mod, no triggers version when I create. I tried reinstalling war2 just now and that didn't fix it. OMFG please help.
Is it me or is server.war2.ru not working? It's imperative to get this up asap.
Also, I had to reinstall war2 the other day and it's a huge pain in the ass. The download links on en.war2.ru don't work. Luckily Burnt made a post to use the FTP site with a link, but that's a giant list of 722 versions of the installer that you have to sift through.
On the positive side - I like the replacement option to have the subtle "thuc" sound instead of "dong". If you don't know what I'm talking about, this replaces the huge DOOONNNNNNGGGG sound when you're in chat and click one of the menu options like Join. Normally you click Join and your whole house rumbles and the neighbors call the cops. They replaced that sound with a quick tttthhuc sound.
Using this post to track my progress on raping this map since it's so hard to beat. Blid pointed me to its existence here: http://war2.warcraft.org/puds/puzzle.shtml. The objective is to get from the green circle to the yellow circle without cheating. I have warvids of every section completed so far but don't want to ruin the fun for others by posting just yet.
Green circle = Start Yellow line = Day 1 Light blue line = Day 2 Orange line = Day 3/4 Blue line = Day 5 Pink line = Day 6 Red circle = Current position (completed)
Update 1: Played on two seperate days for a few hours on each day. Update 2: 2/15 Played a few hours. I have an idea of what I want to do to pass the first part of section 5, but couldn't execute because the footman is a hacker. Update 3: 2/16 Got through the first portion of section 5. Tried the next portion but so far it's bs. Update 4: 2/16 Ended up ez'ing the second part of section 5. Update 5: 2/29 Had some time to play today and moved through the start of section 6. Update 6: 3/1 Moved through the next two portions of section 6 and first part of section 7. Update 7: 3/1 Map raped. gg no re ss taken warvid recorded posted on forum. Final Update: Solution video - https://youtu.be/wyyig1drI7A
*Intentionally covered mini map to not give hints.