Author Topic: How the AntiHack is working.  (Read 5282 times)

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How the AntiHack is working.
« on: November 17, 2020, 06:29:17 AM »
Tora goes to his dictature mode again so let me make a new thread thank you.

Look like Cel will not explain us what is a UNKNOWN REPORT!

Let me do ur security job please, move away, thank you.

Okay, let me explain to you guys..

ANTIHACK is an external script that allow the server to see wich versions of the game join the server.

This script have been made and programs by iL himself!

The server check those versions with what we call '' values reports'' ,  values reports that iL give himself to the Antihack as indicator!

Wich mean a certain code sources if we can call this that way.

Imagine the good value report version is '' 123456789 '' by exemple.

iL have split the antihack value report into 4 different categories.


AH - Wich mean the user is using the anti-hack and the proper value report VERSION that il told him to flag as the good one. '' 123456789 ''
NONE = Wich mean the user is not using ANTI HACK AT all, wich mean the ANTI HACK CANT MAKE ABSOLUTLY NO REPORT ABOUT THIS GUY, do he hack, maybe, maybe not, we just cant know.
HACK - Wich mean the user have been caught of hacking from an hacking value report that the antihack already know as hacking, like an antivirus does, antivirus keep report values of trojan, malware, backdoor, those report values are saved in a library of his register to quickly know when it happen, same mechanic here, antihack got a list of report value hacking in his library register.

and finally UNKNOWN or UNKNOWN i would say- Wich mean the users have been caught of changing the value report of the ALLOWED VERSION, wich mean HE is hacking but the anti hack dont have this hack on his register yet because it's a new hack and he never seen it before and nobody in those admins have take a look at this, so there absolutly no trace of that hack to flag HIM AS AN HACKER because no value report exist for this hack yet, because that value report is not in the register hacking yet, but he still know that report value is not the ALLOWED ONE!

PS: And when iL told us that swift have been flag HACK as a false positive, not once but two times, it's not true at all, because when you are flag as HACK, it's because that a value the ANTIHACK already know as an hack, wich mean IL sett that report value himself AS A HACK... So how is that possible the anti hack flag someone as false positive when iL SETT this value himself as a hack!

Anti hack dosent make mystake, it's like mathematic, 1+1=2, nothing else, easy like that. If iL have set WARCRAP MAP HACK as ' 987654321 ' report value, when the anti hack will see the report value ' 987654321 ' he will just do what il told him to do, report this value as a hack!!

False positive, yeah right bro!

 :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

(Cel) This is just yourself avoiding the ANTIHACK, I Guess it's better to avoid it compare of being flag as hacker or UNKNOWN Report!  :sob: :sob: :sob:

U8 Flag as UNKNOWN!!

One of the two false positive hacking ss of SWIFT, because yes he have been caught twice and both time iL say it was false positive Lol

If anyone can find the other one it would be great thanks.

I also got a nice one right here, never show this one to nobody yet.

But since we wanna expose the weird peoples, let's show this one.

Lone using 2 of his smurfs in the same games.

Probably testing the windows clone that you talk me about (CEL) :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

Got one more hackers right here

Andrezej aka Pigmon aka Anathol brother of u8 or teaboy, some shit like that, we dont know those peoples are living double identity and lying all the times.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 10:18:40 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2020, 06:37:18 AM »
You can see the entire discussion of this thread right here, where Cel admit peoples have hack this game for over 20 years and they are so good that even if they want to stop them, they just cant.,6039.0.html
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 07:23:29 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2020, 06:41:38 AM »

This is out of Tora's own mouth.

Offline Nox

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2020, 06:43:50 AM »

This is out of Tora's own mouth.

Nothing new here, everyone know claw have sell hacks during the last years.

War2Council aka War2Hacking  :sob: :sob: :sob:

PS: Whos the guy ur speaking with?

« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 06:46:54 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2020, 06:47:26 AM »

Offline Nox

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2020, 06:50:41 AM »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2020, 07:04:53 AM »
The only false positive possible in those 4 categories are the AH FLAG HIMSELF..

Because user use 2 computers or even 1 computer and a windows clone to get rid of the antihack.

They open the first computer with the proper version value, so the anti hack directly flag that user as AH.

And then they open the second computer or the windows clone with the hacks and bypass the antihack..

Other then that, nobody will fake his report value to be flag in the three other categories!

They say im making fear peoples, yeah sure, if i was being caught of hacking and manipulate peoples i will fear too  :sob: :sob: :sob:

Nice one guys!

 :salty: :salty: :salty: :salty:
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 07:24:41 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2020, 07:55:01 AM »
Now Imagine that we block acces of those 3 categories!

Anyone who is flag as, ''NONE'', ''UNKNOWN'' AND ''HACK'' cant connect or directly drop of the server?

Is that would not solve a good part of the probleme?

So why keeping to argue about this easy fix?!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 07:57:58 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2020, 08:55:12 AM »

They say closing those three cathegories will change nothing because anyway peoples using 2 computers.

But actually they lie again!!

Because the first computer is only use as a MIRROR, HE ONLY SHOW us that the player is not hacking!!! Because they trick us WITH THE AH FLAG!!



That MEAN THE real report value is still there!!!

So if you block acces of those report values and those 3 categories, that windows CLONE AND THAT SECOND COMPUTER dont worth SHIT ANYMORE!!!


Not only they hacks us, but they also trick us to hack us!!

Whattt a lie those guys are making to us, wake up!!!

:salty: :salty: :salty: :salty: :salty:  :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:  :sob:

« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 10:07:51 AM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2020, 10:38:25 AM »
Here another one admins who avoid the Antihack.

Just like you Cell!

Its so fun how all those avoiding and false positive always turn around the god same peoples...

Thats so funny, even the forum is flag as not secure by my browser  :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2020, 02:26:11 PM »
The "Not secure" flag in your browser is just that the site does not have Https certificate which is pretty sad actually :(

The reason I dont have the FLAG is because I ditched the extra fluff that cost me extra ram at a moment I though I had ram issues so instead of starting the game with the loader I just started it with the "War2noCDloader" so only the game runs to see how much ram I saved  which was pretty much nothing so I suppose I could use the loader again I dont mind.
Problem is it does not change anything, the AH is probably useless, but if it makes you happy whatever man :rofl:

I do have a problem with imposing it though, it is that most new players that come to play on the server have just added gateway to their gog game and I think it should be ok for them to give the server a try.
And a lot of them play on my stream and I can tell you they do not have the antihack running one very nice guy "workwork" for example certainly does not have AH and he really is no threat from what I saw in game.

So maybe we should make it mandatory for tournaments etc or impose it after a number of games have been played?
Or we dont count the wins of players not running antihack in the ladder?
I personnally think that last one makes sense you shouldn't be able to participate in ladder if you dont have antihack.
But I still want new players to be able to just install the gateway and play. You wouldn't believe how many new players we got that way...
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 02:50:18 PM by Cel »

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2020, 11:18:01 PM »
Are you trying to kidding me bro, you told me that someone whos do programmation and sell games on istore cant run Warcraft II without any ram probleme??  :sob: :sob: :sob:

And also, there absolutly no link between the fact of starting the game with cd or no cd, because actually im pretty sure everyone in here are using the last version 4.6 wich include no cd....

The only point here is you are not using a proper version flag as ANTIHACK, because you are using some weird version corrupted that is not flag as AH..

You can use the cd or not, it change nothing about the version and the client.

It's not about the client, it's not about the cd, it's about the version.

I dont understand how someone who have never does programmation must explain you all of this when you supposly a programmar and an expert security.

Im gonna be honnest, i have been on that client version HISTORY for years now,  i started PARANOID like you said in 2015...

And every step i made always bring me back to 2 RESULTS!

1: Im always right
2: It's always about the clients versions. 

For some reason you guys absolutly dont want to close those rigged client, it seem that those clients versions are the core of a big secret.

And when i follow those rigged clients it bring me back to one compagny.

I think we both know wich one it is.

I dont cares about war2 anymore, i dont cares about anyone of you in war2ru staff.

You have called me retards for years and paranoid and i almost believe it.

And today i have clearly understand what happen in here.

I have gived almost my entire life for this game, i have loved this game and that community so much, but never i would accept to be treat like that by a bunch of liars.

Today im announcing that im leaving Warcraft II community.

Im pretty much crying right now, i was seing myself playing this game at 60 years old lol...

What a fucking idiot i was, family.... Im not gonna be lie anymore.

Please do me a favor before i leave, delete my account and all my posts on the forum.

As a last favor, please, be human, thank you.

Have fun guys. :newthumbsup:
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 11:35:14 PM by Equinox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2020, 11:55:58 PM »
When I play from my main computer I have the AH running but I have not been home ever since that lockdown happened and I am using a very old pc here that has some ram issues and also sometimes crashes with blue screen because of stupid SATA connections...

I already said this pc has the version 4.3 of war2combat installed and that is what I run, I tried dling the 4.6 today and dl never started so whatever...
This machine though powerfull at the time is 10 years old so...  I am glad it stills run everything I need it to run...

I can see you are a very sensitive person but yes, from my perspective at least you are also paranoid:
You assume the worst of everything and everyone regardless of if it really makes sense or not. It feels like you believe everyone is out to get you and if ever someone starts to contradict you or try and reason with you on things or ask more tangible evidence you make them become instantly part of the problem and you cast them away as if they were hackers too...

I barely know everyone else on the server I talked like 4 times with lesnik 5 with iL 3 with you and most people around even less than that. But as soon as I try to defend U8 because I dont think he is being dishonnest and always acted very nice with me and others. Even though I barely even know him I instantly become his best friend or hired protector?!

^ This is why I believe you are paranoid because this is what I see, I know  barely anyone here but you are so quickly putting people in boxes that it is the only thing that makes sense at least to me. I dont know what happened before I arrived but something triggered you to get paranoid like this and I wish I knew what it was...

Maybe you are right on some things and I really hope you are not, but how can I trust you when you also start suspecting some crazy ass things too... I am sorry I am maybe not suspicious enough but we clearly do not have the same approach to people and things... And I hope I keep my own positive and optimistic look on things and never start seing ghosts.

Take care I wish you the best ,and also to realize this is just a game that is not worth you feeling bad, a game is supposed to be fun not something that stresses you and makes you feel terrible... Hopefully next time you come around we will have a more clean and successfull experience here and wont be stuck at 80 players max anymore...
At least this is my dream for the times to come...

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Re: How the AntiHack is working.
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2020, 01:45:17 PM »
didnt read all posts but agree mostly with the main poster. i guess the thread starter is sepi dunno tho.

anyway. hackin is real. tippin is real. all the shit is real. it is so boring.

for now on. i will b even more rude. i kick all the fuckin nonames or ppl who r friends between.