Author Topic: Did fortnite cause gaming to become mainstream?  (Read 13835 times)

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Did fortnite cause gaming to become mainstream?
« on: August 14, 2024, 09:06:17 AM »
This is a simple question that I would like to ask the boomer filled community of this game do you think video games are mainstream entertainment now? What caused it to become one and at what point exactly personally I can see a shift when battle royal games became so famous people who never knew what a video game is were found discussing frames and video game UI and mechanics is it positive that gaming went mainstream?  Or nah? Nowadays you could easily find a gaymer back few years ago you hardly could find one in your surroundings what do you  think about this? 
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS

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Re: Did fortnite cause gaming to become mainstream?
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2024, 07:14:18 AM »
Most players on war2 are more like "chess players," meaning they play a game for 15-30 mins and then start over again from scratch.
Modern games tend to immerse players in much more than older games.
Younger gamers are unlikely to pick up war2 and war2 players are unlikely to fully quit war2.   
war2 > war3

Offline Pandaprewmaster325

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Re: Did fortnite cause gaming to become mainstream?
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2024, 08:24:46 AM »
Most players on war2 are more like "chess players," meaning they play a game for 15-30 mins and then start over again from scratch.
Modern games tend to immerse players in much more than older games.
Younger gamers are unlikely to pick up war2 and war2 players are unlikely to fully quit war2.   

Hmmm maybe it has to do with the pace of the game I would say younger gaymers would pick a good game if it was up to date which isn't the case for wc2
Today warcraft is not the warcraft it used to be , lets stick to what made warcraft warcraft! ORCS AND HUMANS