« on: October 05, 2023, 12:41:37 PM »
Ok I did few games today and I have questions/doubts.
(i) I created a game on Top vs bottom, will not count for the mist ladder correct?
(ii) I noted all games were tileset Forrest, including POS which default is SNOW. DId I set something wrong? Is it possible to have map default tileset?
(iii) One game started with 2 peons which was nice actually, different.
(iv) All games were high resources. In the future is it possible to set in advance on the map pool (i.e: every time is b2b BNE is low res)?
(v) Is it possible to at least say the name of the map after you press start or when the game start? xD
(vi) Maybe the mist ladder ranking to show on the Ladder menu on the bnet screen (that icon on the left)?
Thanks , I had fun and crush Un4 as usual!