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Messages - LiveFreeorDie

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Moderated General Discussion / Re: $250 Challenge for Tora Still Open!
« on: December 08, 2024, 05:52:06 PM »
Sweetening the deal for Tora:

We do Sharkfight series at Remaster, both record games, each choose 5 maps, if 5-5, neutral party chooses tiebreaker to determine winner.

If you win, ru admins implement permanent server and forum ban on me and we won't count it as admin abuse, but rather as fair play.

If I win, you give up admin status on ru and play on aka "BabyShrkzAwsum" for the rest of your life.


2 / Re: UNBAN ME
« on: December 08, 2024, 05:38:52 PM »
Part of what makes RU fun for the player base is the toxic trash talking and trolling everyone does here. Thats part of the culture.
The USA player base will have to look for alternatives if they don’t like it.

Part of what makes RU fun for the player base is the toxic trash talking and trolling everyone does here. Thats part of the culture.
The USA player base will have to look for alternatives if they don’t like it.

you would have a very toxic sense of humor, if not the same people that actually enjoy that type of behavior.

The very first response, like from this Lance person, which I know nothing about except that he posts around sometimes, was just a random negative comment from a random cretin.

The same has happened to me with this character known as u8, that a lot of people feed his ego across this community and his stream.

Its obviously going to get people away from the game, if the same cretins that surround the game are having that type of attitude over and over and over again, in completely random situations. It's just repelent for a ton of people.

When I firstly played first few games on War2 russian server, i already got either banned by this "Selenity" player in server or few others trashtalking me or calling me a hacker by using mage-invisibility.

For like 2-3 years I was absent to play War2 multiplayer on russia because these same type of dudes, like the u8 person that is well known around. Its very obvious to me that these people don't make any favor to grow war2 popularity aside from increasing their own egos.

At least, in War2USA I wasn't aware to face some big cretin that was just there to feed his ego.

Be that as it may, it happens in other games as well, even with high popularity. But for the most casuals, it's of course not making any favor to the game. Even more if its on a "New game" like War2 remaster.

Don’t play on RU if you don’t like it.
We aren’t changing the culture to accommodate the War2USA community.

This same Tora banned you? Gasp. Is he really trying to pave the way for War2USA community and all newcomers who like a friendlier place and make Warcraft 2 future great? Has he become a changed man? Has Tora turned against toxic culture all the sudden?

Or was it just that you happened to step on his toes and he uses admin power to silence those who offend him, while the "powerless" can be harassed for years with no consequence while he insults them for being over-sensitive?

Just wondering.

3 / Re: UNBAN ME
« on: December 08, 2024, 02:36:29 PM »
Nice positive signs!

Every obnoxious user that's penalized makes room for a crowd of peaceful players.

The hope is always rehabilitation and restoration via discipline, but some people are hardened cases that could need professional intervention.

Great to see ru making progress towards greatness! :))

4 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 07, 2024, 09:22:12 PM »
I have witnessed closely how Tupac treats people. He is a very nice person really.

Even in 2016, he was on ru discord helping new players with tech support problems to log on War2 ru as a volunteer. Total newbies that were worthless to the "elite" group.

What kind of person volunteers their time to help people others deem "worthless"?

In Canada, there was also a Pastor who was helping feed hungry, homeless people when the government banned such action. That pastor was accused of all manner of ridiculous nonsense for helping people. He was arrested and treated horribly by the government. We live in evil times.

We live in an absurd time where people have abandoned common sense. Schools have apparently put litterboxes out for kids who identify as cats.

Actions speak louder than words. Common sense dictates that someone who spends their time helping those others consider "worthless" with no gain to himself is not a malicious, hateful person.

I remember telling Tupac in 2018 that ru was being attacked after Xurnt dm'd me about it before it happened, already accusing Tupac of something that hadn't happened yet. After someone did carry out said mischief, Tupac didn't know it was happening. Since I hated ru at that moment, he would have told me if it was him. He didn't know anything about it.

Also very strange that Xurnt knew about it before it happened. So someone told Xurnt (since I believe he was also not guilty in it, though don't know for sure) that Tupac was going to do something, knowing that Xurnt would publicize the wrong information to hurt our server's good reputation.

Whoever told Xurnt that it was going to happen before it happened is obviously the one(s) responsible. Only Xurnt knows who that is, unless he was somehow tipped anonymously.

Tupac didn't know it was happening when I told him, so that rules him out as a suspect.

Maybe there was some drama 20 years ago when you were both children, I have no idea, but he has grown up since then and you can't hold what people did when they were 12 against them forever.

Tupac is also smart enough to not attack his own server's reputation like that. I believe I posted the screenshots 6 years ago showing Xurnt's accusation before it happened and later of Tupac not knowing it had happened until after I told him, 2 very strong evidences that Xurnt had inside knowledge from some source who were the actual ones involved and that Tupac was not involved.

There was a lot of hate towards us without a cause at that time, hatred just to be hateful, as well as hatred over us leaving. There was a lot of motivation to discredit us.

The people who played on USA for 6 years know how it was and how Tupac treated them during that time, how kind and helpful and respectful he was, and that he worked hard and spent a lot of his personal time and money to making a place for other people to play W2.

The only people who will be convinced are ru people who are determined to hate just because they don't know any other way to live. People who have never done a kind thing for another person in their lives.

And based on ru ethics, it's the strongest do whatever they want to the weakest. The weak should not be protected, according to ru. So even in the imaginary scenario that tupac was responsible for what happened in 2018, ru morality has no problem with whoever is strong abusing the weak in any way they feel like.

But Tupac actually spent his time before usa helping newbies get onto ru server, I saw it many times since I was on the discord when it was new and helped get it off the ground with mousey.

5 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 07, 2024, 10:48:54 AM »
So sweet, Shotgun.

You missed me so much you can't stay away. 😊

6 / Re: Ladder and Anti-hack
« on: December 06, 2024, 10:45:10 PM »
I'm not sure if you ever even logged in at USA server, but since you're uninformed and saying things that aren't true, I will correct your statement.

Tupac made USA server to give people a place to play away from ru since he and I both had had very unpleasant experiences there 6 years ago and all newcomers were routinely driven away.

Tupac barely ever even logged on USA server to play, like a handful of times a year, but spent his own time and money to give to others. We had a great server and much more positive, friendly, and community-like atmosphere, though still made of imperfect humans that we all are. To say he created it so he could go hack is preposterous.

What you're saying is so far from the truth that it makes me doubt everything you've ever said or everything you ever will say.

Tupac is not who you're making him out to be.

In the end, many USA players didn't want to play with new/unknown players either, and were booting/banning anyone they didn't recognize, which was a major purpose for another server, to be welcoming to everyone, and with the remaster release, there is another option that Tupac encouraged everyone to go to, which most of us have, though I've logged in ru sometimes also, in spite of the bad history, because some people have reported that it's not like it used to be and it's better than it was and so on.

Tupac did a kindness that made many people's lives better and more fun.

You should be careful when trying to tear down someone else because you may accidentally tear down yourself in the process. I don't know you well, but I see you in a different light now than I did a few days ago.

No one is perfect, but Tupac did a good thing for others in creating and maintaining and paying for USA server, which was fantastic for 6 years. Remaster was unexpected, but now there's that.

If people spent more time thinking of ways to be positive instead of trying to attack and belittle others, ru wouldn't be such a cesspool of hatred and fighting all the time.

Moderated General Discussion / Re: $250 Challenge for Tora Still Open!
« on: December 04, 2024, 09:58:55 AM »
I wonder how many attempts were made to delete my post as usual before he crafted that dodge.   :rofl:

Moderated General Discussion / $250 Challenge for Tora Still Open!
« on: December 04, 2024, 04:24:51 AM »

It's been 6 years since the Tora vs BabyShark series was put on the table, with you sounding eager to lay down $250, but then edging away dripping sweat when I accepted, you quickly withdrawing the cash offer and saying I should only be able to lose money with no chance to gain, etc.

Play on remaster where I imagine it's a little less easy to get someone better to play on your account and maybe the hacks in the community hack bank will work less over there, I wouldn't know. Sharkfight style, 10 different BNE maps, each person picks 5, play all games regardless of outcome. If 5-5, +1 map tiebreaker. Both record games. Loser gives winner $250 after game recordings are verified.

Another bonus if you win: you'll remove my ability to giggle about how you run away from BabyShark in fear.

It makes me laugh when you delete my humorous posts poking fun at you since you brag about how "non-sensitive" ru people are and how you "embrace toxic culture" and people should say whatever "the ****" they feel like without being censored and then you go and censor things that offend you.

It's amusing.

9 / Remastering Dying Games and Get Lost Buddy
« on: November 16, 2024, 09:57:01 PM »
The W2 remaster is an opportunity for W2 to have a better, bigger future than that of a tiny, dying game.

Every person who spends money on this old game is looking for the same thing we are: they want to have a fun time.

Every "worthless newb" is a human being. In real life, they are office workers, cops, lawyers, managers, politicians, musicians, hotel staff, parents. Many of them are adults with limited free time. If they have a good time at W2, they are likely to play again. If they are treated rudely, told "Get lost, newb" and the like, there are countless other games, movies, shows, and things they can do for fun other than W2.

It's in the best interest of pros who love W2 and enjoy the glory of being great at something to have a game that is active and popular. It's in your best interest to be polite to newcomers, newb or not, because the future depends on having a playerbase.

I'm not saying you have to play with them even or make friendship bracelets for each other while braiding hair, just that you can say "We are playing with friends and need your spot" which won't leave such distaste in a person's mind towards the whole game experience and think "Wow W2 players are dicks".

This is an opportunity for W2 and it would be a mistake to apply the "ru welcome" (ie GTFO loser!") that successfully drove countless people out of ru.

The new "cool" is being considerate, welcoming, and friendly and forgoing the high of feeling above someone for a few moments of glee while bashing someone who thought W2 might be a fun thing to try.

Don't assume there is an endless stream of newcomers. If they have a bad time, they will find something more fun to do.

Not much glory in being "the best player" among 50 in a world of 8 billion.

Moderated General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Matty
« on: March 31, 2024, 08:38:04 PM »
I wish you were still around so I could very uncreatively laugh at your aging on your birthday and you could laugh at the lameness of the comment before inviting me to get beaten up at W2 1s.

I had such fun with you and so wish that it could have lived into and through today.

Matty. Beautiful name, beautiful laugh, beautiful kind spirit.

You are missed, Matty.

Moderated General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Matty
« on: November 06, 2023, 11:00:50 PM »

Matty, you're not forgotten. You were one of the people who made W2 awesome. You were a rare gem among humankind. You had a kind heart, a cheerful way, a welcoming spirit, a contagious laugh, and a ferocity that never quit. You are missed. I am so not ashamed to admit I can still cry when remembering you and the great times you brought to the W2 community. I wish you were still here.

Remembering Matty Youtube vid

12 / Re: Matty[iS] has passed away
« on: May 06, 2022, 03:34:49 AM »

Moderated General Discussion / Happy Birthday Matty
« on: March 31, 2022, 04:50:17 PM »
Wish you were still around.

14 / Re: Matty[iS] has passed away
« on: May 14, 2021, 10:27:23 AM »

Death is so permanent. All the memories and all the laughs that you once shared with someone who's gone, you now hold alone.

I can't believe I'll never hear your voice live again.

Thinking of beautiful you, all alive and warm, that playful, fun guy, as a lifeless, motionless, cold body is awful.
I hate that you've been taken by this force that leaves us helpless.

I'm glad I told you while you were alive that I admired how you played with heart, how you loved impossible games, how you were no coward. You'd take on any match or challenge with not a word of complaint or fear. I'm glad I told you I cared, I'm glad I told you you brought me joy.

We were matched as allies one tournament, and clicked and became good W2 friends and continued to be allies in tournaments before the server split. We played other games too like chess and your favorite scrabble-like word game and others.

Your playful, competitive, laid-back nature was devoid of malice.

Matty told me his other closest W2 friends were PBRMEASAP, ^Adam^ (also gone), and iLxSnappy.

I started reading through our Discord chat history and it feels unreal that the amazing person who had so much life and beauty is just gone for good.

If not for W2, this game we both loved, we never would have become friends or talked.

You were one of my all time favorites.

Of course I cry for you, sweet and beautiful Matty, never mean spirited towards anyone. I saw you stand up for me when others were to me.

You leave behind a hole. The world of W2 will never be the same without you, Matty. I'll remember you with warmth and fondness as long as I'm around. You will be dearly missed.

Flame Wars & Offtopic / x
« on: May 17, 2020, 05:02:01 PM »

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