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Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on Today at 10:19:42 PM »
There may be a way to edit game files and change this but I don't know how to. So that leads me to the final option:

Decrease hp, armor, damage values of everything until they are something like 35% of what they are now. Numbers would be somewhat similar. Cons: upgrades would be more powerful so they would cost more. Pros: spells would get interesting. Whirlwind would really do damage, flame shield too, and do you know what spell would actually be very good? HEALING. 150 mana would cure more than half a paladin.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on Today at 05:54:08 PM »
thanks for the info, and for killing the project.
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by Mistral on Today at 04:11:23 PM »
unit walls hp do NOT affect tileset walls hp AT ALL
tileset walls always have 40 hp
and unit walls always will be changed into tilesets after completion, you cannot change it
so unit wall hp only in effect while wall is in build progres, which is very fast and if you say you make it even faster then walls hp itself is not affect almost anything

on the other hand tileset walls have very big resist, they are hardcoded to receive only 25% damage from any source even from mages and spells who have only piercing attack they still get 1/4 of dmg
BUT they always will get AT LEAST 1 hp, there is even some fun bug exists, if you set some unit stats for 0-0 attack, so he basically cannot do any damage to anything at all, this units will STILL be able to break walls very slowly though, with 1 hp per hit
Strategy & Replays / Re: Balance
« Last post by pianolarva on Today at 12:25:04 PM »
Alright, I'm going to balance this game. What I'll do is upload a modified GOWClassic pud so that anyone interested can download it and play it with the "use map settings" option.

Main changes:

- Walling will be done with actual walls. Walls will have reduced building time, higher cost, higher hp. Buildings may have lower hp.

- Modifications to make every unit/spell/upgrade useful.

Detailed info (I will be updating this):

- Archers: increased dmg.
- Gryphons/Dragons: reduced building time. increased damage.
- Towers: increased hp maybe.
- Bloodlust: increased cost.
- Blizzard/Decay: increased cost.

I better see you and ST there lol
Ok all tournament has been pushed back to 06/15 same time 3pm EST.
7 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by ~ToRa~ on Today at 09:34:29 AM »
Your are the greatest Mistral!!!!!
Love you man
8 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by Mistral on Today at 08:29:39 AM »
ok i maked
should work now
its already updated on server
9 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by Mistral on Today at 08:08:01 AM »
ok while writing previous post i thinked about some countermeasure
i can try make plugin that writes in chat if host saved game or something
and then add it to server in new update
what do you think about it?
10 / Re: Cheats
« Last post by Mistral on Today at 08:05:59 AM »
yea ofc i know, i sended it to Ragner in 2019 lul
its prog SaveView from 1999 maked by DjinnKahn, i found it long ago in occult forum
anyone could have download this prog here long ago, probably most of old players have it anyways
its actually nothing much its just open *.mlt file of saved game and gets many info from here and shows it
ironically it was used to cheat when DjinnKahn actually created this prog to catch cheaters, there was very old cheats in 1998-1999 etc, they not works now but in old days it was possible to somehow hack resources and make more units or upgrades than you can afford, so he maked that prog to check if some player have more stuff he can acutally pay. Dunno why he also added picture of a map though.

And main point is that DjinnKahn probably not thinked that someone can use it to check any info on game while game itself still going, he thinked people use this prog after game ended.
Probably because this thing is just too noticiable and very easy to catch if you know what happening. If you see some unknown saved game in maps/save folder, you can know someone saved and may use this prog itself to know who was host. So if you see that someone saved game like 2 mins in and most important not said that he did it, well its very sus.
So if someone find some sus saved games in their folders now you can probably know why.

So yea if you ask how to defend from it? U cant, unless you forbid saving games entirely. Even if not using this prog, any hackerman can make his own other prog to read save file. BUT this stuff is VERY noticeable and have main condition for use: you MUST be host, only host can save game.
Also if players check their save folder regularly and find unknown files they immediately know smething is sus.

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