Author Topic: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!  (Read 55742 times)

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Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« on: December 14, 2021, 08:36:22 AM »
Hi guys ive been playing this mode for couples days nows, i really like it, ive talk with alot of peoples about it and in general it's pretty much 50-50.

Some peoples like it,
some peoples dont,
some peoples are not sure yet.

In general i think it's really important to keep working on this rebalance mode.

I think since we got the choice to choose between a classic game and a rebalance game it bring us the right to have no limit about this mode. I also think its by keeping to work on this mode we will bring more peoples because they will realize how this mode can be great!!!

Anyway, Old purist will always have the old version of war2 and peoples who like the evolution will have this mode.

From my part im playing both mode and i enjoy both of em.

So i think any kind of ideas for this mode should be regroup somwhere and thats why i start this thread.

I was talking with swift yesterday, and we were talking about how the mage and deathknight have irrelevant spells.

Some cost way too much mana, some have no duration at all, some barely do damage.

Let's take by exemple skeletoons... Thats would be cool if they were a little bit stronger, if they will cost less mana or at least raising more skelletoons, this spell could be really fun and maybe usefull in some situation.

It's just an exemple, but we think in general, it would be really cool to rework some of those spells!

I would also add back the chop bars... I think this feature is really good and will help alot of new players to improve faster.

Whatever it was only some ideas like this, hope it open some doors.

Thanks for the time, dont forgot to give ur ideas too, thanks!
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 08:40:04 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2021, 09:03:45 AM »
well chopbars plugin still exist so anyone can actually just dl and use...

about spells what can be done
1) can change cost of any spell
2) can change duration of all buffs (exept fireshield)
3) can change fireball dmg

cannot do now but can find probably
4) can try to find how change runes dmg if need
5) can try to find how change tornado dmg if need
6) any other ideas?

all this need many thinking though
like how much mana u think make skeletons? 25 instead of 50?
maybe make this spell just spawn skeleton wihout dead body?
wat else?

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2021, 09:44:01 AM »
I think adding triggers as a game mode would be great. 

Also, just keep in mind if you make skeletons useful we can’t use it as a tool for embarrassment anymore.  That would take away from the spirit of the game. 

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2021, 09:58:18 AM »
we'll always have whirlwind

Offline Oragorn

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2021, 10:46:47 AM »
In my opinion, a very good topic for a more lively discussion of war2rebalanced! Thank you, Eq.

With your permission, I am using this theme as some kind of "testing ground" for ideas. They can be easily discussed and all potential pros and cons can be identified ...

First, I would like to say that work on the war2rebalanced must be meticulous and accurate, and therefore, we will not rush to anything.

Means: for now we will postpone corrections / improvements to spells in war2.

Right now we have the opportunity to "improve" archers / trolls!
Everyone knows that these are very stupid and ineffective units. We can shorten the silly delay before attacking and these units will finally start shooting normally! This will not make them too strong, but it will allow them to live a little longer, and do a little more damage.

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2021, 11:04:05 AM »
Only the long thinking of the archers before the attack has undergone changes. Does it look good already?
With the usual upgrades, such archers already look formidable.

What happens if you tweak the stats a little? :)
We look:

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2021, 02:19:59 PM »
cool!  a little hard to tell how effective they are because of the semi-choke/poor micro ... The speed up is great but maybe they're actually shooting TOO fast? 

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2021, 07:00:21 PM »
I'm not sure if I should post it here but I was thinking if we could have a setting on the client to make it automatically save game replays after each match? I think it's useful to look at games to learn what you could've done differently, and it would make it much easier if the game did that automatically

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2021, 07:54:51 PM »
I'm not sure if I should post it here but I was thinking if we could have a setting on the client to make it automatically save game replays after each match? I think it's useful to look at games to learn what you could've done differently, and it would make it much easier if the game did that automatically

It already exist but most peoples dont know it.

If you want to automaticly records all ur game, then follow these steps.

1: Open ur War2Folder
2: Find the folder War2Launcher2 and open it
3: The first time you will open it it will open ur C Drive, you must find a folder where you want to save all those replays, for my own part i just create a new folder and name it War2Replays. Then select this folder, now all ur replays gonna be save in the folder you have choose.
4: Everytime you want to save ur replays you must open the game by War2Launcher2!
5: Enjoy.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2021, 08:18:26 PM »
Only the long thinking of the archers before the attack has undergone changes. Does it look good already?
With the usual upgrades, such archers already look formidable.

What happens if you tweak the stats a little? :)
We look:

Here my ideas for the archers troll.

1- We must consider archers and troll are not melle fighters, so they ARE not suppose to be hard to kill.
2- On the other side, they dont wear full mail plate like Grunts or Footmans, so they should be faster when they move ( i would give them speed around the Knights and ogers speeds, maybe a little less!
3- I think damage are ok for LVL 1! But should be better if you updrade them in the lumber mill.
4- The only things i would change at level 1 is ther movement speed, so grunts or footmans cant catch them with a good uc, but ogers and knights will be to able to catch them. Wich bring archers and troll in a micro environement for the early game but bring them more normal in the mid late game against knights and ogers.
5- If you uprade them in the lumber mill, then maybe that speed attack can increase like in the video.
6- What would be great is to have a fire resistance on them, because the main purpose of archers or troll are really to counter dragons and gryphons, but they are weak as hell, if you get dragoonned you must at least create 3 archers to kill one dragon, wich bring the player to stop is ogers productions and can be really devastator in team games, cuz now you must counter those dragons by making tons of archers while the other guys keep sending mass ogers to you... So if they have a fire resistance spell against dragon you can made less archers and keep making some ogers against the other players.

The goal of the archer trolls are really to bring them into a micro unit, like paintball style! Especially for early game, they dont do alot of damage, but they are hard to catch untill ogers and knight get in the game and now make them irrelevant.

Wich bring them into dragon gryphons counter only in mid late game.
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2021, 08:44:14 PM »
well chopbars plugin still exist so anyone can actually just dl and use...

about spells what can be done
1) can change cost of any spell
2) can change duration of all buffs (exept fireshield)
3) can change fireball dmg

cannot do now but can find probably
4) can try to find how change runes dmg if need
5) can try to find how change tornado dmg if need
6) any other ideas?

all this need many thinking though
like how much mana u think make skeletons? 25 instead of 50?
maybe make this spell just spawn skeleton wihout dead body?
wat else?

Well brotha, the goal is to add those feature in the game itself, most pro dosent need the chop bars cuz they remember the order they send peons into the wood , but for new players it will be usefull to them cuz everything goes so fast for them and they dont remember anything. Now, there no new players who will find that plug in and install it himself.. This is also bad, we dont want a free world where you can download ur own software, everyone must be in the same page.. So if you add something in the game, you must add it for everyone at the same time without asking them to download the things and install it himself. You do something or you dont do it, thats what i think. Whatever. thats would be stupid to not add it in the rebalanced mode, cuz it's really great feature, it look good, it bring fresh air and it will help new peoples to understand there priority in the wood. Also, people who dont like that feature dosent need to press alt, they are just scare from my pov, they think peoples will beat them with the chop bar. Thats all..

Whatever the choice belong to you.


Let's talk about fire ball, fireball is really bad spell only because death coil is way much better. Death coil can attack multiple target and it never miss.

So i think to balance fireball you must at least give them a huge amount of dmg. Like REALLY HIGH DMG! Get out the way if you see a mage because if he hit you he could wreck you 90% life on every ogers he touch with one fire ball, something like that. You also can put the mana cost higher, so you can make sure peoples dont abbuse of this spell... A spell that you can only use in extreme mesure for good value, untill you wanna lose all your mana for none valuable reason.

Rune damage are good, the probleme with rune is the cost of the mana, if you do a rune you barealy cant lust anymore, i think i would keep the same damage or even make damage weaker, but i would really love rune to cost less mana.

Tornado seem good in every aspect, dont cost so much mana, dmg are okay.

Skeletoons would need a reduction of mana at 25, maybe give them a little bit better defense and a higher range casting for the dk.

The range to cast the skeletoons is too short, you almost need to go into the middle of the fights to raise them, you want ur dk in security in a longe distance when you use this spell.

Swift was also talking about the polymorph, i think he said that would be good if polymorph coss less mana.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2021, 02:34:51 AM by Nox »
Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2021, 11:07:30 PM »
I thin you guys should change the concept from rebalanced mode to pro Warcraft 2 mode, rather than change what works and what good but enchance on the already solid concepts that made it good. Rather then Nerf, make everything good b what was alrdy good even better as long as you follow the idea of making it skill base use, so the better the player the stronger proteinal to inflict damage. Remove all luck based

Make whirlwind wind move srrsight away from dk n straight back, a more predictable paton
Make Ally's peon become yours (carrying gold) by ur Ally sending it into ur hall so allies can restart teammates wifel Hall but no gold or peon
Make ogres 1 speed slower but enable haste to work on them to b faster than knight while hasted
Remove skeletons attack but give them huge hit points
Make unholy amour last 3-5 seconds longer but puts unit in 1 hp
Make haste 40 Mana
Give archers/axers like a catapult attack that can be dodged more damage but no wea near as slow as cat or damage
Make exiosism take away Mana from ogres but not dispell Cept for dispell unhour amour
Transports to hold 9 units.. ships can sail on land that can't b built on but way more slowly mud ice etc
Make when eye of kilkrog explodes does tiny bit of damage like 5 hp for skilled Snipes, also eye of kilkrog can freezE unit under it

Make community tested gow 3.0 so not quite te but more like community input version  that's const antly updated, I'm mayor/annoying imbalances removed but every area optimized for more hops chop ins, ,chokes ,unit movement flow clean up trees not at starting point, making more ways to attack but can b defended fairly etc

Flying machine zeblin, can pick up one unit but drops it 2 seconds later to counter and do etc or doing so makes zeblin die
Make it so if ur peon/unit.view it can play a sound ur eneemy can hear like Zug Zug, with spam limit of course

Doing the trick when u have one unit in middle surrounded by 3 that follow each other around in circles, 4 zeblines etc make whirlwind spawn there constantly high winds

Make ruins can only b seen when cast by anyone, no flashing,last 2 times as long but zeblins/flying machines can spot it

Will update more ideas
« Last Edit: December 14, 2021, 11:17:52 PM by WillTheRealKoorbStandUp »

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2021, 04:19:53 AM »
One this I would like to see is Runes mana reduced to 50MP. (200mp for runes seems excessive to me)
And maybe reduce the MP spell costs for mages and dk’s as was mentioned.
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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2021, 08:37:18 AM »
One this I would like to see is Runes mana reduced to 50MP. (200mp for runes seems excessive to me)
And maybe reduce the MP spell costs for mages and dk’s as was mentioned.

1000% not, runes mana is perfect. 

in fact, reduce humans' "slow" mana to 25 to combat lust would be the play. where's BobboFU to crunch the numbers?

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Re: Give ur Ideas for future features in rebalance mode!
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2021, 09:09:07 AM »
One this I would like to see is Runes mana reduced to 50MP. (200mp for runes seems excessive to me)
And maybe reduce the MP spell costs for mages and dk’s as was mentioned.

1000% not, runes mana is perfect. 

in fact, reduce humans' "slow" mana to 25 to combat lust would be the play. where's BobboFU to crunch the numbers?

50 is too less but 200 is too much, the goal is to still have some lust after a rune.

And considering your ogers goes into fight before he reach 250 mana. They mostly and normaly stand around 200 mana.

150 seem perfect.

Mr.120apm aka U8! Best player of the world losing 4v3 against Phillip5256.