You see, i just found another hacker, just like that, Smeagol, this guy is use to harasse me in private since the 2 last years calling me bitch and others names all the times for absolutly no reason, i dont even pay attention to this guy, he is also probably birdbrain, the one who harasse me and ruin my games for the entire last year. Its actually because of him if i dont let smurf, newbs and trolls join my games anymore, because he made millions of different smurfs and ruin our games everytimes, so now i dont know wich smurf or newbs are legit and i just ban everyone cuz im tire of this shit.
He probably wanted to make me cry on forum, but he dint expect to be caught.
Shotgun and i was in a game, then another shotgun join the game, we where both surprise cuz we dont see anymore spoof since long time ago, then i took ss of it super quick, he was probably thinking i will ban him, cuz im use to ban peoples lately, but i knew if i ban him i will not know who he is, instead i just left the game so i could see who was the person using the hacks, because when you spoof, you spoof the game, but when you goes back to the channel, you goes back to ur real name, so when i left who goes back to the channel? Me, Shotgun, Cancel, Smeagol.
I know its not cancel because before we left the game cancel join us, So it mean it cant be, me, shotgun or cancel, only one left was smeagol.
Then he left super quick the channel probably hoping we will not see him in time, but the worst was done, my notification are always open, wich mean if you left quick, it will notice when you will left!

Thank you smeagol, you just proof this game is still full of hackers and trolls.