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Messages - Oragorn

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1 / Re: u8 youtube?
« on: December 24, 2024, 05:01:57 AM »
Write a script to remove the link from 1000 videos and "pls unban me"?
We must try. Perhaps write and sign a petition.
At the same time, we will check how the famous Western democracy works.

2 / Re: Master tag challenge thread
« on: December 24, 2024, 02:47:08 AM »
Ill agree to play you if you agree not to pause during any games. If you pause during the course of any game you automatically lose.
++++++++++++++ :)

3 / Re: Warcraft II - 29 years! War2Combat 5.0 released!
« on: December 24, 2024, 02:43:08 AM »

Here's a clip of what I was talking about
This is a classic. This bug is a thousand years old. The peon still wants to beat up his offender. As far as I remember, this happens because after receiving a blow - the peon wanted to fight back, but he was urgently given another order. In his memory, he still "wants" to fight back, and therefore returns to this again and again.
It is solved by the "stop" and "hold the line" button.

4 / Re: u8 youtube?
« on: December 24, 2024, 02:36:46 AM »
Is it really impossible to somehow fight for the channel? There is so much material there, daily play for so many years!

We are unlucky with Warcraft 2 YouTube channels:
FL - deleted his old channel.
Burnt went crazy and deleted his too.
U8 is now being squeezed by the incompetent YouTube administration.

I think we need to fight here. And when talking to the administration, we should focus on incompetence, because in fact, nothing serious has been violated. Moreover, these are not million-viewer channels, there is no income here, no fucking politics, no trash content. The channel is not guilty at all. Just like thousands of people. Just like U8.

5 / Re: The Mist Turns Red. Prequel. Act 1. Released!
« on: December 24, 2024, 02:09:43 AM »
 :peon: Additional Campaign Installer

✅It's done! The campaign "The Fog Turns Red. Prequel. Act 1. The Seal Path" now has its own installer!

Playable race - dwarves. Many modern mechanics. A new stage of technological development in Warcraft 2. Autosave added. Bugs fixed. Two game difficulties. The game is available in "HD" mode.  :wc2:

6 / Re: For those who are trying to become better
« on: December 12, 2024, 04:34:56 AM »
go 1s Oragorn
To start playing matches with you, I first need to defeat Armilitar :)

7 / For those who are trying to become better
« on: December 12, 2024, 03:14:30 AM »
Continuing the topic:
Unfortunately, I was not allowed to speak and the topic was closed. But I will still answer here. :salty:

“i want you to tell me if you know what it is, and cearly you dont know, because you tell me to ask iL”

- I know what it is because I partly work with it myself, our mods and campaigns are proof of that. I "like" this trait of people - to lie when they don't know something.

“dont make me believe there mystake with something so easy to create as a library for an anti hack.”

- Antihack can work differently on different operating systems. For example, when developing our campaigns, we always take into account (and test the game) different hardware of players. As well as when developing War2Combat! Also, this is the last time I tell you about this.

“You want to have secrets, i can deal with it, but i cant deal with the fact that i have spent 20 years of my life on this server and finally knowing that some peoples can edit the mpq, data file, sources code whatever you want to call it.”

- MPQ-files are not source code.
MPQ-files are, so to speak, "ready-made" files for playing classic Warcraft 2.
Source code is the code with which ready-made files for Warcraft 2 are created, and which are added to the MPQ-archive.

“You try to tell me the mpq is not relate to any important files of the game, but to modify the game, you must reverse engineering something and extract his source code, this game have been code somewhere, you just cant do magic and telling me your creating updates from no where, this is not how it work.”

- There is no source code, I'll say it for the last time, but we can find and extract some dependencies from it, and change them as we need. That's how the plugins were born, which Mistral already mentioned here. And this hasn't been news for several years. Thanks to these capabilities, we were able to create different game modes, still testing, as well as breakthrough campaigns. You don't need to know this, because you are not involved in this.

“And maybe a one third of your russian community was in that clan, i will not even be surprise, probably you have been in that clan if your here since long time ago, but you will clearly not say it, if its the case...”

- A third of the players are Russian-speaking community?? "A strong statement - I will not check it, of course." (c)
I came to the server in 2013. And I was not a member of any world clan, although there were invitations. At that time, it was more interesting for us to create a clan of Russian-speaking players, although in the end it did not work out.

“Do i regret what i said in this kind of form, yes i do, because i was so mad that i was just trying to say whatever i can to get what i want, and what that server truly deserve, a good environement  to play where hacking is not a question and we can feel safe and have confidence between each other..”

- The only thing that matters is that we are trying to make this server better. We are doing this to the best of our ability.

“ive never said these words because i hate russian peoples, if i said those things its only because i cant find any other way to bring what we need on that server.”

- Sometimes it is very useful to "filter" your speech and not to say outright stupidity. Perhaps then the attitude towards you will be different.
If you do not know how to convey information to people other than insults - perhaps you should read books on how to do it.

8 )
“To be honnest the russian speaking was a probleme years ago, i think in general its way much better now, but its true that in the past, it was a big issue because the entire channel could be full of russian speaking and it was a bit herritating for others…”

- It's "better" now because after the events of 2022, many people stopped playing. Of course, there are more Russian-speaking guys who know English better.

"I dont remember when, but some weeks ago, someone was saying that russians are all bad players, who did came to russian players defense? Me. Even danydll ask me if i taught russians player was good, and i tell him russians have get way much better in the last years, and they are definitly not bad at all, naming spb, ragner, armilitar, extasey, vity, hurt etc."

- Amazing. Just "amazing". Who are you to judge someone, who has become better and who has become worse? The last thing we need is an assessment from you. In my opinion, and I have been watching our community for a very long time - it has not changed conceptually in any way, and on the contrary, it has managed to preserve all the positive qualities that it has always had. If you do not know this - that is your problem. But stop talking about something you have no idea about.

P.s. By "our community" I mean its Russian-speaking part (which was discussed in that thread).

8 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 11, 2024, 08:09:36 AM »
Man there is a lot of stories in this server I gotta find and make a YT video about the history of this server its quite intriguing.
It is VERY desirable to understand the topics before this. Just so you don't accidentally lie. And the history of both the server and the community is really very complex.

9 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 11, 2024, 06:53:07 AM »
Now it depends where hotkeys are in warcraft 2 are they accessible to the general public? How accessible it is? At this point if everybody can edit hotkeys is it hacking anymore?  I don't think so
A program for editing hotkeys in the game has been available for a long time now. It was made by a lesnik.
Here is the link:

speak language what you want, but west people will not understand russian language, special when we see random symbols, so if you got 8 players in game and everyone is from diffrent country, people will use english, noone expect perfect english, just basic
If we speak Russian in the presence of an English speaker, it means we are communicating about something of our own, and among ourselves. Do you get irritated by incomprehensible symbols? Well, I get irritated, for example, by the Latin alphabet. But I'm not crying about it.

Only you probably read his post
:D :D :D Sometimes I can be overly patient :)

I dont think so bro, as someone who has wait for anti hack for years, i was always watching it, and i have never see any false report the time it was there, because actually, everyone who was using anti hack had the anti hack tag, the peoples who could use hacks, where basicly using the old client and was flag as NONE, and the peoples who was caught with unknow report value was flag was unknow, tell me now, what is an unknow report value?!
I don't know what you think or don't think. I know first-hand - from Il himself. That the antihack is still not perfect and errors can happen with it, Il told me about it. I also know that Il is trying to finish it.
What is an unknown report - ask Il better. Just ask politely and without attacking, otherwise he won't even read you.

So how did you guys made the 2 ogers mode? How did you guys made the rebalance mode? If you guys did these change, you guys clearly have the source code or a way to play with it.
MPQ file may not be directly the source code it self, but its still important data that should not be edited by peoples without autorization, people who work for the server themself.
Now this, comrade Equinox, is a closely guarded secret. Only our most senior developers know this. And I won't answer you about it, because I don't have permission to do so. Frankly, I don't really want to tell you about it. Because it's your style to invent such fairy tales that it would be better to keep it a secret than for us to tell you how our mods work.
But I can assure you: MPQ-files are not used. And also that there is no source code.

I dont say russian cant speak russian at all, but its true that russian or polaks have tendancy to do it pretty often at a point where i think peoples can start to feel exclude. Does you have to stop speaking russian because i feel exclude, not at all, you can keep doing it as much as you want, but dont be surprise if peoples can feel that way. And you are right, its not only russian who does it, polaks do this alot too.
We understand the problem. But there's nothing we can do about it. Our people won't learn to speak English better. And I won't make any effort to learn to speak English better. I've voiced the reasons, and I have enough problems in life without English :) At the most basic level, I'll write something on occasion, of course, but nothing more.

We've always been more closed in general. I think that this is in some way a legacy of the "Iron Curtain". It's pretty hard to do anything about it.

War2RU, and yes, right now i say War2RU, because it almost always has been War2RU for 20 years, war2ru and the russian and whoever has take cares of warcraft II will always be in my heart, and i will always appreciate it even in our total desagreement.
It's good to hear, but you won't lull my vigilance :)

And now before we end this, have you ever think that maybe its the server that dont appreciatie my value!
Maybe it's because you write some nonsense quite often? It's good that you're creating activity on the forum. But sometimes, you write really bad things about our server and the admins. And you also said that you respect Russian, that our server is Ru...
I talked to you about this about 4 years ago, during a big argument with Cel. You called us then, I quote: "the server and forum were captured by Russian communist criminal cybercriminals." Does this speak of your loyalty to the server? Does this speak of your commitment to our community? Does this speak of your respect for us, not just as Russians, but also as admins? Although I was more offended by your disrespect for Il and Edo, whom I know personally.

It was after these words of yours that my patience ran out and I simply recognized you as inadequate. Have you changed? Big question.

10 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 11, 2024, 04:51:13 AM »
I meant the russian gamers.
Then it would be more correct to say (and we use this term) "Russian-speaking players". For example, Ragner is from Ukraine, but speaks Russian perfectly (which is not surprising, since it is a former part of the USSR).

here the proof again.
Stop posting this photo, it doesn't prove anything. Antihack is not perfect and it has errors. Player U8 was tested for cheats at one time. The results showed that U8 did not use cheats.

You have edited and modify code source and data files of this game for your personal purpose
The source code of the game does not exist. Only Blizzard has it. Stop talking complete nonsense. MPQ-files are not source code.

So this is what you think about me? You think im racist and i hate russian? Because i already said these kind of stuff too.. I also think that russian on this server have tendancy to be close inside their own circle, you said its because they dont speak english, but its not true at all, some of them talk pretty good english or maybe bad, but they still can speak it, but sometime, they just start to speak russian like no else in the game or the channel was there.. I also dont understand why this server has been call War2 *RU* like if war2 belong to russian... You know why i have never join war2 USA, because i dont think it belong to american either and i dint want to particpate in a server where it look like its russia vs usa, i was here since the biginning, i stayed here period, not because it was russia or usa.. War2 belong to the world... War 2 belong to everyone... And naming this server war2ru just close door to every other nations of the world because they can taught its exclusive to russian peoples.. Do you really think i hate russia or russian peoples?? I actually love russia and russians peoples, and if im mad at russian on this server sometime, its exactly because i feel excluded.

I dont cares about this guy because he became out of no where and speak alot while no one know who he is, but i think hes actully right on something, and i dont say RUSSIA or russian peoples are like this, but clearly russian from this server have tendacy to make me feel excluded since alot of years.

The only russian with who i can have decent discussion sometime are Ragner, Extasey, ArMilitar and Hurt i would say, maybe spb, even if he dont speak at all, but in general the others, they dont speak to me at all if its not to insult me.

And before im done, i want to add something, it's not because i dont agree with the name of this server and i think some russians live in their own circle, that i am not gratefull, if it was not of the russians, there will probably be no war2 community at all anymore, i will always appreciate what the russians did for warcraft II, we may desagree on alot of things, but not on this one, i will never desagree, take my words as the honnest person i am and always have been.
Thank God there are no problems with racism in Russia. That's why it's quite unusual for me to see that almost the biggest accusation against a person is that he is a racist.

Of course, we have those who know English well. And many players play with the rest of the world quite normally. I myself, not knowing English well, used to play quite a lot among English speakers.

And why don't people have the right to speak their own language on the server? I've seen U8 communicate in Polish many times, like the Spanish in Spanish. I once communicated with Cel in French... Why do you think that everyone on the server HAS to write in English? I don't think so. This is a world server. You can even write in Japanese.

The server was renamed to a few years ago. Your claims are groundless. The old name is still preserved. But I'm sorry - it happened historically. I'm not complaining to you that English has become the world language, am I? And don't complain that you play on a RU server. I think there's no point in discussing these things at all.

The name doesn't affect "open or closed doors" for other countries.

You can always register in our social networks and communicate with us if you need to. As some English speakers have already done.
It's not very noticeable that you value this server and community.

11 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 10, 2024, 03:48:42 PM »
Ok I think you are misunderstanding something I said "not all russians are like this" and yes of course I will make conclusions based on my experiences thats what we humans usually do.
Ok, one more example.
For example, I will say something stupid, that "Indians eat other people because of the lack of food in India." But I will also add the phrase: "but not all Indians are like that."
What happens? That the "general coloring", the characteristic of the people becomes such that they are almost all cannibals. Thus, by spreading this phrase, I will be telling the world exactly that they are cannibals. Will this be considered fair to them?

You see, when you say that "not all of them are like that" - you automatically imply that most of them are like that. Do you finally understand?

I think I came off a bit as a racist towards russians?
You can't be racist towards Russians, because "Russians" are not a race, but you could say they are a nation (although this would not be entirely correct in translation).

12 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 10, 2024, 03:02:06 PM »
In my personal opinion, the community of the game "dota" is itself quite disgusting and toxic. In my opinion, it is a gathering of inadequates. Not to mention that I really don't like the game itself.

Therefore, I consider your conversation about dota irrelevant. "You can rarely find gold in shit" (с)

13 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 10, 2024, 02:55:32 PM »
However judging from my experience and my friends experience russians tend to be closed off to non-russians which can come off a bit toxic at times.
Usually it's because many Russians don't know English, which is considered the world language. So it's much harder to build communication with people from other countries. And this is in no way a sign of "toxicity". Imagine if the world language was... say, Chinese. I suppose many English-speaking guys would also find it much harder to communicate with the world that "all speaks Chinese". I can also assume that in this case they would unite around the same English-speaking groups. And that's normal.

I meant "worldwide" is a decent chunk of gamers have past experiences with russian players and its not positive.
I know generalizing is a sign of ignorance but you can't help it sometimes because it can be an agitating or frustrating experience.
You do understand that this game can be played by two people, right?..

For example, the English are "considered" to be rather prim and arrogant people. However, I have met Choppy in games. This old guy has always been kind to other players, was always positive and I have never seen him arrogant. I have never seen him put himself above anyone else.

The Spanish are considered to be very religious people. But I know several atheists.
The French are very loving, they love wine.
The Germans are precise, calculating and have a military bearing, they love beer.
The Russians are lazy and love vodka. I may be lazy, but I am an absolute teetotaler.
The Jews love money...

You can approach it from another angle:
Well, in some circles, Americans are considered stupid people. But is that true? I don't think so. There is plenty of evidence to the contrary, at least that they are still the leading power in the world. The stupid wouldn't be able to do that.

China was recently considered a country that sells outright low-quality crap. And now, literally before our eyes, Chinese technology is literally soaring in quality, ahead of some traditionally technological countries.

. . .

You project your personal experience and raise it to an almost absolute value. Thus, you are terribly slandering. And if Equinox, at least, accuses specific people - then you are starting to accuse (based on your personal experience) an entire nation! In my opinion, this is much worse and this is what constitutes toxicity. I will give a very crude example: Equinox kills several specific people, and you kill an entire nation. Think about it.

14 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 10, 2024, 01:53:52 PM »
oh and yeah its proven worldwide russians aren't very welcoming to new players
Who proved it? Who proved it "all over the world"? Was there some certified research on this topic? Which was then recognized all over the world? What are you talking about?

Please, don't be like Equinox and other guys who try to slander someone without any evidence.

15 / Re: Beating KnitterHemd in 2020
« on: December 10, 2024, 09:46:40 AM »
and listen to shotgun why would you name yourself shotgun tho? Don't you fear being taken away by government for being a illegal weapon?
Because of such nonsense you start to spew some kind of heresy :) And you also say something about "Russians", like, they are toxic. Funny, funny.

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