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Messages - mousEtopher

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 144
16 / Re: tk streaming with vid commentary!
« on: August 13, 2019, 11:48:10 AM »
nice mini-poster :D if you're ever feeling ambitious you could use something like to print out a bigger one, maybe something like this

could be awesome :ok_hand:

great that you've been streaming so much! i haven't had a chance to watch but will try to catch some future broadcasts. Shotgun you should spend less time talking shit & more time streaming, your channel is looking a little sparse  :thinking:

17 / Re: Here my list of the best active players of 2019.
« on: August 13, 2019, 11:24:56 AM »
My list have been update:

- Smurfs have been remove.


- New players to get into the list.

BHC-Jesk A
BHC-Master A-

- Players who grind in new grade.

Swift A to A+
Yamon B+ to A-
Xurnt B to B+

- Top ten has been fix.

Here my list of the best active players of 2019.

A+: 00Steve, Shotgun, Swift
A: Alf-Attack, BHC-Jesk, Braviet, Equinox, Fighter002, KnitterHemd, Mystical, Ripe, SPB, Startale, u8t3io3p, Wargasm, Yo0
A-: Angel~Fire, Atlas, BHC-Master, HarryWangs, Jordan, Maciek, Poiuyt, Slacher, SilentFart, Tk, Ragner, Yamon, Youngsta
B+: Cancel, Earth, Ilyich, Lance, Max.Overkill, PaperBoy, [RH]ino, Strata, Sword, Talrand, Tora, Van, Xurnt, Zeke
B: ArmyRU, Exitt, Iamrusty, Impulse, JamesMcgill, Knight, P!nk, Sh4de, Shwebs, TheBoy, Tolean, Vity
B-: Banx, BHC-Butcher, Choppy, JcNoob4Eva, Kangar00, Loser, Ryan85, Touchable, Vietpro

C- Lampchops, Ring62

Top 10

1: Shotgun
2: 00Steve
3: Swift
4: Wargasm
5: Braviet
6: u8t3io3p
7: yo0
8: Alf-Attack
9: Mystical
10: Knitterhemd

I dont say this list is 100% perfect, but i judge by who was active, who i seen play, who i play with, and i really think its representative of what i seen.

Tell me if your down or not with my list and dont forget to show me yours!  :newthumbsup:
nice, i appreciate that you took the time to put this list together! it's cool to see who's been active & always interesting to get people's perspective on skill ratings. can you break down what you look for in each skill level? like what qualities/indicators in someone's playing you look for to decide what ranking they will get

18 / Re: any takers for 1v1 arena?
« on: August 12, 2019, 12:12:38 PM »
I'm not very active atm but if I see him next time I'm on I'll play.
okay cool! he's on a lot in the mornings est. try to record/stream if you can :D

19 / Re: any takers for 1v1 arena?
« on: August 12, 2019, 11:58:25 AM »
correction, he's an old "fastest" speed pro:

all Masa account stats are from F games:

so any takers? :D

20 / Re: any takers for 1v1 arena?
« on: August 12, 2019, 11:52:58 AM »
allegedly most people don't survive strata's rush:

21 / Re: any takers for 1v1 arena?
« on: August 12, 2019, 11:44:16 AM »
no strata is strata

Strata very new at arena.
that's what i thought but he says he's an old customs pro

hi frontliner, we just had a nice match on this new pud! i wanted to point out that the island in the top right is only 15k gold mine, is that intended? it's the only one on the map so i thought it might be a bug

23 / Re: this is the NE Champion THREAD
« on: August 12, 2019, 07:31:50 AM »
here is the sweet belt icon for reference:

24 / Re: THE CONE TOURNY!!! THIS SUNDAY (time change)
« on: August 12, 2019, 07:25:59 AM »
Can i ask why your an admin when you dont even know the basic history of wc2?
hahaha, new adminship requirements ! mandatory 30q quiz on war2 history !

25 / Re: Winchester's mother is fully pro
« on: August 12, 2019, 07:23:23 AM »
winchester's mom sounds cool af, too bad my mom didn't play war2 :o maybe i would've started ef sooner if i'd had some positive role models

26 / any takers for 1v1 arena?
« on: August 12, 2019, 07:18:18 AM »
strata says he's unbeatable at 3v3arena.pud, any strong F players want to vs him in a series? (you should record/stream if you do) his only stipulation is that both players wait for after draw to leave if the game is over fast

i keep forgetting this was posted in the Mods section, that's probably why no one has really acknowledged it yet. so in case this is still news to anybody:


Please discuss.

This topic has been moved to for more exposure! (Can move it back after it's had a chance to be properly discussed, if desired.)

29 / Re: Winchester is Dellam
« on: August 10, 2019, 10:16:50 AM »
what if i just label it as [retracted] ?

Either way, it should not be in the forum as its proven Lambchops was lying about everything and therefore is fake news for the server.
that's true that we don't want to spread fake news to the server -- once it's labeled as retracted the thread title will be updated on the server so everyone there can see that the accusation is false. (if i move it directly to general or flame section now then that won't happen.) also it's a popular thread & has stimulated lots of activity & community togetherness so I think it's a good idea to let it run its course for that reason too. so i will label it now & then will move it later if that is your preference. is that ok?

Just rename it "Winchester is too stupid to be Dellam, but likes to pretend he is".

That being said, I am genuinely sorry if I have disappointed you with the standard of my posts.
haha it's okay ^-^ btw i hope i didn't come across as being antagonistic to you in either this thread or the one about the chop plugin. i still don't like the chop plugin & in my mind there are strong arguments against it, so i gave them since you were asking for them. i figured that would be enough to start a conversation on the topic & that the community would reach the right consensus after some discussion, whether or not my points were correct or wrong & dumb. & i didn't mean to overshadow the plugin system itself (or all the many other contributions you've made) which is of course really terrific! i didn't really understand why you were sarcastically restating my points in that other thread & was just funning w/ the salty emote - i can remove it if you don't like it. also if i don't remove it it should probably be slightly smaller.


lol ikr? He must be being deliberately obtuse. Nobody can be that brain-dead and still breathe unassisted.
note the "i" which makes this the plural form of "lummox". i believe this comment was directed towards you as well :D

You aussie noobs need to take this outside, to the garden
...OF WAR.PUD!!!!!

I demand an epic series.
good idea!! what better way to work out a friendly dispute than in epic war2 combat !! :wc2: :wc2: :wc2: oh but winchester needs to fix his war2 first


Winchester is Lambchops.
w-w-what !

30 / Re: to change your hotkeys
« on: August 10, 2019, 09:45:09 AM »
im kinda leaning towards #2 because a lot of them seem to do extremely poor in some situations that I would expect them to do better at if they legitimately improved skill. like neighbor wars.. seems the people in thinking about i can beat pretty easily in heavily micro situations but once it comes to macro they outplay me.
speaking for myself, i've improved a lot in general gameplay over the past 1-2 years but am still terrible in certain areas like nib wars, i lose to them almost every time because i've never really taken the time to watch/learn/practice them. so i think to be deficient in certain aspects of gameplay is definitely not a 100% indicator of hacks in all or even most situations (though it could be some of the time)

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