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Messages - mousEtopher

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 144
Support Requests / Re: [done] help w/ warvidcon
« on: August 10, 2019, 09:39:10 AM »
Not sure if you use warvideo version without blinking and proper .dll for it:,4923.0.html

I think the problem with splitting videos can appear after blinking have been fixed...

oh i missed that release, so no haven't used it. it looks great! the warvidcon I use is i think the same one on the downloads page, it does blink but for me the most important feature is the autosave after each game

Yes, that fixes the problem perfectly for those who is ready to rename system dlls.
Going to add simpler and not so invasive fix in next version. You will need nothing to change in your system to start war2 with no such problems...

the Warcraft II BNE.exe file from the plugin system does break insight though, it gives this error:

Yes, that is another known problem, insight doenst work properly with the plugin system, will be fixed in next version also...

nice, so sounds like everything is within your calculations :D thanks (you, fois, lamby & everyone else!) for all your hard work :hug:

Support Requests / Re: [done] help w/ warvidcon
« on: August 09, 2019, 09:42:16 PM »
warvid con is not working fine for me. It cuts video to some random parts.
I updating warvideo and paused work on console and tray versions, i plan to fix them later.

oh i didn't realize. i was using warvid console for months since it was released & it always seemed to work fine. now that it's working again the new videos it's recorded seem fine too, so i'm happy to continue using it

Upd: windows 7?
There's a problem with windows 7 appeared months ago: that broke insight, warvideo and probably other utils:
open the task manager and check the process list:
You can probably see 2 different processes with the same name: Warcraft II BNE.exe
Kill the process that requires less memory and then everything will work fine.

yeah it's win7 & i did notice the 2 processes, but i also had a problem with rundll32 maxing out the CPU every time i start war2combat and found out it's something to do with the "Game Explorer". i followed this guide to fix it

For ones that are looking the guide how to resolve, here it is:

1) If you're x64 OS, go to windows\syswow64\ and rename gameux.dll to something without .dll extension
2) If you're x86 OS, go to windows\system32\ and rename gameux.dll to something without .dll extension
In both cases you'll have to take ownership and add file permissions.

If you don't know how, here is a BAT file that will do it for you:

now war2 starts fine with no delay/crashing/high cpu and only one Warcraft II BNE.exe process :newthumbsup:

i don't think it was breaking warvid or insight though, but maybe it's because i'm not using latest war2combat? i think i have 4.01. i also have fois latest ddraw & lamby's plugin system. the Warcraft II BNE.exe file from the plugin system does break insight though, it gives this error:

without the plugin system insight seems to work normally.  :ok_hand: hope that's useful & thanks for following up

Support Requests / Re: [done] help w/ warvidcon
« on: August 09, 2019, 03:01:36 PM »
yay it's fixed now. i had some random arguments for war2ploader in the bat file & it was hanging up every time i tried to start war2, i removed them & now it starts normally and warvidcon works too. maybe something related to recent updates to combat/war2ploader? anyway i'm glad it's working, warvidconsole is great everyone should get it !!!!

Mods & Development / Re: Nerd's Corner
« on: August 09, 2019, 01:38:27 PM »
i finally got the plugin system installed & it's really nice!! it's working for the non-latest version of war2combat & the latest version of fois's ddraw with the moveable window, but i did notice 2 things:

- the map in game lobby disappears & reappears randomly, sometimes when alt-tabbing
- the new warcraft ii bne.exe kills insight? I get this popup when i click "record"

also jw is the CpuSaveC.w2p the same as the console cpu savior?

added a shortlink for this thread spread the word people!

wtf you started it haha

37 / Re: [Z] Challenge the Russians to war!
« on: August 09, 2019, 10:38:25 AM »
oh ok, so you Russians never gave your signatures then. nice misrepresenting !!

Salty emote added for lambchops ! :salty: :salty: :salty:

i can't believe everyone was talking about holepunching as a hosting fix for years and then fois actually did it & nobody has anything to say about it xD anyone been using it yet? i just got it installed but I don't think enough other people have it yet

WTF. This is clearly a hack that give some people an advantage, because if they can be the host then they can pick the teams. This is a real advantage, nobody can claim it isn't.

I demand that it be automatically updated from the official version. Putting the file in the WC2 folder it too technical. Maybe some noobs who don't understand pro strategies think this is ok, but IMO it is a hack and I would never use it.

fois is a hacker.

( this is sarcasm, just in case it doesn't translate ;) )

omg, lamby so salty

40 / Re: [Z] Challenge the Russians to war!
« on: August 09, 2019, 08:23:22 AM »
wow, clan [z] forfeits the war ??? congratulations Russians!

also check out dar's beautiful handwriting :D

i can't believe everyone was talking about holepunching as a hosting fix for years and then fois actually did it & nobody has anything to say about it xD anyone been using it yet? i just got it installed but I don't think enough other people have it yet

42 / Re: i apologize
« on: August 08, 2019, 09:49:25 PM »
its fine mousey i can take care of myself where the hell is disgruntled at prob on some yacht

big paws

43 / Re: My list maybe suck but...
« on: August 08, 2019, 09:16:58 PM »
ganz probably made a bot to auto-refresh the page or something

44 / Re: i apologize
« on: August 08, 2019, 09:16:14 PM »
can someone explain easycompany to me

45 / Re: THE CONE TOURNY!!! THIS SUNDAY (time change)
« on: August 08, 2019, 09:13:15 PM »
it is twin rivers BNE lol there allll BNE
oh ok thanks, i found them

also it seems like i'm able to play all right on this crappy connection after all, so count me in !!

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